Hmmm. Couldnt agree more Winds. Whether it be cancer*, having a baby** or getting off drugs***, i'm routinely told that i'll 'never understand X's struggle' because i've not been through what they have. A common word used is 'hero' and it pisses me off.
*: I have never met anyone who got cancer and said 'fuck it, i'll just die then'. You're not a fucking hero for fighting cancer, you just have a self preservation instinct. Whether you win or not is usually down to a combination of early detection, good genes and quality treatment, none of which YOU should actually get any credit for. Well done for not dying, cancer twat!
**: So you've had/are having a kid? Well done and welcome to the exclusive club of several billion. If it was that fucking hard, human kind would have died out millenia ago. Good job letting those cells replicate inside of you and subsequqntly expelling them from your body, pregnant / ex-pregnant twat!
***: Gave up drugs? How about some credit to those of us 'heros' not fucking stupid enough to get hooked on gear in the first place? Again, you're not a hero for saving your own life. 'I had a choice between sticking shit in my veins and dying, or stopping and living. It was the hardest thing i ever done...'. Well done for being normal, junky twat!