Yeah you would, you Wiltshire inbred...or summat.
At least I don't use my natural webbed fingers and toes down the swimming baths, you Norfuck Nan-shagger!
And Rizzle Kicks. IMO.
And Queen IMO. Not forgetting Milli Vanilli IMO
Surely no mention of the greatest acts ever is complete without a mention of the 4 Bucketeers?!? IMO
"No one knows when that day or hour will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. Only the Father knows." -Matthew 24:36.
Harold should know better.
Very sad about this, the Doors are my all-time favourite band.
Cannot even comfort myself with points as this seems to have gone right under the radar.
Julie Newmar, who has had some health scares in recent years, seems well & truly over them judging by this interview -
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