Some more info I just found online:
"Jorge [bergoglio] is a Jesuit, whose single most important virtue is obedience, not love or forgiveness or hope or intelligence. In the "Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius," which all Jesuits must explicitly follow, one of the most famous lines is" "We should always be prepared so as never to err to believe that what I see as white is black, if the hierarchic Church defines it thus.""
"From the first the Jesuits were the soldiery of the Catholic church; their leader bore the title of general, and a military discipline was laid down in Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, which set the rules for the order.
The Jesuits have always been a center of controversy. To their hostile critics, the Jesuits have seemed unscrupulous soldiers of the pope, indulging in dirty fighting if such tactics seemed likely to bring victory. They have been accused of preaching and practicing the doctrine that the end justifies the means and also of pursuing worldly power and success.
As realists they particularly sought to influence the politically powerful and to mold the young men who would later become leaders. Their schools rapidly acquired great fame, not only for the soundness of their Catholic doctrines, but also for their humanistic classical teaching and their insistence on good manners, adequate food, and exercise.
While the Society of Jesus was the chief new instrument of the Catholic Reformation, an old instrument of the church was also employed—the Inquisition... Both papal and Spanish inquisitions were medieval courts that used medieval methods of torture, and both were employed against the Protestants in the sixteenth century.
Protestant tradition sometimes makes both the Inquisition and the Jesuits appear as the promoters of a widespread reign of terror. Certainly the Jesuits and their allies made full use of the many pressures and persuasions any highly organized society can bring to bear on nonconformists. And the Inquisition did perpetrate horrors against former Halibuts in Spain and against Catholics-turned-Protestants in the Low Countries."
Source: http://bigsiteofhist...ant-reformation
:( :(