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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I had two cars written off under Thatcher, one during the miner's strike. A grandma and two aunties died and our cat got run over - all under Thatcher. I got crap A-levels too, but that was under labour after they turned my grammar school in to a comprehensive. The Tories could have reversed that but they didn't - under Thatcher.
  2. 2 points
    You can judge the quality of a (wo)man by their friends. F W de Clerk and Benjimen Netahyahu to attend Thatcher's funeral.
  3. 2 points
    Are you quite sure about that? yeah he's deffo dead.Here's a BBC obit http://www.bbc.co.uk...eshire-22091873 The BBC are never wrong! http://mlkshk.com/r/2KNX It's probably time we had this installed as a smiley on the site. Or maybe autoposted to all guest contributions. I went and made a quick smiley version of it. Only really works against white backgrounds (it's transparent but the fading will look odd against darker bgs) but DL uses white backgrounds and I figure it'll be of good use
  4. 1 point
    If manufacturing is such an irrelevance, how come China's done so well? The blind luck was North Sea Oil, without it she would never have got away with it. Shares in utilities and council houses were sold on the cheap. Now we have nothing left in the cupboard to flog... Not sure how many Western manufacturing workers would be happy with China's rates of pay. To quote New Zealand's 'seventh most popular folk/paordy duo' The Flight of the Conchords "They're turning children into slaves just to make people sneakers, what's the real deal cos the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper, what are your overheads."One of the reasons China's doing well I believe. Of course Thatcher was all for the worker's being well paid, wasn't she? Interesting she didn't fight the Chinese whatsoever over Hong Kong... Why should she? It never "belonged to us" and the agreement to lease it from the Chinese was made before she was born. Fucking hell, what is she going to be blamed for next? We have had TWENTY THREE years of Government after her resignation, with a shit load of Labour in charge, and she is still getting blamed for absolutely everything. The funniest thing was listening to Radio 2s Jeremy Vine show when some lickle boy ( 26 ) is going into detail as to why he was celebrating her death, like he actually remembered fuck all. He even blamed her for the Gulf war. Says it all really. Here, have a cup of tea and a slice of toast..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPSzPGrazPo If I heard "under the last Labour government once" in the 1980s, I heard it a billion fucking times. The blame game was invented by the Tories and they're still at it (see Gideon Osbourne). Besides, it's not that there's this little cult of no influence that can barely be heard pleading the Thatcher case before the ravenous dogs, if you took your head out of your arse for a couple of seconds you'll see that Thatcher is being praised as a peacemaker, an environmentalist and saviour of Nelson Mandela. On the BBC. The very organisation her hubby Denis thought were a bunch of pinkos and she set out to destroy. Talk about fucking over-egging the pudding. Thatcher was a fucking cow. That's just not my point of view, it's the point of millions. Deal with it... There is nothing for me to deal with fella. My opinion is no less valid than yours, irrespective, of how you percieve the disccusion to be going. I dont give a rats arse about how they are portraying her to be fair, not a fuck. All Im hearing is a load of fucking bollocks from people that were either too young to remember her as Prime Minister or those that feel that they were sufficiently "aggrieved" to hate her and piss on her grave. I dont like her, never did and never will. There, thats the top and bottom of it. She was an arrogant bitch who was utterly dismissive of people. Mind you, I dont fucking like spinach either but, Im sure, Its good for you or summat. It wasnt just the Miners and those in Manufacturing Industries that lost out. My Dad lost his business and we lost our house under her Government. No Manufacturing industry? No Fork lifts to shift goods around, no need for engineers to service and repair them. That fucked my dad good and proper, I can tell ya. Two years on the dole and two years of pain ( yeah, some will have had it worse no doubt) and maybe longer before he got his self esteem back. All the reason in the World to hate the cow, right? The reality is,and its fact,the country was a total basket case pre 1979. Unproductive, uneconomic, uncompetitive and a whole plethora of state owned industry that was bleeding the country dry with handouts that were not even making them break even. British Leyland was the jewel in that crown. Run by unions, cars built that nobody wanted, shocking build quality, totally uncompetitive. Whole swathes of or industries were in the same situation and nobody could do anything about it because of union domination. She changed it all. Yes, people suffered, my Dad and my family suffered, millions suffered. Maybe things could have been done better but I wouldnt know, im not a Politician anymore than you are and we can only speculate. Im no Tory, although it would be fair to say that I detest Labour like I detest dog shit. I dont do socialism, communism or lesbianism, I do what i think is right for my family, as most of us do and those that say they dont are fucking liars. Under this current excrement of a Government, they want to slash the welfare bill by zillions etc, etc. Hopefully that cut wont come down on the benefits afforded to my handicapped brother who, thanks to the welfare state, is able to live in sheltered housing and live a full life, not as we know it, but a full life. Protect the welfare state for those that need it and those that dont and abuse it, stab the fuckers in the face, eh. Clearly, she didnt bollocks up the welfare system that much, thats something she wont get blamed for then.... Dont assume, because millions detest what she did, that they have somesort of moral high ground. Its all morality by degree, I may hate her, my family may hate her but if she had not been around, what would have happened to this Country? You have your own opinions, I have mine. Im happy to respect yours if you respect mine.....and the millions that agree with me.
  5. 1 point
    If manufacturing is such an irrelevance, how come China's done so well? The blind luck was North Sea Oil, without it she would never have got away with it. Shares in utilities and council houses were sold on the cheap. Now we have nothing left in the cupboard to flog... Not sure how many Western manufacturing workers would be happy with China's rates of pay. To quote New Zealand's 'seventh most popular folk/paordy duo' The Flight of the Conchords "They're turning children into slaves just to make people sneakers, what's the real deal cos the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper, what are your overheads."One of the reasons China's doing well I believe. Of course Thatcher was all for the worker's being well paid, wasn't she? Interesting she didn't fight the Chinese whatsoever over Hong Kong... My original point was that manufacturing in the western world is fucked. The western world. Western. I'm not sure this includes China. In what way is manufacturing different than it is in China? Did it involve magic or something? Making things is making things, that's what's manufacturing is all about. If it's "fucked" you try to improve it. Often through technology or through management of labour. Which is where the problem lies. Increased efficiency in technology leads to less labour required. But less labour means more demand for it, hence the price of labour rises. This is a problem Thatcher and her cronies approached with a sledgehammer. "it was necessary" you will crow, but did if have to be so harsh on those who missed out? Thatcher assumed that the magical market forces would come and take up the slack, it didn't, it concentrated on finance and services instead. Making stuff in a factory may not be massively better than flipping burgers but it paid more and sometimes you got things like pensions and job security out of it...
  6. 1 point
    Am still trying to think of someone who is so divisive. The only name I thought of was George W. Bush but on this side of the Atlantic I am not sure we can find the people who would sing his praises.
  7. 1 point
    It is odd this announcement being made this week because I think that the development of the character of Servalan was influenced by the career of Margaret Thatcher.
  8. 1 point
    If manufacturing is such an irrelevance, how come China's done so well? The blind luck was North Sea Oil, without it she would never have got away with it. Shares in utilities and council houses were sold on the cheap. Now we have nothing left in the cupboard to flog... Not sure how many Western manufacturing workers would be happy with China's rates of pay. To quote New Zealand's 'seventh most popular folk/paordy duo' The Flight of the Conchords "They're turning children into slaves just to make people sneakers, what's the real deal cos the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper, what are your overheads."One of the reasons China's doing well I believe. Of course Thatcher was all for the worker's being well paid, wasn't she? Interesting she didn't fight the Chinese whatsoever over Hong Kong... Why should she? It never "belonged to us" and the agreement to lease it from the Chinese was made before she was born. Fucking hell, what is she going to be blamed for next? We have had TWENTY THREE years of Government after her resignation, with a shit load of Labour in charge, and she is still getting blamed for absolutely everything. The funniest thing was listening to Radio 2s Jeremy Vine show when some lickle boy ( 26 ) is going into detail as to why he was celebrating her death, like he actually remembered fuck all. He even blamed her for the Gulf war. Says it all really. Here, have a cup of tea and a slice of toast..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPSzPGrazPo
  9. 1 point
    It's not the head of steam so much as the body of tumours...
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Still, Thatcher's funeral will be a great opportunity for deadpoolers to spot the frail and not-so frail as well as noting any absentees, so keep 'em peeled...
  12. 1 point
    To be fair, I have only ever known her to look like she was dead anyway. I cant remember seeing anybody look so emaciated and skeletal.
  13. 1 point
    "They don't like the feeding tubes up 'em."
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