But you do get all the best jobs and better pay....
...oh wait.
At least you get into clubs for free on a Friday night whereas us blokes have to pay.
On average women live a few years longer than geezers. I don't know how much fun those years are, living with faulty plumbing.
I can't remember the last time I went into a club - it was probably about 3 years ago. It was full of pissed-up, middle-aged, mutton-dressed-as-spam slags looking to get fingered in the park on the way home......oh wait.....
Fingered? You are in Wiltshire Lardy, that's going to be 14 fingers and retro Casio digital special going elbows in there.
Anyway, while we are on the "oh woe is me coz I is a wimmin" bollocks, a woman at work has just given birth to her second child.
Now how long has she got off for that then? How about ELEVEN MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come back and complain when you've squeezed a watermelon out of your jap's eye and had someone chewing on your nipples for six months straight, and have had no proper sleep for the last four months of your pregnancy because you're the size of a fucking airship and can't turn over in bed without help from the local fire brigade, and then no sleep for the next three years because your lazy ass twat of a husband pretends to be asleep every time the baby screams, and then the one and only time he DOES get up in the night to take the baby downstairs to feed her, he comes and wakes you up to tell you PRINCESS DIANA HAS FUCKING DIED.