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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/12/14 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I do hope we're only told this once. regards, Hein
  2. 2 points
    Next question, who decided who the committee was? The Committee, obviously. regards, Hein
  3. 1 point
    Or brutallly stabbing themselves in the stomach while combing their hair
  4. 1 point
    (Age calculated at the beginning of 2015) Physics: 1957: Tsung-Dao Lee, 88 1957: Chen Ning Yang, 92 1964: Charles Hard Townes, 99 († 27/01/2015) 1969: Murray Gell-Mann, 85 1973: Leo Esaki, 89 1973: Ivar Giaever, 85 1974: Antony Hewish, 90 1975: Ben Mottelson, 88 1977: Philip Warren Anderson, 91 1980: Val Fitch, 91 († 05/02/2015) 1981: Nicolaas Bloembergen, 94 1987: Karl Alexander Müller, 87 1988: Leon Lederman, 92 1988: Jack Steinberger, 93 1989: Hans Dehmelt, 92 1990: Richard Edward Taylor, 85 2000: Herbert Kroemer, 86 2002: Masatoshi Koshiba, 88 2003: Aleksej Alekseevič Abrikosov, 86 2005: Roy Glauber, 87 2008: Yoichiro Nambu, 93 († 05/07/2015) 2013: Peter Higgs, 85 Chemistry: 1967: Manfred Eigen, 87 1980: Paul Berg, 88 1982: Aaron Klug, 88 1986: John Charles Polanyi, 85 1990: Elias James Corey, 86 1992: Rudolph Marcus, 91 1994: George Andrew Olah, 87 1997: Paul Delos Boyer, 96 1997: Jens Christian Skou, 96 1998: Walter Kohn, 91 2004: Irwin Rose, 88 († 02/06/2015) 2008: Osamu Shimomura, 86 Literature: 1997: Dario Fo, 88 1999: Günter Grass, 87 († 13/04/2015) 2002: Imre Kertész, 85 Peace: RIP? 1973: Henry Kissinger, 91 1986: Elie Wiesel, 86 1994: Shimon Peres, 91 2002: Jimmy Carter, 90 Medicine: 1962: James Dewey Watson, 86 1977: Roger Guillemin, 90 1977: Andrew Viktor Schally, 88 1978: Werner Arber, 85 1981: Torsten Wiesel, 90 1986: Stanley Cohen, 92 1992: Edmond Fischer, 94 2000: Arvid Carlsson, 91 2000: Paul Greengard, 89 2000: Eric Kandel, 85 2002: Sydney Brenner, 87 2007: Oliver Smithies, 89 Economics: 1972: Kenneth Arrow, 93 1987: Robert Solow, 90 1990: Harry Markowitz, 87 1993: Douglass North, 94 († 23/11/2015) 1994: John Nash, 86 († 23/05/2015) 2002: Vernon Smith, 87 2005: Thomas Schelling, 93 2012: Lloyd Stowell Shapley, 91
  5. 1 point
    Friend of a friend stuff at a Christmas get together but... apparently The Sun were set to run a story naming one prominent Westminster politician in the context of child abuse in 1984. A name we've already traded on here. Story pulled within hours of the presses rolling. Look out for MP's or Minsters in the 70s and 80s suddenly dying (not just leon) over christmas /new year .A so called Heart attack that's how they got robin cook,whilst hiking on ministry of defence land . http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/339807/Mystery-death-of-key-MP-witness-in-Diana-s-murder http://www.whale.to/b/cook4.html Still waiting for them to reopen the case into Jill Dando's death btw.
  6. 1 point
    Next question, who decided who the committee was?
  7. 1 point
    I can't wait until we start discussing the intricacies of those still alive from the Edwardian age,
  8. 1 point
    You have to take the "S" off the end of the "https" otherwise the board won't recognise it. It's one of those annoying things where YouTube have changed their URLs so it's "https" but this board hasn't updated itself to recognise it.
  9. 1 point
    Zsa Zsa Gabor is in a wheelchair and she's been denying us dead pool points for years.
  10. 1 point
    I did have qualms before, but not since the death of Baroness Thatcher. I've never had a party over anyone's death, and I certainly haven't protested at anyone's funeral. So compared to those fuckers last week, my ethics are comparatively impeccable.
  11. 1 point
    In a Dead Pool, the only line to be drawn is the line through the name of the deceased.
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