Could Queen Elizardbreath II's grip on the national media be waning at last? Or is this one last act of vengeance from Murdoch before he carks it?
Shit paper JFT96. I noticed they didn't report the England squad did the same thing in 1938. Five years later.
That's a fair comment, There is a picture floating about somewhere of those players giving it the 'Heil five' or summat.However, and its not too unfair to say it, the England squad may have been doing that out of 'respect' for their German hosts..............aswell as having been told to by the foreign office!!
I think the point of the Suns expose has been missed by some.
Its not about a child giving the Heil Five its about her mother and uncle Edward the VIII being fucking Nazis.
Well they were, right?
I tried to post the picture of the England team doing the nazi salute, but I don't seem to be able to do it on an iPad. Or maybe I'm just a dick when it comes to posting pics on said iPad.
I had the pic as my signature on various forums for years.....