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On 29/08/2023 at 10:08, polar duck said:

List of US Cabinet members from the 20th century:


Bill Clinton (1993–2001)

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VP: Al Gore (b. 1948)

Secretary of State: Warren Christopher (1925–2011; 85), Madeline Albright (1937–2022; 84)
Secretary of the Treasury: Lloyd Bentsen (1921–2006; 85), Robert Rubin (b. 1938), Lawrence Summers (b. 1954)
Secretary of Defense: Les Aspin (1938–1995; 56), William J. Perry (b. 1927), William Cohen (b. 1940)
Attorney General: Janet Reno (1938–2016; 78)
Secretary of the Interior: Bruce Babbitt (b. 1938)
Secretary of Agriculture: Mike Espy (b. 1953), Dan Glickman (b. 1944)

Secretary of Commerce: Ron Brown* (1941–1996; 54), Mickey Cantor (b. 1939), William M. Daley (b. 1948), Norman Mineta (1931–2022; 90)
Secretary of Labor: Robert Reich (b. 1946), Alexis Herman (b. 1947)

Secretary of Health and Human Services: Donna Shalala (b. 1941)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Henry Cisneros (b. 1947), Andrew Cuomo (b. 1957)
Secretary of Transportation: Federico Peña (b. 1947), Rodney Slater (b. 1955)

Secretary of Energy: Hazel O'Leary (b. 1937), Federico Peña (b. 1947), Bill Richardson (1947–2023; 75)

Secretary of Education: Richard Riley (b. 1933)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Jesse Brown (1944–2002; 58), Togo West (1942–2018; 75)


Updated for Bill Richardson

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On 25/03/2023 at 20:56, drol said:

Lula hospitalised with pneumonia.


I think it's the third time at least he gets hospitalised after regaining power. Also cancer survivor, worth his thread?

Lula hospitalised for hip surgery.

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1 hour ago, RadGuy said:

Bill Richardson dead aged 75.


Former Governor of New Mexico who also served as Secretary of Energy and UN ambassador under the Clinton administration. Unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.

He was on my very longlist for having prostate and throat cancer. 

First I thought that he's the 3rd Obama cabinet member to die, after Alan Krueger and Ash Carter. But no, he never was in the cabinet, he withdrew his nomination. 

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On 09/08/2023 at 10:31, drol said:

Khaleda Zia hospitalised yet again.

Khaleda Zia's condition deteriorated...


Good joke.

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On 04/09/2023 at 10:48, drol said:

Khaleda Zia's condition deteriorated...


Good joke.

Khaleda the Faker further deteriorates.


EDIT: it's the usual scam.

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Hiroyuki Hosoda, Japan's current Speaker of the House of Representatives and former Chief Cabinet Secretary, hospitalised after feeling unwell.


He seems Japan's own McConnell/Feinstein: In March he was said to "suffer from dementia-like symptoms time to time", in July he was hospitalised by ambulance due to heat stroke and last month he was absent from multiple events.

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5 hours ago, arghton said:

Hiroyuki Hosoda, Japan's current Speaker of the House of Representatives and former Chief Cabinet Secretary, hospitalised after feeling unwell.


He seems Japan's own McConnell/Feinstein: In March he was said to "suffer from dementia-like symptoms time to time", in July he was hospitalised by ambulance due to heat stroke and last month he was absent from multiple events.

He's only 79 too, which is interesting.

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On 22/07/2023 at 15:04, arghton said:

It's been four years and with Sfar the above list is now 16/27 dead, here's an updated one...



*Khaled Nazzar (1937) Chainsmoker member of the High Council of State and Major General. Suppressed the 1988 October riots.


Nezzar reportedly on his deathbed

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1 hour ago, polar duck said:


Nezzar reportedly on his deathbed


  • Haha 4

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On 09/06/2022 at 20:23, arghton said:

Well here's a list of nonagenarian/centenarian South American politicians. Born 1932 or before. Do not quote the whole post.


CANADA (Only ministers/ longtime politicians past 1925, up to 1930)

Charles Godfrey (1917-2022) Durham local politician known for his opposition towards the proposed Pickering International Airport in the 1970s. Also a physician who worked until 2020.

Hazel McCallion (1921-2023) Mayor of Mississauga 1978-2014, ancient but still active.

Neville Roper (1922) Alberta local politician.

Doris Margaret Anderson (1922-2022) Former Senator.

Paul Shooner (1923) Local politician, still active as of 2020.

William Frank (1923-2023) Former Member of Parliament.

Clare Westcott (1924) Ontario politician. Lost son-in-law in 2014, wife in 2019, daughter in 2020.

Roland Armitage (1925) Former local politician.

Robert Nixon (1928) Longtime Ontario politician.

Pearl McGonigal (1929) Former Manitoba lt.gen

Marc Lalonde (1929-2023) Former Finance Minister

Marion Reid (1929-2023) Former lt.gov of the Prince Edward Islands

Yves Michaud (1930) Hardline Quebec independence supporter.


Neville Roper (wikidead at 101.

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On 30/04/2022 at 21:00, arghton said:

Well, here's one for Singapore, up to 1941. Using the search feature couldn't find if anyone has done one for it.


Richard Hu (1926) People's Action Party politician, former Minister of Health and Finance.


Richard Hu dead at 96.

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5 hours ago, Cian said:

Northern Irish MLA and noted homophobe David Hilditch has resigned to go off and die


I bet if homophobe Hilditch joined Deathlist he would have had the wherewithal to put a fekkin avatar on his profile. Please be like Hilditch (the strawman one I created, not the real one).

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2 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

I bet if homophobe Hilditch joined Deathlist he would have had the wherewithal to put a fekkin avatar on his profile. Please be like Hilditch (the strawman one I created, not the real one).

Coming from the person with easily the shittest avatar on here.

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Monique Bégin, a former Canadian Cabinet minister in the Pierre Trudeau era and a noted feminist, has died. She was 87. Begin formerly held the national revenue and national health and welfare portfolios. She was an MP from 1972 to 1984, after which she entered the world of academia, becoming the dean of the University of Ottawa's faculty of health sciences in 1990. She was named professor emeritus in 1997.



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On 02/08/2022 at 22:10, arghton said:

12. Sweden

Evert Svensson (1925) Ancient social democrat politico, member of parliament 1957-1991

Bertil Zachrisson (1926) Decrepit former Minister of Education

Torsten Stridsman (1926) Centrist

Margit Sandéhn (1926) Former Social Democrat Member of Parliament

Ulla Orring (1926) Liberal

Gunnel Liljegren (1927) Moderaterna minor politician

Elisabeth Fleetwood (1927) Moderaterna parliament member 1979-2002

Stina Eliasson (1927) Former Member of Parliament

Vera Oredsson (1928) Ancient neonazi

Hans Blix (1928) UN guy

Gerda Antti (1929) Centre party politician


Swedish politician Bertil Zachrisson (Wikidead at 97

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Mircea Snegur, Moldova's first President (1990-1997) and before that the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet/Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet 1989-1990, dead at 83 after battle with incurable disease.


Edit: If I'm correct, leaves us with five of the first heads of states/Presidents of post-Soviet states. Levon Ter-Petrosyan of Armenia (78), Askar Akayev of Kyrgyzstan (79), Anatolijs Gorbunovs of Latvia (81), Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan (83) and Vytautas Landsbergis of Lithuania (90).

Ter-Petrosyan is a cancer survivor (colon cancer, some sources say pancreatic cancer too) and chainsmoker rumored dead some months ago but in 2016 they said "he'll live another 20 years". Landsbergis has been in and out of hospital for years with infections, falls and pneumonias. 

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Apparently Lord (Dick) Taverne who is 94 is still well enough to be campaigning. One of the few senior politicians from 1970s Britain still alive along with Bill Rodgers, David Owen, David Steel, Roy Hattersley, Norman Tebbit and Michael Heseltine I would say. 




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58 minutes ago, Deathrace said:

Apparently Lord (Dick) Taverne who is 94 is still well enough to be campaigning. One of the few senior politicians from 1970s Britain still alive along with Bill Rodgers, David Owen, David Steel, Roy Hattersley, Norman Tebbit and Michael Heseltine I would say. 




A regular for my notable oldies team but if any of the DDP politics theme teams want to transfer him in they can let me know and it'll free up a space on my team!

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On 22/07/2023 at 22:04, arghton said:

It's been four years and with Sfar the above list is now 16/27 dead, here's an updated one...





*Abdul Ati al-Obeidi (1939), Foreign Minister, 70s prime minister.


Abdul Ati al-Obeidi dead at 84.

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Quite difficult to track Libyan heads of state/government:


1)Abdessalam Jalloud (1944): living in Italy, appeared in 2021, rumoured dead of COVID in April 2020.

2)Jadallah Azzuz al-Talhi (1939): profiled here in 2018. Can't find anything recent.

3)Muhammad az-Zaruq Rajab (1940): profiled by the site above in 2019. Some recent pic on Facebook but don't know when they were taken.

4)Muhammad az-Zanati (1937): covered in September 2022.

5)Mohammed Ali Salim (1935): has this guy ever existed? Head of state for one day in 2012, completely disappeared later.  @arghton, @Ulitzer95, @Gisooo?

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26 minutes ago, drol said:

1)Abdessalam Jalloud (1944): living in Italy, appeared in 2021, rumoured dead of COVID in April 2020.


Found this


Libyan journalist and Al Jazeera correspondent, Ahmed Khalifa, published a shocking photo of former Libyan Prime Minister Abdel Salam Jalloud, taken of him in the French capital, Paris, while he was meeting with a Libyan there.


According to the published photo, “Jalud” appeared in a deplorable condition, wearing an almost worn-out “tring,” while some tweeters indicated that he was homeless there and could not find anything to support him


Sorry for the mistakes but I translated from Arabic

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On 01/05/2022 at 18:44, arghton said:


Sami Azara al-Majun (1932) Minister of Social and Labor Affairs 2003-2004


Sami Azara al-Majun dead at 91.

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On 05/09/2023 at 17:20, drol said:

Khaleda the Faker further deteriorates.


EDIT: it's the usual scam.

Khaleda out of ICU/CCU (because this time her illness didn't get much attention). The doctor treating her is one of the Vice Chairs of her party.

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