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  • 2 Victorians dead already .Last year it took till October for 2 to die .Maybe all of them will go this year!

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Oh aye, and the British press will doubtless make summat of the demise of Ethel Lang, regardless of when she goes.

well we'll soon find out http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/11349879/Britains-oldest-person-Ethel-Lang-dies-aged-114.html


She was everywhere yesterday including ITN's 6-30 summary. I'm guessing the next time our oldest person dies it'll be slightly less of an event.

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King Edward VII only reigned for 9 years. He died on 6th May 1910. How many British Edwardians are there?

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King Edward VII only reigned for 9 years. He died on 6th May 1910. How many British Edwardians are there?



More than we can usefully count because the serious research only attaches itself to super-centenarians.

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I'll pick them all, and make an episode of The Undateables you'll never forget!

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I have a feeling that Misao Okawa will be keeping her title of "Oldest Living Person" for a while, she's had it since 2013! That's the longest since Maria Capovilla, in 2004-2006.

BTW, Misao's 117th birthday is on March 5th and on February 15th she is going to beat Maria Capovilla as the 5th oldest person ever.

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I have a feeling that Misao Okawa will be keeping her title of "Oldest Living Person" for a while, she's had it since 2013! That's the longest since Maria Capovilla, in 2004-2006.

BTW, Misao's 117th birthday is on March 5th and on February 15th she is going to beat Maria Capovilla as the 5th oldest person ever.

do you think we could have another Jeanne Calment on our hands ? :shock2:

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I have a feeling that Misao Okawa will be keeping her title of "Oldest Living Person" for a while, she's had it since 2013! That's the longest since Maria Capovilla, in 2004-2006.

BTW, Misao's 117th birthday is on March 5th and on February 15th she is going to beat Maria Capovilla as the 5th oldest person ever.

do you think we could have another Jeanne Calment on our hands ? :shock2:


Well here's a pic of Calment at 117. Make your own judgment.




I'd say no, Calment looked a lot better at this stage. She might just make it to 120 though.


IMO "The French bint" will never be beaten during this post-WWII pre-WWIII epoch. For one thing there isn't enough time left.

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Misao Okawa is officially the 5th oldest person in history!

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The Swedish ?? Page of wiki has Ora Holland dying on 11/2 at 114.


Can only find 'legacy/memorial' pish...but one to look out for conformation .

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Not famous for anything besides being 115, if there's a better place to post this you'll need to direct me [i did my due diligence and searched her name zero hits returned].

That aside, Emma Moreno is now famous for giving interviews posted in the NYTimes.



Edited by Magere Hein
Post moved from topic "The 100 Club"

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Not famous for anything besides being 115, if there's a better place to post this you'll need to direct me [i did my due diligence and searched her name zero hits returned].That aside, Emma Moreno is now famous for giving interviews posted in the NYTimes.SChttp://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/world/raw-eggs-and-no-husband-since-38-keep-her-young-at-115.html

Hey thanks Magere Hein! Now I know :)


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A little twist on world's oldest -- oldest psychiatric hospital has opened a museum section!? In London -- some of you can visit, I'm jealous.


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This year for the first time I didn't pick the world's oldest for my DDP team. All her predecessors performed as expected, but mrs Okawa's failure to die last year prompted me to let her go, there were more valuable possibilities. I don't think she'll do a Jeanne Calment (who held the title for 9 years and 205 days), but she may well be around a few more years.

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Misao Okawa is now officially the oldest person in the world this century since the death of Sara Knauss on December 30, 1999. She is also only the 5th person in history to reach the age of 117 (officially of course )

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This year for the first time I didn't pick the world's oldest for my DDP team. All her predecessors performed as expected, but mrs Okawa's failure to die last year prompted me to let her go, there were more valuable possibilities. I don't think she'll do a Jeanne Calment (who held the title for 9 years and 205 days), but she may well be around a few more years.
She may be around for this year, but she's unlikely to catch up with Calment or even Sarah Knauss. The Gerontology Research Group has some cool tables on supercentenarians with some interesting implications. One of these lists all the verified supercentenarians ranked by age as of 01.01.2014. Of course, such lists always have systematic bias due to the verification process, since older people are seen as more interesting and may be more likely to be verified and more recent candidates can be checked more easily etc. but it's still oretty clear that the number of people in each birth (year) cohort drops rapidly over the age of 110. http://www.grg.org/Adams/B.HTM


There was exactly one case at 122 (Calment), one at 119 (Knauss), two at 117, five at 116 and 21 at 115, 67 at 114, 118 at 113, 232 at 112, 415 at 111 and 762 at 110. Assuming that there is indeed a late life mortality plateau, and the 1-year survival rate is roughly constant over the age of 110, we would arrive at a figure between 50 and 60% per cent (415/762 ≈ 232/415 ≈ 0.55; 118/232 ≈ 0.51; 67/118 ≈ 0.57; we discount the cohorts above that due to sample size). Being optimistic, and going with 60% (due to advances in medicine, female gender etc.), the chances of her catching up with Calment could be less than 8 per cent (0.6^5). Similar conclusions could be drawn from the table of living supercentenarians. http://www.grg.org/Adams/E.HTM


Of course, it's just a very crude estimate, but even if I had been precise it would be clear that a new longevity record is unlikely in the near future... Real actuarial estimates that don't assume any LLMP are even more pessimistic, and calculate with a 1-year death probability rate just below 1 around age 120. http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/STATS/table4c6.html

Edited by GossipGabe
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Spanish papers reporting death of Leandra Lumbreras at 127, waiting for a UK obit though.

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Spanish papers reporting death of Leandra Lumbreras at 127, waiting for a UK obit though.


If that comes through the person who played her as a joker will be pleased.

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Spanish papers reporting death of Leandra Lumbreras at 127, waiting for a UK obit though.


If that comes through the person who played her as a joker will be pleased.


Daily Mail comes through again. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3005130/Mexican-woman-lived-revolution-dies-127-govt.html

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