Thank you all very, very much for your kind wishes about my dad and yes ,Yongle Emperor you can call him Andy, I have no problem with that. Andy is doing amazingly well physically,dementia is a problem, as always, but we have gained a lot of experience in how to deal with that in the last 10 months. My dad is charming the nurses and his fellow patients, most of whom are enjoying the ramblings of his memories than the day to day drudge of being on a hospital ward. Mum apologised to one of the other 'inmates' about how he would be kept awake by Dad, the gentleman replied 'not at all, your husband is keeping me entertained all night, I don't want to go home'. Despite being senile he can still tell a good story.
My post was not done to elicit sympathy for myself or my family, I, like my dad, ramble a bit but I am very aware there are far more people out there who deserve our sympathy. I simply wanted to draw attention to the fact that Facebook, despite its many, many faults can actually be used in a positive way.