Two men were walking through the desert. They were nearly out of water, when they heard the sounds of a bustling market. Not able to believe their good fortune, they hurried over to see if they could get some water. In the first tent they were told, "I'm sorry we only have these delicious desserts with a base of sponge fingers, fruit and jelly, topped with a layer of custard another with whipped cream and then topped with hundreds & thousands."
The men were still desperate for water, so they went to the second tent, "WATER! We need Water!" they gasped"
Again the reply came back, "I'm sorry we only have these delicious desserts with a base of sponge fingers, fruit and jelly, topped with a layer of custard another with whipped cream and then topped with hundreds & thousands."
They went acroos to the third tent and again asked for water only to be told, "I'm sorry we only have these delicious desserts with a base of sponge fingers, fruit and jelly, topped with a layer of custard another with whipped cream and then topped with hundreds & thousands."
Disappointed, they decided to leave. As they walked away, one turned to the other and said, "Wow! That was a trifle bazaar."