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Found 994 results

  1. InquilineKea

    Robert G. Edwards, 85

    People with dementia can go on for years. But maybe we'll learn more in the coming days?
  2. Phantom

    Roger Ebert

    If he makes it to the end of the year, movie critic Roger Ebert would be a good pick. He's just had emergency surgery and is in a serious condition. Fingers crossed he can last out the year
  3. Paul Bearer

    Richard Griffiths

    Breaking news. Harry Potter and Withnail & I actor Richard Griffiths has died after complications after heart surgery. BBC link Didn't recognise the name, but knew the face as soon as I saw it.
  4. Grim Reaper

    Frank Thornton

    The Frank Thornton thread
  5. Grim Reaper

    Bob Godfrey

    The Bob Godfrey thread Roobard and Custard Intro
  6. Spade_Cooley

    Grace Sung Eun Lee

    So this story isn't gonna go away, huh? I mean it will when she does within the next few months, but she's so large on the radar now that those of us who fancy the next Terri Schiavo/Whatever That Italian One Was Called as their DDP captain will already be praying she holds out past Christmas (do they celebrate Christmas in ultra-orthodox Christian Korean families?)
  7. themaninblack

    Reg Presley

    Troggs frontman Reg Presley has had a stroke while on holiday in Spain... He feels it in fingers, he feels it in his toes..
  8. Windsor

    Norodom Sihanouk

    This is my second attempt at starting a thread for this man (the first was relocated in the 'ideas and possibilities' thread). This man is getting frailer and frailer and I feel it is time he got a thread to himself. He suffers from Colon Cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and other illnesses. He has just turned 83 years old. I hope that this man will be a candidate in 2006, if he can make it. His doctors have declared him too ill to travel back to Cambodia from China and his son admitted this week that his father is very ill. I feel that he should be a definate for 2006. I am so confident he will die, I have put him as number 1 on my 2006 DDP as well as making him Joker. Latest: Sihanouk What do you say?
  9. Typhoid Harry

    Christopher Reeve

    I just received a phone call from one of my sources, and it appears that Superman has met his Kryptonite.
  10. doomchanter

    Michael Winner

    I would like to propose Mr.Winner for 2005. His waistline and exceedingly rich diet must be a "recipe for disaster". As director of the first three "Deathwish" films he certainly deserves the honour
  11. Tempus Fugit

    Hugo Bleicher

    Hugo Bleicher, according to most sources was born in 1899, making him 107 this year. He is quite a popular pick in deadpools but is he really still alive? Or is he another Norah Baring? The last time Bleicher seems to definitely have been around is way back in 1954 when his memoirs were published. I can't find any more up to date news than that. The man, if he is alive, is as quiet as the grave. Can anybody else give a link to a recent news source that verifies that Bleicher is still in the land of the living?
  12. Canadian Paul

    John Demjanjuk

    John Demjanjuk is getting deported to the Ukraine or, if that fails, Poland/Germany. I hear that they're aren't so fond of Nazis in Europe...
  13. Death Star

    Herbert Lom

    This thread is the place to discuss Herbert Lom.
  14. maryportfuncity

    Benazir Bhutto

    Banned from leaving Pakistan. Might be worth a thread in her honour from now on, her political marriage of convenience with their current head of state has pissed off many of her fellow Pakistanis, the Taliban are revving up for a fight with.....well, anyone who doesn't agree with them and those corruption allegations haven't gone away. All this and her vocal mob of supporters keep rallying round her and winding up her enemies. How safe is she without the chance to hop off abroad?
  15. BrunoBrimley

    Charles Durning?

    I find it hard to believe that you don't have this rolly-polly good natured charmer of a man on your list. He's been in hundreds and hundreds of movies and all over the small screen as well. Aside from his turning 82 this past Sunday (February 28, 1923 is listed as his birthdate), he also has a big weight issue which must be straining and stressing his heart and other organs. Any chance we can get him on a list soon? Look I don't necessarily want to see him croak, bite the dust, kick the bucket, etc. but isn't it just about time to give him his honorary due of being listed?
  16. Guest

    Jack Klugman

    Tony Randall dead. Too bad he wasn't an include.
  17. Cerberus

    Sir Alastair Burnet

    I remember "Spitting Image" doing him in the eighties, with a huge red nose (pre-Comic Relief) He must be at least 80 by now. Anyone know if he's still with us? I seem to recall that he planned to retire after he'd done the Queen Mum's funeral, but she outlasted his career by several years. Pleaase don't say he died years ago.
  18. maryportfuncity

    Elisabeth Murdoch

    F**k sake, he's in his seventies his mother is - obviously - older. Shame she's not famous. Let's have some idle speculation on living parents of famous oldsters and the dates of their eventual deaths. I think Clint Eastwood's 94 year old mother will outlast the aged Murdoch.
  19. Tempus Fugit

    Cyril Smith

    Sir Cyril Smith, the former Liberal MP, has had a little tumble.
  20. maryportfuncity

    Alf Pearson

    The man's made fleeting appearances in the Brinsworth House thread but - b 1910 - the long time music hall legend probably needs his own thread for others here to truly appreciate his coffin dodging antics. He made an album aged 94! Most famous as half a double act with brother Bob, Alf resides at Brinsworth, might best be described as 'sprightly' but he's 96. We'll have him - in all probability - in a few years so it's time to get out the binoculars and give the pre-war star a taste of 21st century stalking.
  21. Grim Reaper

    Tony Martin

    This is the place to discuss Tony Martin
  22. Anubis the Jackal

    Tony Hart

    Tony Hart, couldn't get any info on his age but was in WW2 making him at least 78.
  23. Mr Pharmacist

    Hans Bethe

    Hans Bethe who worked on the Manhattan Project dies at 98. http://abcnews.go.co...Story?id=559105 One of the greatest physicists of the 20th Century.
  24. Grim_Rita

    Melita Norwood

    Do you all remember the granny spy who was in the news a few years back? I'm trying to find out her date of birth. Anyone know?

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