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World War I Veteran(s)

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Whilst on the subject, a few examples of acts of bravery can be found here. None of which, I fear, will be made into a Hollywood Blockbuster.

Excellent post, Dave.

Off-topic, but worthy of posting again, lest anyone didn't read it the first time. Preaching to the converted on this site, probably, but it's well written and well worth reading. Please read the full page and send the link to 10 friends, unless you want TLC to come round give you a damned good shoeing.


US/UK coalition wages courageous war against the Flintstones.

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Whilst on the subject, a few examples of acts of bravery can be found here. None of which, I fear, will be made into a Hollywood Blockbuster.

Excellent post, Dave.

Off-topic, but worthy of posting again, lest anyone didn't read it the first time. Preaching to the converted on this site, probably, but it's well written and well worth reading. Please read the full page and send the link to 10 friends, unless you want TLC to come round give you a damned good shoeing.


US/UK coalition wages courageous war against the Flintstones.


Agreed, very informative post DttG. Thanks for helping keep things in perspective. In the interests of further maintaining the balance on the site







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Three more have gone - Wilhelm Velten & Pawel Parniak died last year, whilst Robert Meier, who I think was the last survivor of the Somme has also died. German Obit

F**k, it's getting like what happened to their mates in the Somme or whatever!

Seems like 2007 is the tipping point, I think by the end of the year there'll be

just a handful left....



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It gets worse as it also appears that Rudolf Seim of Germany & Gheorge Panulescu of Romania may also have died in the first two weeks of the year.... :banghead:



At this rate it'll only be Henry Allingham & Harry Patch left.......

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Wikipedia is reporting the death of Italian-born, American-serving combat veteran Antonio Pierro.

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Wikipedia is reporting the death of Italian-born, American-serving combat veteran Antonio Pierro.


I'm part of the Yahoo group that the citation links to. It seems pretty credible. If one chooses to believe Wikipedia on the subject, that makes Allingham the oldest veteran.


The group, by the way, is a fountain of information...

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I'm part of the Yahoo group that the citation links to. It seems pretty credible. If one chooses to believe Wikipedia on the subject, that makes Allingham the oldest veteran.


Excellent! Well done Henry! Long may he reign!

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Indeed, Pierro is out, and Allingham now takes the crown. We will watch and see how long he can hold onto it.

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Indeed, Pierro is out, and Allingham now takes the crown. We will watch and see how long he can hold onto it.


If the overall 'Oldest Person in the World' competition is anything to go by,

it wont be very long... :P

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Indeed, Pierro is out, and Allingham now takes the crown. We will watch and see how long he can hold onto it.


Our Henry is now the third oldest man in the world, and the oldest outside Japan.


I think a bit of :D is necessary so that Allingham reigns supreme. ;)

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He puts his longevity down - in part - to wine and wild wild women; how much of each is he managing per day at the moment?

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With the United States currently at war, I feel it is ashame that there is no way for those of us who wish to meet or write to these living legends of "The Great War". I would love to find one who lives anywhere near me in Pennsylvania and personally thank them for their sacrifice nearly a century ago. To shake hands with someone who was there is to expereince history as close to firsthand as possible and I would consider it a great honor to do so.


His name is Maurice Starkey he lives in Pennsylvania. He is about 101 years old.


and now he is dead.


Not doing at all well, are they, these veterans? :ghost:

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Another one dead.


Only two Canadian veterans left now.

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Not to be outdone by Canada, the United States decides to lose another veteran as well.


and never wanting to be trumped by the US, France joins in on the act.


The rate they're going, they'll be just a handful by the end of the year... :)

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Not to be outdone by Canada, the United States decides to lose another veteran as well.


and never wanting to be trumped by the US, France joins in on the act.


The reate they're going, they'll be just a handful by the end of the year... :)


I've lost track of them, how many are there left now?

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As of now, there are 37 true and verified veterans still with us.


And one by one they are' vanishing of lifes shelf.

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Not to be outdone by Canada, the United States decides to lose another veteran as well.


and never wanting to be trumped by the US, France joins in on the act.


And with their typical logic, they figure two is better than one.


This is turning out to be a bad year for WWI Veterans, if you look at the rate that they are dying.


A bad month for U.S. politicians too...

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36 now. They are going very fast.


Ditto's on the politician comment, TF.


My homestate of North Dakota just lost the person who was quite possibly the most powerful politician we ever had. Thomas S. Kleppe - he became U.S. Secretary of Interior under Ford after he was a Representative up here for several years.


All of our other politicians are farm hicks :)

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Like I said a couple of months ago, when I started this topic I never thought....


Oh well, on November 11, 1918 when the armistice was signed, which was 88 plus years ago a "young" veteran would have been around 17 years old (maybe there is documentation of younger). This would put them at 105 now and dang it......that is old!

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Like I said a couple of months ago, when I started this topic I never thought....


Oh well, on November 11, 1918 when the armistice was signed, which was 88 plus years ago a "young" veteran would have been around 17 years old (maybe there is documentation of younger). This would put them at 105 now and dang it......that is old!


Hello weasel,


Welcome back. You are right about this thread though. It is one of the more popular ones.

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