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Who are the immortals?

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Kaikala Satyanarayana (1935-2022)


"My teammates were noobs!" (VS Achuthanandan)




Age at death: 87

Known health issues: Bounced back from "extremely critical and unstable" condition in 2021 after COVID and a fall. Bedridden and on oxygen for the last year of his life.

Cause of death: "Brief illness". No, seriously.

Alignment: Popular Telugu actor who had a brief political stint.

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Well saying he was on oxygen is a bit of an understatement, he was on a tracheotomy connected to oxygen and possibly a ventilator and (atleast around his birthday) had a nasogastric tube as his organs didn't function properly following multiple organ failure and septic shock. The original articles saying he "recovered" used old pictures.


It's a miracle he made it this far, the tracheotomy was done in November 2021. I have also never heard of anyone else over 80 surviving more than a month following a septic shock. The "brief illness" part makes me laugh. 

"He was reportedly suffering from age-related issues" says India Times

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2023 class soon to be announced... last minute suggestions?

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Nigel Starmer Smith and Steve Gleason

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Few to add to my list on page 12:

Andres Garcia (cancer for 25+ years, cirrhosis, somehow seems to have almost perfectly recovered from his recent cocaine overdose)

Benedict XVI

Irenaeus/Irenaios of Crete (ALS, diagnosed when he was gravely ill with lung failure and underwent tracheotomy over two years ago + possibly dementia, might fail fame criteria but tossing him here again)

Lou Gan

Tu Tongjin (was wheelchairbound and incredibly frail in December 2014)

Otis Taylor (parkinsons and dementia for around three decades, around june or july it seemed like he had weeks at most to live)


I strongly agree with Harry Whittington, impressive that guy is still going at almost 96, it's been 16 years since Dick almost killed him. 

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On 24/12/2022 at 19:58, arghton said:

Benedict XVI



A few last second suggestions:

1. Abdel Rahman Abou Zahra - was in critical condition multiple times for months this year with covid, hip fracture and stomach infection and intubated. Later was critical with "lung complications" and hepatitis C. Somehow survived and recovered.

2. Kabosu

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The Class of 2023


Here's the list we were all waiting for! 30 brand new immortals who have demonstrated their attachment to life through continuous hospitalizations, strokes, heart attacks, bouts with COVID and so on. Well, let's begin:


1)Kabosu (2005-2024): Kabosu the original Doge has suffered from years of CKD, has been unable to walk for months, now has leukemia and liver disease. Still, BBC reported he "miracolously recovered". Has she a bit of Indian blood inside?

2)Mario Zagallo (1931-2024): Years of hospitalizations and the last one this past year, with no one betting he would come out alive of hospital. A skeleton looks way healthier.

3)Dries van Agt (1931-2024)Chainsmosker Dutch PM who survived a major stroke in 2019. No one expected him to bounce back, and here he is four years later.

4)Dolly Doyle Brunson (1933-2023): Legendary poker player who survived stage 4 cancer in the 70s. Recently in&out of hospital with pneumonia, still unsinkable.

5)Seiji Ozawa (1935-2024): This guy has been dying for the last six year at very least. Diagnosed with esophageal cancer in 2010, suffered from pneumonia multiple times, apparently has Alzheimer's... how the hell is she still going?

6)Nasser Makarem Shirazi (1927): When you search "hospitalised Ayatollah" you will find he has been in hospital again. In failing health since 2014, instead of being in a coffin he is now playing the hardliner against protesters.

7)Alma Adamkiene (1927-2023): Severe stroke in 2019, hospitalised at least five times for complications, very critical with COVID last year. Still, discharged and cared by her 96 year old husband.

8)Emmanuel Wamala (1926): This guy has beat Jesus as he has resurrected at least three times. In failing health for at least 8 years and a chain of hospitalizations in 2014/15.

9)Superstar Billy Graham (1943-2023): Liver transplant in 2002, bowel ostruction in 2006,  terminal liver disease in 2010, fibrosis, heart failure. Hospitalised in 2014, 2016 and you name the year. Also known for exaggerating his health issues.

10)Yoshiro Nakamatsu (1928): Come on, he was suffering with terminal cancer in 2014! Also suffered a serious fall some years later. He wants to live to 144 and so far he is doing well.

11)Kenneth Cope (1931-2024): Also known as Kenneth COPD. When I came to this forum in 2016 he was already at the end of his days.

12)Mangosuthu Buthelezi (1928-2023): caught COVID twice and hospitalised at least five times in recent years, also death hoax survivor.

13)Yang You (1917): the doyen of CAE (Chinese Academy of Engineering), has been in hospital for the last five years. Also, how the fuck do you have a 97-year old pupil?

14)Nritya Gopal Das (1938): Since suffering from COVID in 2020 he has been hospitalised in critical conditions four times. Suffering from every known ailment more or less.

15)Chiam See Tong (1935): Is this a fucking joke? The guy was a mummy back in 2015, severe stroke survivor and looked dead in 2019.

16)KH Ali Yafie (1926-2023): Foremost Indonesian scholar known for a streak of bad health dating back to years. Also survived critical conditions with COVID, whereas his wife didn't.

17)Parkash Singh Badal (1927-2023)Obese Punjab CM, hospitalised five times last year. It is never the right time.

18)Francesco Merloni (1925-2024)when he was hospitalised with the bad, early COVID in August 2020 it seemed pretty much over. Not only he survived, he also survived a serious fall which required weeks of ICU last year!

19)Shimon Baadani (1928-2023): In failing health for years, critical in October, discharged, readmitted after being resuscitated, now again on the mend. One of the few tou bounce back from "extremely critical conditions".

20)Cleopa Msuya (1931): he was on the brink of death in 2013. How the hell is he still alive?

21)Lucile Randon (1904-2023): Has looked the same for years, also survived COVID in 2020.

22)Ignacio Lopez Tarso (1925-2023): Colon cancer in 2016, repeatedly in hospital with pneumonia later.

23)Sheikh Salem al-Ali al-Sabah (1926-2024)Ask arghton for his health issues.

24)Thich Than Tu (1924): Vietnamese monk so frail Thich Nhat Hanh had to surrect him. No, really.

25)Hsing Yun (1927-2023)Chinese Bhuddist monk who has been in failing health after suffering two strokes... in 2011.

26)Giorgio Napolitano (1925-2023): Aortic dissection in 2018, hospitalised in 2021 and again in 2022 in critical conditions.

27)Zhang Lixiong (1913-2024): Chinese major general who spent a whole year in hospital some time ago only to bounce back sprightly at 109.

28)Gershon Edelstein (1923-2023): Skeleton who is the head of Orthodox cunts in Israel. Years of failing health, heart attack in July 2022.

29)Tu Tongjin (1914-2023): Zhang Lixiong's immortal companion, has been in utterly failing health for the last 14 years! Permanently hospitalised.

30)Charlie Munger (1924-2023): Warren Buffett's immortal henchman, botched surgery in the 50s led to him losing an eye.


And as in The Lord of the Rings three eagles were sent to rescue Frodo, Sam and Smeagol, and one came back without a passenger, here there were 30 places, one for Benedict XVI and came back empty. So I'm open to suggestions right now, I'll decide later.

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9 minutes ago, drol said:

The Class of 2023


Here's the list we were all waiting for! 30 brand new immortals who have demonstrated their attachment to life through continuous hospitalizations, strokes, heart attacks, bouts with COVID and so on. Well, let's begin:


3)Dries van Agt (1931): Chainsmosker Dutch PM who survived a major stroke in 2019. No one expected him to bounce back, and here he is four years later.

Another great list full of miracles and walking skeletons. And I like the inclusion of Van Agt; don't think he is particularly close to death but he did have multiple health scares in recent years which would have killed loads of people his age. Perhaps his passion for the Palestinian cause keeps him going now the Israeli government takes a turn to the right.

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22 minutes ago, drol said:

And as in The Lord of the Rings three eagles were sent to rescue Frodo, Sam and Smeagol, and one came back without a passenger, here there were 30 places, one for Benedict XVI and came back empty. So I'm open to suggestions right now, I'll decide later.

- Harry Whittington. He was 79 when he was shot by Dick Cheney in 2006, which led to a heart attack, and numerous other ailments, see arghton's post atop the previous page. Now 96.

- Andrés García. Incredibly long-time cancer sufferer, overdosed on cocaine a few months ago. 

- Sonny Rollins. Pulmonary Fibrosis for much longer than the life expectancy, etc. 

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Great list, all good picks - Some of Zagallo's health issues were already mentioned in the first post of the Time Added thread in 2007, Ali Yafie was on his deathbed with pneumonia and "acute respiratory problems" in 2018. Chiam See Tong was incredibly frail and unable to talk the last time he made a public appearance, in 2019.

Brunson has survived cancer around five times since his original diagnosis and in addition various falls and accidents and pneumonia bouts.

Tarso was on oxygen and "in delicate health" in 2020 but somehow bounced back and has survived bouts of pneumonia since.

Hsing Yun has lived with diabetes for 54 years, he's had three strokes, suffers from heart disease and as said by the Taipei Times in 2016 when he had a fist-sized blood clot in his brain and underwent a three-hour surgery to remove it, he suffers from "the three highs"- high blood sugar, high BP and high blood lipid.

Tu Tongjin looked like this during his 100th birthday celebration:



On 01/01/2023 at 12:19, drol said:

23)Sheikh Salem al-Ali al-Sabah (1926): Ask arghton for his health issues.

Sheikh Salem was obese most of his life and has been wheelchairbound for around two decades. I still don't know completely what he's suffering from, but he was already barely able to talk in 2012. He was hospitalised and very ill in February 2013 and was rumored dead on twitter and was also in hospital the next month, and since that he's been widely rumored dead atleast four times and hospitalised multiple times home and abroad, including in September 2018 when he was "resting in the hospital", December 2018, 2019, August 2020 when he was very ill and Kuwaiti people on twitter prayed for his recovery and again two times in 2021. He had a nasogastric tube the last time he made a public appearance in 2021. I have no idea how old this video uploaded on youtube in 2014 is and it has a clip of him laying on a hospital bed, talking with some tubes on his throat:


Implies he was already on his deathbed around the early 2000s or 1990s.

However he's outlived tons of younger Kuwaiti royals. Not complaining, he seems like possibly one of the best Sheikhs in the Arabian Peninsula, mostly very active in charity causes and his daughter Sheikha Intisar is a known social entrepreneur, philanthropist, author, film producer and columnist.




More on the immortal Sheikh Salem, according to this article from December 2008 he was already in a Manchester hospital back then. This one says that he was in intensive care...in January 2004. I still have no idea what his actual ailments have been but he's been in failing health since forever. Also that video implies they did a tracheotomy on him once.

He has always been the picture of health.


Edit: From a National Kuwait forum thread: He was in Manchester or London for treatment for a long time as far as I know. Around August 2007 he suffered either gastrointestinal perforation or severe internal bleeding and was put into coma/was unconscious. He was transported to the UK, where they seemingly underwent a tracheotomy on him due to "oxygen loss" or something. He recovered to a bedbound state pretty quickly, but days later suffered a serious infection and was again unconscious, underwent operation and recovered. I am not sure what happened after that but the clip in which he has a tracheotomy is from September 2007, a month after his "critical" conditions. Seems like he spent more than a year in UK hospitals recovering.

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Pierre Ménès, french football commentator has suffered from Nash cirrhosis for all of his Life before having a kidney transplant in 2016. He was on his deathbed and said himself that « a few days more and he would have been dead ». Constantly hospitalized last year and was accused of sexual harrasment by several women in 2020 which ended his career. Take a look at him before and after the transplant 




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Joanne Woodward is an immortal. She has been end stage dementia for years. 

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3 hours ago, The Old Crem said:

Joanne Woodward is an immortal. She has been end stage dementia for years. 

Well she's already on the list and apparently has been for two years, see page 2 of this thread. The other earlier classes are on pages 2/9 and 8, I have no idea how many there are but atleast four of them are current deathlistees.

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5 minutes ago, arghton said:

Well she's already on the list and apparently has been for two years, see page 2 of this thread. The other earlier classes are on pages 2/9 and 8, I have no idea how many there are but atleast four of them are current deathlistees.

Oh thanks for the clarification, I thought each new class would replace the last one which I find odd. Makes more sense now 

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On 01/01/2023 at 11:19, drol said:

21)Lucile Randon (1904): Has looked the same for years, also survived COVID in 2020.

As I mentionned in the world’s oldests thread, Randon also recovered from a stroke at 91… 27 years ago. 
she also lived in a nursing home since age 75… 46 years ago. 

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On 02/01/2023 at 17:28, arghton said:

Well she's already on the list and apparently has been for two years, see page 2 of this thread. The other earlier classes are on pages 2/9 and 8, I have no idea how many there are but atleast four of them are current deathlistees.

Listing the survivors of the previous classes with health histories. Feel free to correct me.

I've also added their local names in brackets to ease searching health-related stuff.




1) Jimmy Carter (1924) Current "King of the Immortals" Long health history includes surviving radiation exposure in 1952, advanced cancer (2015), multiple falls (pelvic fracture in October 2019), UTIs (Dec 2019) and brain surgery at 95. Very frail for the last four years atleast. Collapses in 1979 and 2017. Rumored dead in 2017, due to RFI error in 2020, lazy death rumor in 2022. Announced he's in hospice after multiple hospitalisations on the 19th of February 2023, lazy death rumor #2 later in February. Facebook account*. Deathlistee x9 + on the list 2023, (has had his own thread since 2005), DDP pick 2022 and 2023, and previous years

2) Tin Oo (1927) (သူရ ဦးတင်ဦး ) Already decrepit and suffering from a "heart condition" and other ailments before having a massive stroke and fall in 2017 and a blood clot in his brain that put him into critical condition for weeks. On oxygen with covid last year. Very frail, unable to walk or talk properly, can move one hand, possibly suffers from dementia. DDP pick 2022 and 2023

3) Joanne Woodward (1930) Reported to suffer from end-stage Alzheimers in 2014, originally diagnosed in 2007. She was said to be "far gone" in 2022. Reported to be in hospice in April 2023. Widowed in 2008. Deathlistee x3 + on the list 2023, (has had her own thread since 2017), DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

4) Carmen Sevilla (1930-2023) Suffering from Alzheimers since 2009, hospitalised in 1982, with severe dehydration and infection in 2015, hospitalised and intubated in serious condition, underwent gastrostomy tube procedure in 2018. Rumored dead in 2020, now in 24/7 care. Widowed in 2000. Hospitalised in critical condition on the 25th of June 2023 and died on the 27th of June 2023 at 92. DDP pick 2023

5) Ma Shitu (1915) (马识途) Obese three-time lung cancer survivor and survived skin cancer once. On his deathbed in 2005. Survived his most recent lung cancer bout as a centenarian. Very ill and hospitalised in 2020, bounced back. Blood flow problems in 2021. Too ill to attend an event physically or send a video message in February 2023 but again bounces back appearing with a bloody eye in July 2023. Widowed in 1941 and 1966.

6) David Musuguri (1920) Wheelchairbound very frail diabetic general. Admitted to Lugalo Hospital VIP ward multiple times, earliest mention I could find was from January 2013, most recent from 2020. Wheelchairbound and frail in January 2020. Again in hospital in November 2022 and June 2023. DDP pick 2023

7) Wan Haifeng (1920-2023) (万海峰) Very bloated, not able to talk and in failing health multiple years ago. Already in hospital in 2016, but he looked like an inflated skeleton as far back as 2015. Dementia sufferer, selling items and widowed in 2019. As of 2022 on IV meds and seemingly permanently hospitalised. Died on the 31st of March 2023 at 102.

8) Saalumarada Thimmakka ("1909/1910/1911/1918", likely ca. 1928) (ಸಾಲುಮರದ ತಿಮ್ಮಕ್ಕ) Hospitalised in 2010, with breathing problems in 2012, respiratory tract infection in 2014, gastric problem in 2015, hospitalised on IV meds with gastric problem in 2016, "on her deathbed" in 2017, rumored dead in 2018, hospitalised multiple times in 2020 and again in 2021 after a severe fall, hip surgery. Mostly wheelchairbound and had bloated legs in early 2022. Reportedly already suffering from COPD before 2012 and suffers from osteoporosis. Hospitalised after fall in August 2023, in ICU with spinal injury. Re-hospitalised with fever in September 2023 and discharged into 24/7 home care, then hospitalised again on oxygen in October 2023 with respiratory failure and other ailments. Widowed in 1991. Instagram account*.

9) Henry Kissinger (1923) Overweight, triple bypass surgery in 1983, heart attack in 2000, hospitalised in 2003 (tests), 2005 and 2009 (angioplasty), 2010 (stomach pains) and again after a fall in 2013, underwent heart surgery in 2014. Getting frailer and frailer but still active and still seems indestructible unfortunately. Deathlistee x11 + on the list 2023, (has his own thread since 2005), DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

10) Fauja Singh ("1911", probably ca. 1928) (ਫੌਜਾ ਸਿੰਘ) Ill multiple times during his childhood. Collapse in 2003. Already looked ancient when he ran his marathons and that was over 12 years ago. Has looked incredibly thin and frail for the last three years. Widowed in 1992. Facebook account. DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

11) V. S. Achuthanandan (1923) (വി.എസ്. അച്യുതാനന്ദൻ) Hospitalised in 2008, rushed to hospital in 2016, hospitalised in ICU with "bronchial problem" and high BP in 2017, hospitalised in 2018, hospitalised in ICU with stroke and pneumonia in 2019, hospitalised in serious condition in 2021 with kidney failure, acute gastroenteritis and dyselectrolemia, hospitalised with covid in 2022. Likely suffering from post-stroke dementia and very frail.

12) Hu Qili (1929) (胡启立) Critically ill and "in a state of dying" in August 2018. Everyone expected him to die and there was talk about how the govt would arrange his funeral and posthumously examine him, but somehow he recovered. Rumored dead or seriously ill in January 2023. Widowed in 2023.

13) Zou Yu (1920) (邹瑜) On oxygen and very ill in 2017. Hospitalised with edema and other ailments and in ICU in April 2018. Apparently too ill for photos when visited in June 2023.

14) Gaositwe Chiepe (1922) Ancient, wheelchairbound and very frail and thin in 2022, shortly afterwards family were fighting for her assets.

15) Yang Chen-Ning (1922) (杨振宁) In frail and failing health for years, rumored dead in 2021, looked embalmed in 2022 and was hospitalised for 85 days due to a fall and spinal injury. Rumored critically ill in February 2023. Widowed in 2003. DDP pick 2022 and 2023, possibly previous years

16) Tsung-Dao Lee (1926) (李政道) Looked pretty frail ten years ago, as far as I know has failed to make appearances in years. Widowed in 1996. DDP pick 2012, unsure if picked since

17) Alberto Fujimori (1938) In and out of hospital tens of times for more than five years with tongue cancer (2008, 2013 and later), a-fib, pulmonary fibrosis, lung tumor, heart failure, "degenerative illness", arterial occlusion, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, heart surgeries, "neurological problems", oxygen saturation issues and other stuff. Reported very ill in March last year, on oxygen in November 2022. But he also wants to get out of jail. Again hospitalised in early 2023. Has his own thread since 2017, DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

18) Maria Nyerere (1929/1930) Hospitalised multiple times in recent years including when she was very ill with "sudden illness" in 2019. Ill in 2020. Rumored dead in 2021 when she was ill. Widowed in 1999. DDP pick 2022

19) Yuriko, Princess Mikasa (1923) (高木百合子 or 崇仁親王妃百合子 or たかひとしんのうひ ゆりこ) Has had a pacemaker since 1999 due to bradyarrhythmia. Hospitalised with flu in 2019, pleural effusion, pneumonia and heart failure in 2020 when she was pretty much in hospice, hospitalised again in 2021 with lung troubles and heart failure, hospitalised for a month in 2022 with covid. Widowed in 2016. DDP pick 2022 and 2023, possibly previous years

20) Queen Sirikit (1932) (สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์ พระบรมราชินีนาถ) Massive debilitating stroke in 2012 and too ill to attend king's birthday, hospitalised multiple times since with bladder, lung, etc infections in 2016, 2018 and 2019. Wheelchairbound, likely suffers from advanced dementia and extremely frail for the last five years, reported unable to communicate in 2022. Widowed in 2016. DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

21) Raoni (ca. 1930/1932) Hospitalised in ICU with major gastric hemorrhage, infection, anemia and ulcers in 2020, later hospitalised the same year with covid, pneumonia, heart inflammation and multiple age-related issues. Hospitalised in 2022 with cardiac arrhythmia and a heart blockage and underwent pacemaker implantation. Widowed in 2020. Has had his own thread since 2019, DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

22) Song Ping (1917) (宋平) Ancient, rumored dead or gravely ill multiple times. Missed Jiang Zemin's funeral completely in 2022. Widowed in 2019. DDP pick 2023

23) Amadou Mahtar M'Bow (1921) I don't know if he's ill. Ancient and needs help walking. Unable to make appearance on 102nd birthday in 2023.

24) Abdoulaye Wade (1926) Likely already ill in 2010 when a doctor was fined for saying he was ill. Widely rumored to have cancer in 2014. Has spent a lot of time abroad for treatment during the last years, but looked fine in 2022. Rumored dead in 2020. Has been out of the country for treatment multiple times, including 2022-2023. Facebook account.

25) Emmanuel Milingo (1930) Previously lung, heart, kidney failure sufferer, hospitalised with malaria in 2018, ill and near death in 2020, critically ill and on his deathbed in 2021 when he was rumored dead. No appearances for over a year when he was undergoing treatment, wheelchairbound with bloated legs in 2022.

29th of May 2021 additions:

26) Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf aka. Baghdad Bob aka. Comical Ali (1937) (محمد سعيد الصحاف) Critically ill with advanced cancer in 2014. Rumored dead atleast 15 times in recent years, and this isn't even a joke, he was rumored dead multiple (atleast three) times in 2022. DDP pick 2023

27) Yu Miu-Lin (1937) (余慕莲) Critically ill with "terminal" blood cancer, hematitis and pulmonary fibrosis and spent months on life support around 2020. Still very ill with pulmonary fibrosis and struggles to walk and talk, but her blood cancer is now in remission. However, undergoes frequent treatment.

28) Violeta Chamorro (1929) Suffering from osteoporosis for atleast three decades. Spinal infection and surgery in 1986. Already was wheelchairbound or used crutches in the 1990s following a knee injury and spinal infection. Suffered from brain tumors in 2011, had a severe stroke in 2018, reported bedbound and suffering from advanced dementia in 2021. In delicate health after routine procedure in July 2023. Widowed in 1978. DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

29) Juan Ponce Enrile (1924) Pneumonia in 2004, pneumonia in 2012, reported to be suffering from uncontrolled/chronic hypertension dating back to 1990, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, history of gastrointernal bleeding, history of benign prostate hypertrophy, bronchial asthma and coronary artery calcification in 2014, pneumonia and dengue in 2015, has undergone stem cell therapy, severe pneumonia in 2022 and later hospitalised with covid and pneumonia. The whole Philippines seem to think he's immortal and eternal and there are frequent joke death hoaxes. Facebook account, Instagram account.


Additional notes:

*Social media has always been run by family or staff.




1) Bob Barker (1923-2023) Multiple strokes and already in ill health in 2006 including strokes in 1991 and 2002, prostate ailments, blocked left carotid artery in 1999 and other heart ailments, multiple bouts of skin cancer, falls in 2015 and 2017, hospitalised again in 2018. However somehow said to be in good health. Rumored dead atleast 1995, 2007 and 2021. Widowed in 1981. Allegedly "only ill with a thyroid disease" 2022. Died on the 26th of August 2023. Deathlistee x7 + on the list 2023, (has had his own thread since 2005), DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

x) Violeta Chamorro mentioned in both the Class of 2021 and Class of 2022.

2) Sidney Cooke (1927) Atleast two strokes, wheelchairbound and needed a specially adjusted bed in 2009 following a stroke, severe heart attack and "fighting for his life" in 2010. Has had his own thread since 2022, DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

3) Joseph Estrada (1937) Pneumonia, knee problems/osteoarthritis, fever and already ill with "a damaged lung" in 2005. On life support and ventilator with covid for weeks in 2021 (and was rumored dead), days later back in ICU with severe lung infection. Recovered. Rumored to suffer from dementia in 2019. Facebook account, Twitter account. Has had his own thread since 2005, DDP pick 2023

4) Paulo Maluf (1931) In and out of hospital for years mostly with pneumonia and prostate cancer. Hospitalised last year with covid and reported to be suffering from "dementia and Alzheimer" and in 24/7 care. Instagram account*, Twitter account. DDP pick 2022 and 2023, possibly previous years

5) Cesar Virata (1930) Already looked decrepit as a Marcos minister. Obese, hospitalised on life support with covid, pneumonia and stroke in 2020. Now attending events.

6) Wang Hanbin (1925) (王汉斌) Wheelchairbound and frail in 2016. Bounced back. Wheelchairbound and very frail in 2022. 

7) Zhu Rongji (1928) (朱镕基) Very ill for the last 5+ years, likely suffering from parkinson's or another serious degenerative disease affecting mobility. Daughter said "his organs and tissues have some problems" in 2014. Too ill to attend events in years. Rumored dead in 2022. DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

8) Yan Mingfu (1931-2023) (阎明复) Suffers from myasthenia gravis, diagnosed in December 2002 and also had a serious liver disease in 2002. Was already very ill 12 years ago, hospitalised for more than five years. Finally died on the 3rd of July 2023.

9) Driss Guiga (1924) (إدريس قيقة) Ill, very frail, rumored dead five years ago. Bounced back and looked fine in early 2022. Widowed in 2018. Facebook account.

10) Ashi Tashi Dorji (1923) In great health her earlier nonagenarian years but looked thin in 2021, failed to make an appearance on her 99th birthday in 2022. Facebook account.

11) Wang Huo (1924) (王火) Concussion and intracranial hemorrhage in 1983 and blind in one eye since. Suffered multiple heart attacks and pneumonia bouts in 2021 and was too ill to attend Ma Shitu's birthday party. Bounced back. Too ill to physically attend an event in February 2022, but sent a video message. Widowed around 2010.

12) Khamtai Siphandone (1924) (ຄຳໄຕ ສີພັນດອນ) Frail for the last decade or two, suffering from high bp, heart problems and other ailments. On his deathbed and on oxygen following a severe stroke in 2016. Looked like a corpse in 2021. Rumored seriously ill in January 2023. DDP pick 2023

13) Mahathir Mohamad (1925) Heart attack and bypass surgery in 1989, two heart attacks in 2006, in ICU for a month following quadruple bypass surgery in 2007, chest infections in 2007 and 2010, hospitalised three times with a severe heart illness between 2021 and 2022, resigned from his last positions in 2022 but suprisingly didn't die. Rumored dead in 2016 and twice in 2022. Again hospitalised with an infection between July and August 2023. Facebook account, Twitter account, Instagram account, Tiktok account, Youtube account. Has had his own thread since 2020, DDP pick 2022 and 2023, previous years

14) Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee (1944) (বুদ্ধদেব ভট্টাচার্য) Already very ill in 2015. Suffering from COPD for around 14 or more years. Hospitalised on BiPAP support with breathing problems in 2019, looked dead in 2020 (and also rumored dead in 2020) and later the same year hospitalised in "very critical" condition in ICU, ventilator with serious breathing problems and lacunar infarcts, again in ICU with covid in May 2021, bedbound, on oxygen and unable to talk for years. Hospitalised on ventilator, NG tube and 100% oxygen in July 2023 with type II respiratory failure, bilateral pneumonia, heart problems, tracheitis and kidney malfunction. DDP pick 2022


*Social media has always been run by family or staff.


43 remaining from the previous classes as far as I know. Tons of medical miracles there too. Also included who was a DDP pick in 2022, can't find any list of who are this year.





1) Dilip Kumar (1922-2021) (दिलीप कुमार / دليپ کمار) "King of the Immortals" up to his death in 2021. Open-heart surgery in 1991, stroke in 1999, hospitalised in ICU with UTI in 2008, with malaria in June 2009, ailing with heart attack in 2013, bronchopneumonia in 2014, very frail when he received Padma Vibhushan in 2015, pneumonia and fever in april 2016, hospitalised with swollen foot and fever in december 2016, hospitalised in critical condition with UTI, dehydration and kidney ailment in august 2017, daily health updates in september 2017, hospitalised with mild pneumonia in december 2017, hospitalised with aspiration pneumonia and acute respiratory infection in september 2018, fed through nasal cannula, hospitalised with recurrent pneumonia in october 2018, again pneumonia in october 2018, checkup and severe backache in march 2020, hospitalised in may 2021, on oxygen support with bilateral pleural effusion in june 2021, hospitalised with pleural effusion again in june 2021 during his last hospitalisation and developed kidney failure. Had advanced prostate cancer for his last 2-3 years, kept in "mini ICU" with oxygen support, cylinders, defibrillator, BiPAP machine and other medical devices when he was at home, needed frequent blood transfusions fed through tubes during his last years, suffering from a degenerative disease for around 14 years before his death, unable to speak and possibly demented for his last two years. Finally died from a cardiopulmonary arrest on the 7th of July 2021 at 98. Crowdsourced-ee 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2021), DDP pick 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 11 teams, Deathrace 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, DLCup 2018 R1, R2, R3, 2019 R1, R2, R3, 2021 R1, W2003, 2013.



2) Bob Dole (1923-2021) King of the Immortals from Dilip's death to his own death. Seriously wounded in April 1945 by German shell, first paralyzed neck down, blood clots, infection and fever, kidney removal in the 1980s, kidney stone removal in 1981, prostate cancer, prostate gland removal in 1991, abdominal aortic aneurysm in 2001, hip replacement followed by fall and intracranial hemorrhage in 2004-2005 that nearly killed him with "doctors doing everything", hospitalised with elevated heart rate and sore legs, skin graft surgery in 2009, knee surgery, heart problems, three bouts of pneumonia in 2011, infection in 2011, hospitalised in 2012, 2017, "very ill" in 2020, diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer in February 2021. Long-term smoker until 1983. On oxygen for his last months, finally died on the 11th of December 2021 from lung cancer complications at the age of 98. Deathlistee x9 (2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) and a hit, Crowdsourced-ee 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit, (Has had his own thread since 2010), DDP pick 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 - a hit for 64 teams, D40 2019, 2020, 2021, MMMDP 2020, AVALDP 2021, Deathrace 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, DLCup 2018 R1, R2, 2019 R1, 2020 R1, R2, 2021 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 (Semifinal) R6 (Final), W2002, 2004.



3) Jimmy Carter (1924) Current "King of the Immortals"  Long health history includes likely exposure to agricultural chemicals as a child, surviving radiation exposure in 1952, tear gas exposure in 1977, recurring hemorrhoids, advanced cancer (2015) with immunotherapy and multiple surgeries including partial liver removal, then later multiple falls (pelvic fracture in October 2019), UTIs (Dec 2019) and brain surgery at 95. Very frail for the last four years atleast. Collapses in 1979 and 2017. Rumored dead in 2017, due to RFI error in 2020, lazy death rumor in 2022. Announced he's in hospice after multiple hospitalisations (and apparently cancer) on the 19th of February 2023, lazy death rumor #2 later in February. Widowed in November 2023 and ultrafrail at Rosalynn Carter's funeral. Facebook account*. Deathlistee x9 (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Crowdsourced-ee 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, (has had his own thread since 2005), DDP pick 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, D40 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, MMMDP 2023, AVALDP 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, DLCup 2017 R1, 2020 R1, R2, 2021 R1, R2, 2022 R1, R2, 2023 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 (Semifinal), W2001, 2004.

Additional notes:

#1 on the DL in 2024.

Most voted for in the Crowdsourced DL 2023 and 2024.

Most popular DDP pick in 2024.

Most picked in Deathrace 2024 (and possibly most picked in Deathrace ever)



4) Thích Nhất Hạnh (1926-2022) Since the 2000s suffering from "lung and digestive problems". Hospitalised with severe pseudomonas aeruginosa and pneumonia between 2009 and 2010. Rapidly declining health for months followed by severe stroke in November 2014. Expected dead within one day but remained in coma in serious conditions until waking two months later in 2015. Wheelchairbound and extremely frail his last six years, "dying" in 2018, "dying" with pneumonia in late 2019. Also unable to talk during his last years due to expressive aphasia. Died relatively suddenly on the 22nd of January 2022 at 95. DDP pick 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 4 teams, Deathrace 2015 and 2020, DLCup 2019 R1, R2, W2001, 2015.



5) Syed Ali Shah Geelani (1929-2021) (سید علی گیلانی) Survived 12 assasination attempts. Pacemaker implantation in 1997. Surgery in 2002. Kidney removal and carcinoma in 2003, but recovered. Gallbladder surgery in 2004. Again with one kidney, diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2006. Suffering from bronchitis and CKD for more than two decades before his death. Half of his other kidney removed 2007. Pacemaker replacement in 2008. Eye surgeries in 2010. Severe chest infection in 2014, hospitalised with heart attack in 2016 and on oxygen, hospitalised in 2017, in and out of hospital with infections, pacemaker battery change in 2018, lung and heart disease in 2019 and 2020. Rumored dead in 2020. Multiple times on the brink of death, finally died on 1st of September 2021 from sudden breathing complications (congestion attack, multiple organ failure and prostate cancer) at 91. DDP pick 2010, LotM, Deathrace 2020 and 2021, DLCup 2019 R4, 2020 R2, W2004, 2007.



6) Tin Oo (1927) (သူရ ဦးတင်ဦး ) "Deteriorating health" in 2004. Severe osteoporosis since atleast 2010. Already decrepit and suffering from a "heart condition" and other ailments before having a massive stroke and fall in 2017 and a blood clot in his brain that put him into critical condition for weeks. On oxygen with covid last year. Very frail, unable to walk or talk properly, can move one hand, possibly suffers from dementia. DDP pick 2022 and 2023, Deathrace 2022, 2023, DLCup 2018 R3, 2022 R2, W2007, ????.



7) Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021) (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης) Ailing with recurring tuberculosis and broken leg due to torture in 1970, hospitalised in 2011, tear gas incident in 2012, hospitalised in 2013, wheelchairbound with breathing issues in 2018, heart attack in 2018, hospitalised with heart issues twice in 2019 and got a pacemaker, rumored gravely ill in 2021, died on the 2nd of September 2021 at 96. (Has had his own thread since 2021), DDP pick 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 1 team, Deathrace 2018, W2002, 2015.



8) Leslie Phillips (1924-2022) Very frail for over a decade, possibly suffering from dementia his last years, widowed in 2011, cancerous growth removed from his nose in 2013, severe stroke in 2014 (and atleast one stroke since?), seizure in 2015, another hospitalisation in 2015 with serious ailments, seemed like he was done and needed resuscitation. Last appearance around 2017 he looked completely mummified. Finally died on the 7th of November 2022. Deathlistee x7 (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit), Crowdsourced-ee 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2007), DDP pick 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 79 teams, D40 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, MMMDP 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022, AVALDP 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Deathrace 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, DLCup 2018 R1, 2019 R1, 2021 R2, R3, 2022 R1, R2, W2002, 2004.



9) Monica Vitti (1931-2022) Suffered from Lewy body dementia for 30 years, more or less. End-stage for the last 10-15 years? Hospitalised with fractured femur in November 2003. Rumored very ill in 2017. Finally died on the 2nd of February 2022 at 90. Crowdsourced-ee 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022 - a hit, (has had her own thread since 2021), DDP pick 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 3 teams, Deathrace 2018, 2020, 2021, DLCup 2022 R1 - a hit for 1 team, W2005, 2010.



10) Joanne Woodward (1930) Reported to suffer from end-stage Alzheimers in 2014, originally diagnosed in 2007. She was said to be "far gone" in 2022. Reported/rumored to be in hospice in April 2023. Widowed in 2008. Deathlistee x4 (2020, 2021, 2023, 2024), Crowdsourced-ee 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, (has had her own thread since 2017), DDP pick 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, D40 2023, MMMDP 2023, AVALDP 2023, Deathrace 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, DLCup 2019 R1, 2020 R1, 2021 R1, 2022 R1, 2023 R1, R2, R3, W2005, 2006.



11) Carmen Sevilla (1930-2023) Suffering from Alzheimers since 2009, hospitalised in 1982, with severe dehydration and infection in 2015, hospitalised and intubated in serious condition, underwent gastrostomy tube procedure in 2018. Rumored dead in 2020, now in 24/7 care. Widowed in 2000. Hospitalised in critical condition on the 25th of June 2023 and died on the 27th of June 2023 at 92. DDP pick 2023 - a hit for 1 team, Deathrace 2023, DLCup 2023 R1, W2007, 2017.



12) Ma Shitu (1915) (马识途) Obese most of his life, diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2001 and had one of his kidneys removed. On his deathbed in 2005. Diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007 and it was not the first time. Also survived skin cancer once. Diagnosed with lung cancer again in 2017. Very ill and hospitalised in 2020, bounced back. Blood flow problems in 2021. Too ill to attend an event physically or send a video message in February 2023 but again bounces back appearing with a bloody eye in July 2023. Suffering from mild dementia in October 2023 and recovering from a illness. Apparent cancer reccurence in December 2023. Widowed in 1941 and 1966. DLCup 2022 R2, 2023 R2, W2020, 2020.



13) Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik (1921-2021) (משולם דוד סולובייצ'יק) Hospitalised in August 2019 and in ICU in November 2019, hospitalised in May 2020 due to fall and underwent CT scan, critical on ventilator with covid in November 2020, in and out of ICU and critical conditions, underwent tracheotomy, went into multiple organ failure and died on the 31st of January 2021 at 99. Deathrace 2020 and 2021, W2007, 2019/2020.



14) Saleh Ajeery (1920-2022) (صالح العجيري) Hospitalised for weeks due to injuries from a house fire in 2003 that killed his wife and son, in declining health since the 2000s, gravely ill in ICU in 2011, hospitalised on non-invasive ventilator in 2014, COPD, dementia and heart failure since atleast 2015, hospitalised and gravely ill in 2015, hospitalised on oxygen in 2016, survived weeks on life support with covid in 2020. Died on the 10th of February 2022 at 101. DDP pick 2021, 2022 - picked by 1 team, didn't obit, AVALDP 2020, Deathrace 2021, W2015, 2020.



15) David Musuguri (1920) Wheelchairbound very frail diabetic general. Admitted to Lugalo Hospital VIP ward multiple times, earliest mention I could find was from January 2013, most recent from 2020. Wheelchairbound and frail in January 2020. Again in hospital in November 2022 and June 2023. DDP pick 2023, Deathrace 2024, W2018, 2019.



16) Vassos Lyssarides (1920-2021) (Βάσος Λυσσαρίδης) Assasination attempt in 1974. In ill health since atleast 2015, critical conditions with heart failure and emphysema multiple times most notably in 2020. Died on the 26th of April 2021 at 100. DLCup 2020 R2, R3, R4, W2007, 2020.



17) Wan Haifeng (1920-2023) (万海峰) Nearly died in 1947 and during an earthquake in 1976. Very bloated, not able to talk and in failing health multiple years ago. Already in hospital in 2016, but he looked like an inflated skeleton as far back as 2015. Dementia sufferer, selling items and widowed in 2019. As of 2022 on IV meds and seemingly permanently hospitalised. Died on the 31st of March 2023 at 102. DLCup 2023 R2, W2018, 2018.



18) Saalumarada Thimmakka ("1909/1910/1911/1918", likely ca. 1928) (ಸಾಲುಮರದ ತಿಮ್ಮಕ್ಕ) Hospitalised in 2010, with breathing problems in 2012, respiratory tract infection in 2014, gastric problem in 2015, hospitalised on IV meds with gastric problem in 2016, "on her deathbed" in 2017, rumored dead in 2018, hospitalised multiple times in 2020 and again in 2021 after a severe fall, hip surgery. Mostly wheelchairbound and had bloated legs in early 2022. Reportedly already suffering from COPD before 2012 and suffers from osteoporosis and asthma. Hospitalised after fall in August 2023, in ICU with spinal injury. Re-hospitalised with fever in September 2023 and discharged into 24/7 home care, then hospitalised again on oxygen in October 2023 with respiratory failure and other ailments, critical in ICU following heart attack, then fully recovered. Widowed in 1991. Instagram account*. Deathrace 2024, W2007, 2016.



19) Henry Kissinger (1923-2023) Overweight, triple bypass surgery in 1983, heart attack in 2000, hospitalised in 2003 (tests), 2005 and 2009 (angioplasty), 2010 (stomach pains) and again after a fall in 2013, underwent heart surgery in 2014. Getting frailer and frailer but still active and still seems indestructible unfortunately. Hand in cast in September 2023. Decrepit with discolored hands for atleast a decade before his death. Finally died on the 29th of November 2023 at the age of 100. Deathlistee x11 + (1993, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - a hit), (has his own thread since 2005), Crowdsourced-ee 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - a hit, DDP pick 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 - a hit for 86 teams, D40 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, AVALDP 2021, Deathrace 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, DLCup 2020 R1, R3, 2020 R2, 2022 R1, R2, 2023 R1, W2001, 2004.



20) Carlos Menem (1930-2021) In ill health in 2005, hospitalised after fainting in 2006, hospitalised with fever and UTI in August 2008 and anemia in September 2008, hospitalised in 2010, hospitalised in 2014, in ICU with double pneumonia (June 2020), then heart failure (July 2020), and hospitalised in coma with urinary trait infection, heart failure and kidney failure (December 2020), finally died on the 14th of February 2021 at 90. Crowdsourced-ee 2021 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2005), DDP pick 2013, 2014, 2019, 2021 - a hit for 42 teams, D40 2021, Deathrace 2021, DLCup 2021 R1 - a hit for 9 teams, W2002, 2005.



21) Fauja Singh ("1911", probably ca. 1928) (ਫੌਜਾ ਸਿੰਘ) Ill multiple times during his childhood. Collapse in 2003. Already looked ancient when he ran his marathons and that was over 12 years ago. Has looked incredibly thin and frail for the last three years. Widowed in 1992. Facebook account(Has had his own thread since 2023), DDP pick 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, Deathrace 2022, 2023, DLCup 2019 R2, W2006, 2011.



22) V. S. Achuthanandan (1923) (വി.എസ്. അച്യുതാനന്ദൻ) Hospitalised in 2008, rushed to hospital in 2016, hospitalised in ICU with "bronchial problem" and high BP in 2017, hospitalised in 2018, hospitalised in ICU with stroke and pneumonia in 2019, hospitalised in serious condition in 2021 with kidney failure, acute gastroenteritis and dyselectrolemia, hospitalised with covid in 2022. Likely suffering from post-stroke dementia and very frail. Hospitalised sometime around 2022-2023 with "serious infections". AVALDP 2023, DLCup 2022 R2, W2004, 2020.



23) K. R. Gouri Amma (1919-2021) (കെ.ആർ. ഗൗരിയമ്മ) In ill health for years and possibly suffering from dementia. Bedridden in 2019, fall in 2020, hospitalised in April 2021 (and rumored dead) in ICU with bladder infection and other ailments, then critical, improving, out of ICU, recovered, suffers respiratory failure and again critical, out of ICU, died on the 11th of May 2021 at 101 from respiratory/multiple organ failure. DLCup 2021 R3, R4 - a hit for 2 teams, W2005, 2020.



24) Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma (1918-2021) (ഫിലിപ്പോസ് ക്രിസോസ്റ്റം മാർത്തോമ്മ) Multiple time cancer survivor. In ill health years before his death and hospitalised throughout 2018, 2019 and 2020, hospitalised in April 2021, discharged, died at home on the 5th of May 2021 at 103. DDP pick 2019, LotM, W2006, 2019.



25) G. Venkatasubbiah (1913-2021) (ಜಿ. ವೆಂಕಟಸುಬ್ಬಯ್ಯ) In ill health for years before his death with kidney failure, unable to talk or walk for 2 years before he died on the 19th of April 2021 at 107 from "prolonged illness". DDP pick 2021 - picked by 1 team, didn't obit, W2007, 2019.



26) Edwin Edwards (1927-2021) In and out of hospital with for example pneumonia (most notably 2012, 2013 and 2015), unresponsive condition in 2019, ill in 2020, died on the 12th of July 2021 at 93 after a short stay in hospice due to lung problems (possibly terminal lung cancer?). DDP pick 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 3 teams, Deathrace 2021, DLCup 2021 R1, R2, W2004, 2015.



27) Jiang Zemin (1926-2022) (江泽民) Health rumors in 2007, seriously ill in 2011, serious heart attack in 2012, blood circulation problems in 2015, reportedly in coma in 2017. Rumored dead in 2011. Too frail to make an appearance anywhere for years, long stays at Beijing 301 hospital. Apparent cardiac arrest on the 26th of November 2023 that caused him to fall into coma. Finally died on the 30th of November 2022 from multiple organ failure due to leukemia at 96. Crowdsourced-ee 2022 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2020), DDP pick 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 14 teams, Deathrace 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, DLCup 2022 R1, W2002, 2007.



28) Hu Qili (1929) (胡启立) Critically ill and "in a state of dying" in August 2018. Everyone expected him to die and there was talk about how the govt would arrange his funeral and posthumously examine him, but somehow he recovered. Rumored dead and seriously ill in January 2023, hospitalised for more than half a year. Widowed in 2023. Deathrace 2024, MMMDP 2023, W2005, 2020.



29) Zou Yu (1920) (邹瑜) On oxygen and very ill in 2017. Hospitalised with edema and other ailments and in ICU in April 2018. Apparently too ill for photos when visited in June 2023. W2007, 2020.



30) Emmanuel Evans-Anfom (1919-2021) In ill health for years before his death with bloated legs, heart problems and dementia. Hospitalised in 2019. Hospitalised in 2020 and finally died on the 7th of April 2021. W2011, 2020.



31) Florence Alice Lubega (1917-2021) In ill health for years, extremely frail in 2019, seriously ill in March 2020, finally died on the 28th of October 2021. W2018, 2020.



32) Gaositwe Chiepe (1922) Ancient, wheelchairbound and very frail and thin in 2022, shortly afterwards family were fighting for her assets. As of 2023 likely suffering from dementia. Deathrace 2024, W2007, 2020.



33) Archibald Mogwe (1921-2022) Decrepit for years and likely suffering from dementia his last year or two. Widowed in 2020, died on the 25th of February 2021. W2007, 2020.



34) Yang Chen-Ning (1922) (杨振宁) In frail and failing health for years, rumored dead in 2021, looked embalmed in 2022 and was hospitalised (in and out of ICU) for 85 days due to a fall and spinal injury. Rumored critically ill in February 2023. Widowed in 2003. DDP pick 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022 and 2023, DLCup 2022 R1, W2003, 2006.



35) Tsung-Dao Lee (1926) (李政道) Looked pretty frail ten years ago, as far as I know has failed to make appearances in years. Unable to attend an opening ceremony in 2014 due to a "health condition". Widowed in 1996. DDP pick 2012, unsure if picked since, Deathrace 2023. W2003, 2006.



36) Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (1921-2021) Smoker, rumored dead in 2017, 2018 and 2020. In and out of hospital for his last 10 years (pneumonia in 2008, heart attack and emergency heart surgery in 2011, bladder infection in 2012, abdominal surgery in 2013, hospitalised in 2017 with infection, hip surgery in 2018, hospitalised in 2019 and 2020 for treatment of "pre-existing condition"), lengthy hospitalisation with heart problems and heart surgery months before his death on the 9th of April 2021.  Deathlistee x9 (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit), Crowdsourced-ee 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2003), DDP pick 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 173 teams, D40 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, AVALDP 2019, 2020, Deathrace 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, DLCup 2019 R1, 2020 R1, R2, R3, 2021 R1, R2, R3 - a hit for 3 teams, W2002, 2003.

Additional notes:

#1 on the DL 2020 and 2021.

Most voted in Crowdsourced 2020 and 2021.

Most popular DDP pick in 2020 and 2021.



37) Alberto Fujimori (1938) In and out of hospital tens of times for more than five years with tongue cancer (1997, 2008, 2011, 2013 and later), a-fib, pulmonary fibrosis, gastric problems (2013, 2017 and 2018), lung tumor, heart failure, emergency in 2010, a fall in 2011, "degenerative illness", arterial occlusion, kidney stones, pancreatic cysts, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, heart surgeries, "neurological problems", oxygen saturation issues and other stuff. Reported very ill in March last year, on oxygen in November 2022. But he also wants to get out of jail. Again hospitalised in early 2023. Freed due to health reasons in December 2023. Crowdsourced-ee 2018, (has his own thread since 2017), DDP pick 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, Deathrace 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024, DLCup 2018 R1, 2019 R1, R2, W2002, 2008.



38) Mulayam Singh Yadav (1939-2022) (मुलायम सिंह यादव) Swine flu in 2015, ill in 2016, UTI and hospitalised twice in 2019, hospitalised 4 times in 2020 with UTI, pneumonia, covid, stomach infection and other ailments, hospitalised in June 2022 on oxygen. Widowed in 2003 and 2022. Rumored dead in 2020. In ill health for years with cancer and organ failures, hospitalised in ICU and extremely critical his last hospitalisation with cancer and kidney infection. Died on the 10th of October 2022 at 82. W2004, 2019.



39) Luis Echeverría (1922-2022) Hospitalised with dehydration, intestinal infection and respiratory tract infection in January 2006, delicate with blood shortage to the brain in February 2006, hospitalised in 2010 and underwent pacemaker implantation, pneumonia in 2017 and twice in 2018. Extremely frail since 2017. Died on the 8th of July 2022 "from a complication of natural causes" at 100. DDP pick 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 5 teams. AVALDP 2021, Deathrace 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023(???), DLCup 2021 R2, 2022 R1, R2, W2003, 2008.



40) Lucía Hiriart (1923-2021) Obese, hospitalised with heart attack in 2011, in 2013, in ICU with heart failure in 2016, hospitalised and seriously ill in 2017, serious fall in 2018, on oxygen with heart failure in December 2020, hospitalised with heart failure and pneumonia twice in 2021, died from respiratory failure on the 16th of December 2021 at 98. DDP pick 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 3 teams, AVALDP 2017, 2021, Deathrace 2019, 2021, W2005, 2016.



41) Leonor Oyarzún (1919-2022) Hospitalised with acute respiratory tract infection in 2010. Wheelchairbound and decrepit for years, survived serious covid in 2020 that left permanent complications, died on the 21st of January 2022 at 102. DDP pick 2011, 2022 - picked by 1 team, didn't obit, Deathrace 2022, DLCup 2021 R1, R2, R4, W2005, 2017.



42) Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani (1919-2022) (لطف‌الله صافی گلپایگانی) Extremely frail and decrepit for years before his death, hospitalised some time before his death, discharged, suffered a cardiac arrest and died on the 1st of February 2022 at 102. DDP pick 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - picked by 1 team, didn't obit, W2006, 2017.



43) John Rigas (1924-2021) Ill with heart problems since the 1990s, seriously ill with cancer in 2003, then terminally ill with bladder cancer in 2015, finally died on the 30th of September 2021 at 96. DDP pick 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, LotM, Deathrace 2016, 2017, W2004, 2015.



44) Sarah Onyango Obama (1922-2021) Diabetes for ages and obese, car accident in 2012, hospitalised and seriously ill in 2019 and hospitalised since until dying on the 29th of March 2021 at 98/99. DDP pick 2010, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 1 team. W2008, 2016.



45) Maria Nyerere (1929/1930) Hospitalised multiple times in recent years including when she was very ill with "sudden illness" in 2019. Ill in 2020. Rumored dead in 2021 when she was ill. Widowed in 1999. DDP pick 2022, W2013, 2019.



46) Trần Thiện Khiêm (1925-2021) In ill health for years before his death, ultrafrail when he was baptized in 2018, died "while recovering from a fall" on the 24th of June 2021 at 95. DDP pick 2020, 2021 - a hit for 1 team, W2005, 2017.



47) Yuriko, Princess Mikasa (1923) (高木百合子 or 崇仁親王妃百合子 or たかひとしんのうひ ゆりこ) Has had a pacemaker since 1999 due to bradyarrhythmia. Colorectal cancer in 2007. Hospitalided with herpes zoster in 2016. Pacemaker replacement surgery in 2018. Hospitalised with flu in 2019, pleural effusion, pneumonia and heart failure in 2020 when she was pretty much in hospice, hospitalised again in 2021 with lung troubles and heart failure, hospitalised for a month in 2022 with covid. Widowed in 2016. DDP pick 2013, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023, Deathrace 2021, 2022, 2024, DLCup 2021 R1, R2, R3, R4, 2022 R1, R2, 2023 R1, R2, W2005, 2014/2015.



48) Queen Sirikit (Sirikit Kitiyakara) (1932) (สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์ พระบรมราชินีนาถ) Massive debilitating stroke in 2012 and too ill to attend king's birthday, hospitalised multiple times since with bladder, lung, etc infections in 2016, 2018 and 2019. Wheelchairbound, likely suffers from advanced dementia and extremely frail for the last five years, reported unable to communicate in 2022. Widowed in 2016. DDP pick 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, AVALDP 2016, Deathrace 2022, DLCup 2021 R2, W2004, 2014.



49) Raoni aka. Raoni Metuktire aka. Chief Raoni/Ropni (ca. 1930/1932) Hospitalised in ICU with major gastric hemorrhage, infection, anemia and ulcers in 2020, later hospitalised the same year with covid, pneumonia, heart inflammation and multiple age-related issues. Hospitalised in 2022 with cardiac arrhythmia and a heart blockage and underwent pacemaker implantation. Widowed in 2020. (Has had his own thread since 2019), DDP pick 2021, 2022 and 2023, DLCup 2021 R1, W2011, 2018.



50) Song Ping (1917) (宋平) Ancient, rumored dead or gravely ill multiple times. Missed Jiang Zemin's funeral completely in 2022. Widowed in 2019. DDP pick 2023, Deathrace 2023, 2024, DLCup 2021 R2, W2006, 2018.



51) Kenneth Kaunda (1924-2021) Obese, rumored parkinson's and diabetes. Lost his son in 1999, widowed in 2013. Rumored dead in 2016. Hospitalised in 2007, very ill in 2011 and 2012, hospitalised with "unspecified illness" in 2014, hospitalised in 2015 and 2017, suffering from recurring pneumonia before dying at 97 on the 17th of June 2021. (Has had his own thread since 2020), DDP pick 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 10 teams, W2001, 2006.



52) Tommy Lasorda (1927-2021) Obese, heart attack in 2012 (not his first anyways, suffered around 5 of them during his life, including one in 1996), hospitalised twice in 2017 with heart attacks, on life support in November 2020, critical on life support again, died on the 7th of January 2021 at 93. DDP pick 2009, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 17 teams. AVALDP 2020, Deathrace 2021 - a hit for 5 teams, W2004, 2007.



53) VMAR Ri Yong-mu (1925-2022) (리용무) Seriously ill (or rumored to be) for years before his death with hospitalisations since 2013. Died on the 27th of January 2022 from an acute heart attack at 97. W2011, 2018.



54) Larry King (1933-2021) Long history of CVD and heart disease, chainsmoker with depression. Heart attack and quintuple bypass in 1987, lung cancer in 2017, serious stroke that left him in coma for weeks in 2019, covid in 2021, died on the 23th of January 2021 from sepsis caused by acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and end-stage renal disease at 87. Deathlistee 2019 - a miss, Crowdsourced-ee 2020, 2021 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2006), DDP pick 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 - a hit for 50 teams, D40 2021, AVALDP 2019, 2020, Deathrace 2020, W2003, 2004.



55) Amadou Mahtar M'Bow (1921) I don't know if he's ill. Ancient and needs help walking. Unable to make appearance on 102nd birthday in 2023. W2005, 2020/2021.



56) Abdoulaye Wade (1926) Likely already ill in 2010 when a doctor was fined for saying he was ill. Widely rumored to have cancer in 2014. Has spent a lot of time abroad for treatment during the last years, but looked fine in 2022. Rumored dead in 2020. Has been out of the country for treatment multiple times, including 2022-2023. Facebook account. DDP pick 2013, 2015, 2016, W2003, 2007.



57) Emmanuel Milingo (1930) Previously lung, heart, kidney failure sufferer, hospitalised with malaria in 2018, ill and near death in 2020, critically ill and on his deathbed in 2021 when he was rumored dead. No appearances for over a year when he was undergoing treatment, wheelchairbound with bloated legs in 2022. Deathrace 2020, W2004, 2019.



58) Mustafa Ben Halim (1921-2021) (مصطفى أحمد بن حليم) Obese, widowed in 2016, unable to speak in 2020, rumored dead in February 2021, died on the 7th of December 2021 at 100. DDP pick 2013, 2014, 2019, 2021 - picked by 3 teams, didn't obit, DLCup 2021 R2, W2006, 2011.


29th of May 2021 additions:


59) Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf aka. Baghdad Bob aka. Comical Ali (1937) (محمد سعيد الصحاف) Critically ill with advanced cancer in 2014. Rumored dead atleast 15 times in recent years, and this isn't even a joke, he was rumored dead multiple (atleast three) times in 2022. DDP pick 2023, Deathrace 2020, W2003, 2007.



60) Yu Miu-Lin (1937) (余慕莲) Critically ill with "terminal" blood cancer, hematitis and pulmonary fibrosis and spent months on life support around 2020. Still very ill with pulmonary fibrosis and struggles to walk and talk, but her blood cancer is now in remission. However, undergoes frequent treatment. Deathrace 2021, DLCup 2021 R2, R3, W2011, 2021.



61) Violeta Chamorro (1929) Suffering from osteoporosis and "digestive problems" for atleast three decades. Spinal infection and surgery in 1986. "Regularly treated in Houston hospitals in the 1980s" according to NY Post. Already was wheelchairbound or used crutches in the 1990s following a knee injury and spinal infection. Suffered from brain tumors in 2011, had a severe stroke in 2018 (and rumored dead), reported bedbound and suffering from advanced dementia in 2021. In delicate health after routine procedure in July 2023. Airlifted to Costa Rica for "advanced treatment of serious illness" in delicate condition in October 2023. Widowed in 1978. Crowdsourced-ee 2019, 2024, DDP pick 2013, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, Deathrace 2023, 2024, DLCup 2022 R1, R2, R3, R4, 2023 R3, W2003, 2016.



62) Juan Ponce Enrile (1924) Pneumonia in 2004, pneumonia in 2012, reported to be suffering from uncontrolled/chronic hypertension dating back to 1990, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, history of gastrointernal bleeding, history of benign prostate hypertrophy, bronchial asthma and coronary artery calcification in 2014, pneumonia and dengue in 2015, has undergone stem cell therapy, severe pneumonia in 2022 and later hospitalised with covid and pneumonia. The whole Philippines seem to think he's immortal and eternal and there are frequent joke death hoaxes. Facebook account, Instagram account. W2015, 2005.




2022 list



1 / 63) Nguyễn Côn (1916-2022) Tortured during WWII for 5 years. Paralyzed and very frail in 2015, gravely ill for months in 2021. Died on the 9th of January 2022 at the age of 105 after more or less a decade of hospitalisation. Deathrace 2022 - a hit for 1 team, W2021, 2019.



2 / 64) Jerry Lee Lewis (1935-2022) Lifelong bad habits (Alcoholic, smoker, user of atleast 10 different types of drugs) and looked dead since the 1980s. Hospitalised in the 1970s multiple times for stomach ailments, critically ill in 1981 with serious infection, internal hemorrhage and abscess, two minor ulcers in 1984, serious ulcer in 1985, pneumonia in 2001, severe stroke in 2019, rumored dead two days before his death on the 28th of October 2022 at 87 from complications of acute bronchitis and "multiple diseases he had suffered from for years".  Deathlistee x2 (1993 and 2022 - a hit), Crowdsourced-ee 2022 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2011), DDP pick 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 57 teams, D40 2021, 2022, AVALDP 2021, Deathrace 2009, 2012, 2016, 2018, 2022, DLCup 2022 R1, R2, R3, R4, W2002, 2004.



3 / 65) Bob Barker (1923-2023) Multiple strokes and already in ill health in 2006 including strokes in 1991 and 2002, prostate ailments, blocked left carotid artery in 1999 and other heart ailments, multiple bouts of skin cancer, falls in 2015 and 2017, hospitalised again in 2018. However somehow said to be in good health. Rumored dead atleast 1995, 2007 and 2021. Widowed in 1981. Allegedly "only ill with a thyroid disease" 2022. Died on the 26th of August 2023 from dementia complications at 99. Deathlistee x7 (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 - a hit), Crowdsourced-ee 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2005), DDP pick 2000, 2001, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 - a hit for 57 teams, D40 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, MMMDP 2022, AVALDP 2022, Deathrace 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, DLCup 2019 R1, R2, 2020 R1, 2021 R2, 2022 R1, R2, 2023 R1, R2, W2003, 2004.



4 / 66) Muhammad Rafiq Tarar (1929-2022) (محمد رفیق تارڑ) Gravely ill in 2017 with heart attack, underwent MitraClip heart surgery, widowed in 2020, very ill for his last 5 years and died on the 7th of March 2022 at the age of 92 from "prolonged illness". DDP pick 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 1 team, W2004, 2017.



5 / 67) Shahabuddin Ahmed (1930-2022) (শাহাবুদ্দিন আহমেদ) Ill in 2017, gravely ill with gastric hemorrhage in 2018, gravely ill in 2020, critically ill in July 2021, died after 4 weeks of being critical on life support on the 19th of March 2022 at 92. DDP pick 2021, LotM, DLCup 2022 R2 - a hit for 1 team, W2005, 2021?.



6 / x) Violeta Chamorro mentioned in both the Class of 2021 and Class of 2022.



7 / 68) Sidney Cooke (1927) Atleast two strokes, wheelchairbound and needed a specially adjusted bed in 2009 following a stroke, severe heart attack and "fighting for his life" in 2010. (Has had his own thread since 2022), DDP pick 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, AVALDP 2021, Deathrace 2021, 2023, W2005, 2005.



8 / 69) Lawrence Brooks (1909-2022) Survived Hurricane Katrina and also widowed in 2005, survived weeks in ICU at 112 in 2021. Died on the 5th of January 2022 at 112. DDP pick 2022 - a hit for 1 team, Deathrace 2021, 2022 - a hit for 2 teams, DLCup 2021 R2, R3, R4, W2021, 2018.



9 / 70) Joseph Estrada (1937) Pneumonia, knee problems/osteoarthritis, fever and already ill with "a damaged lung" in 2005. Heart ailment in 2007. On life support and ventilator with covid for weeks in 2021 (and was rumored dead), days later back in ICU with severe lung infection. Recovered. Rumored to suffer from dementia in 2019. Facebook account, Twitter account. (Has had his own thread since 2005), DDP pick 2014, 2023, W2003, 2005.



10 / 71) Paulo Maluf (1931) Obstruction and surgery in 1997. In and out of hospital for years mostly with pneumonia and prostate cancer. Hospitalised last year with covid and reported to be suffering from "dementia and Alzheimer" and in 24/7 care. Instagram account*, Twitter account. DDP pick 2022, 2023, W2005, 2019/2020.



11 / 72) Jean-Louis Trintignant (1930-2022) Hospitalised during the Algerian War, leg injury and surgery in 2007, suffered from advanced terminal prostate cancer for five years before his death (and stopped chemo in June-July 2018) at the age of 91 on the 17th of June 2022. Crowdsourced-ee 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2019), DDP pick 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 44 teams, D40 2019, 2020, 2022, AVALDP 2018, Deathrace 2010, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, DLCup 2019 R1, R2, R3, 2020 R1, R2, 2021 R1, R2, 2022 R2, W2002, 2009/2017.

Additional notes:

Joint most popular pick in Deathrace 2019.



12 / 73) Cesar Virata (1930) Already looked decrepit as a Marcos minister. Obese, hospitalised on life support with covid, pneumonia and stroke in 2020. Now attending events. Deathrace 2024, W2005, 2021.



13 / 74) Wang Hanbin (1925) (王汉斌) Wheelchairbound and frail in 2016. Bounced back. Wheelchairbound and very frail in 2022. W2014, 2020.



14 / 75) Mwai Kibaki (1931-2022) Stroke in 1983 and 2000, road accident in 2002, rumored seriously ill in 2003, stroke in 2016 and also widowed 2016, hospitalised in critical condition in 2017, hospitalised in 2019, in and out of hospital in 2020 and 2021. Again in and out of hospital for his last year and fighting for his life for his last 14 days before dying at the age of 90 on the 21nd of April 2022. DDP pick 2007, 2008, 2009, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 - a hit for 2 teams, Deathrace 2022, DLCup 2021 R3, W2002, 2016.



15 / 76) Boris Pahor (1913-2022) Holocaust survivor of around 5 camps, looked like a corpse for his last 5-10 years before dying on the 30th of May 2022 after a long illness at 108. DDP pick 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 5 teams, Deathrace 2020, 2021, 2022, DLCup 2021 R2, 2022 R1, R2, R3, W2004, 2010.



16 / 77) Zhu Rongji (1928) (朱镕基) Very ill for the last 5+ years, likely suffering from parkinson's or another serious degenerative disease affecting mobility. Daughter said "his organs and tissues have some problems" in 2014. Too ill to attend events in years. Rumored dead in 2022. DDP pick 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, Deathrace 2023, DLCup 2023 R1, R2, W2002, 2017.



17 / 78) Yang Hyong-sop (1925-2022) (양형섭) Gravely ill in 2017, frail in 2020, wheelchairbound and very frail in 2021, died from a stroke on the 13th of May 2022 at 96. DDP pick 2018, LotM, Deathrace 2020, W2008, 2017.



18 / 79) Yan Mingfu (1931-2023) (阎明复) Suffering from myasthenia gravis, diagnosed in December 2002 and also had a serious liver disease in 2002. Was already very ill 12 years ago, hospitalised for more than five years. Finally died on the 3rd of July 2023 at 91. W2014, 2020.



19 / 80) Driss Guiga (1924) (إدريس قيقة) Ill, very frail, rumored dead five years ago. Bounced back and looked fine in early 2022. Widowed in 2018. Facebook account. W2015, 2019.



20 / 81) Kane Tanaka (1903-2022) (田中カ子) Pancreatic cancer in the 1940s, colon cancer at 107, hospitalised continuously in 2020 and 2021 on oxygen, seriously ill before New Year 2022, again in and out of hospital, died on the 19th of April 2022 at 119. DDP pick 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 17 teams, MMMDP 2020, AVALDP 2018, Deathrace 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, DLCup 2019 R1, R2, R4, 2020 R2, R3, 2021 R1, R2, R3, R4, 2022 R1, R2, W2017, 2018.



21 / 82) Ashi Tashi Dorji (1923) In great health her earlier nonagenarian years but looked thin in 2021, failed to make an appearance on her 99th birthday in 2022. Facebook account. W2019, 2021.



22 / 83) Lata Mangeshkar (1929-2022) (लता मंगेशकर) Decrepit, poisoned in 1962, criticial in ICU and on ventilator with pneumonia, acute respiratory failure and congestion in 2019, hospitalised for a month with covid, pneumonia, sepsis, septic shock, multiple organ failure and undiagnosed lung cancer in January-February 2022 before dying on the 6th of February 2022 at the age of 92 from all of the above. Crowdsourced-ee 2020, (has had her own thread since 2022), DDP pick 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - a hit for 1 team, Deathrace 2020, 2021, 2022, DLCup 2020 R1, 2022 R1 - a hit for 5 teams, W2003, 2016.



23 / 84) Kaikala Satyanarayana (1935-2022) (కైకాల సత్యనారాయణ) Obese, hospitalised in October 2021 after a bad fall. Later hospitalised in November 2021 with covid, multiple organ failure, sepsis, septic shock, bounced in and out of very critical and extremely critical conditions in ICU and life support, underwent tracheotomy, bedbound on a ventilator connected to his tracheotomy and NG tube for the last year of his life before dying on the 23rd of December 2022 at 87 from a "short illness" that unstabilized his extremely fragile condition. AVALDP 2021, Deathrace 2022, W2006, 2021.



24 / 85) Wang Huo (1924) (王火) Concussion and intracranial hemorrhage in 1983 and blind in one eye since. Stroke in 2018. Suffered multiple heart attacks and pneumonia bouts in 2021 and was too ill to attend Ma Shitu's birthday party. Bounced back. Too ill to physically attend an event in February 2022, but sent a video message. Widowed around 2010. Said to be suffering from dementia in August 2023. Deathrace 2023, 2024, DLCup 2023 R1, R2, W2013, 2021.



25 / 86) Khamtai Siphandone (1924) (ຄຳໄຕ ສີພັນດອນ) Frail for the last decade or two, suffering from high bp, heart problems and other ailments. On his deathbed and on oxygen following a severe stroke in 2016. Looked like a corpse in 2021. Rumored seriously ill in January 2023. DDP pick 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, Deathrace 2023, DLCup 2023 R1, W2003, 2006.



26 / 87) Mahathir Mohamad (1925) (محاضير محمد‎) Heart attack and bypass surgery in 1989, two heart attacks in 2006, in ICU for a month following quadruple bypass surgery in 2007, chest infections in 2007 and 2010, hospitalised three times with a severe heart illness between 2021 and 2022, resigned from his last positions in 2022 but suprisingly didn't die. Rumored dead in 2016 and twice in 2022. Again hospitalised with an infection between July and August 2023. Facebook account, Twitter account, Instagram account, Tiktok account, Youtube account. Has had his own thread since 2020, DDP pick 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023, Deathrace 2024, DLCup 2022 R1, W2003, 2006.



27 / 88) Yusuf Qaradawi (1926-2022) (يوسف القرضاوي) Sentenced to death in 2015, frail for his last 10 years, on life support with COVID for two weeks in 2021, died on the 26th of September 2022 at 96 from a "long illness". DDP pick 2012, 2013, 2021, LotM, W2004, 2013.



28 / 89) Satya Mohan Joshi (1920-2022) (सत्यमोहन जोशी) Survived a serious lung disease in the 1940s/1950s, gravely ill with pneumonia, UTI, gastritis and pulmonary edema in 2014, in ICU in 2017 after difficulty breathing, hospitalised in February 2019, ill in August 2019, hospitalised in January 2021, in ICU with pneumonia, BP problems and serious heart issues in June 2021, on oxygen with pneumonia and UTI in February 2022, hospitalised in ICU with urinary tract infection, swollen heart, atrial fibrillation, dilated cardiomyopathy, acute kidney injury, heart tumor and traction fibro-bronchiectasis with pleural thickening in his respiratory tract in April 2022, too ill to have a birthday celebration in May 2022, hospitalised with dengue, UTI, bad appetite, weakness, chronic heart problems, heart and prostate cancer and kidney failure in September 2022, hokey-pokey'd in and out of ICU and critical condition around five times, went into multiple organ failure, improved, back into critical condition and finally died on the 16th of October 2022 at 102. W2014, 2022.



29 / 90) Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee (1944) (বুদ্ধদেব ভট্টাচার্য) Already very ill in 2015. Suffering from COPD for around 14 or more years. Hospitalised on BiPAP support with breathing problems in 2019, looked dead in 2020 (and also rumored dead in 2020) and later the same year hospitalised in "very critical" condition in ICU, ventilator with serious breathing problems and lacunar infarcts, again in ICU with covid in May 2021, bedbound, on oxygen and unable to talk for years. Hospitalised on ventilator, NG tube and 100% oxygen in July 2023 with type II respiratory failure, bilateral pneumonia, heart problems, tracheitis and kidney malfunction. DDP pick 2022, MMMDP 2021, Deathrace 2021, 2023, 2024, DLCup 2021 R5 (Semifinal), W2005, 2020.



30 / 91) Chaim Kanievsky (1928-2022) (חיים קאניעווסקי‎) Morbidly obese, suffering from dementia and advanced heart and lung disease for years before his death. Hospitalised and very ill in 2015, ill in 2017 and 2018, very ill with COVID in 2020, ill for multiple days  before dying on the 18th of March 2022 from a massive cardiac arrest at 94 as the CPR given to him failed. W2005, 2021.



2023 list



1 / 92) Kabosu (2005-) (かぼす or かぼちゃん) Ill in the 2010s with leg injury complications, CKD in 2019, vestibular disease in 2020, ill in July 2022, liver disease and terminal leukemia in December 2022, in worsening condition in May 2023, ill in August 2023, recovering from an illness and diagnosed with canine dementia in September 2023. Again recovering from illness in October and November 2023. Bronchitis, otitis media, otitis externa, fever and severe nystagmus in December 2023. W2013 (as Doge), 2020.



2 / 93) Mário Zagallo (1931-2024) Suffering from heart problems already in the 1980s/1990s, hospitalised with arrythmia in 2001 and 2002, hospitalised with severe gastrointestinal illness in 2005 and underwent surgery, hospitalised with dehydration in 2007, widowed in 2012 and hospitalised the same year with inguinal hernia, hospitalised with spinal infection and apparent kidney infection and on dialysis in ICU in 2014, hospitalised with unknown illness in 2016, hospitalised in 2019, very ill with pneumonia in 2022, hospitalised in ICU with serious UTI in 2023. Looked like a skeleton since atleast 2014. Rumored dead in 2023. Following a week-long hospitalisation died on the 5th of January 2024 at 92 from multiple organ failure. DDP pick 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2024 - a hit for 4 teams, DLCup 2018 R1, 2023 R1, R2, W2004, 2007.



3 / 94) Dries Van Agt (1931-) Chainsmoker, ill in 2018, massive stroke in 2019 when he was expected to be dead the next day. DDP pick 2012, 2013, 2015, 2021, DLCup 2023 R1, W2002, 2006.



4 / 95) Doyle Brunson (1933-2023) Survived cancer six times including "terminal" throat cancer in 1962. Heart attacks, serious accidents, shootouts, robberies, stabbings...Anemia in 2014, serious pneumonia in 2021. Claimed he'd "died two times", third, last, final time he died on the 14th of May 2023 at 89. DDP pick 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - a hit for 1 team, W2003, 2010.



5 / 96) Seiji Ozawa (1935-) (小澤征爾) Stepped down from BSO music directorship due to health reasons in 2002, cancelling all conducting engagements in 2006 due to severe pneumonia and shingles, very ill with esophageal cancer in 2010, in and out of hospital for back surgery and recurring pneumonia many times for the next 4 years (said he's on borrowed time in 2013) until 2014, hospitalised with flu, hip fracture and pneumonia in 2015, cancelling concerts due to health reasons in 2016, heart surgery due to heart valve disease in 2018, as of 2021 was suffering from advanced dementia, rapidly declining between 2022 and 2023. DDP pick 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2024, W2003, 2007/2010.



6 / 97) Nasser Makarem Shirazi (1927-) (ناصر مکارم شیرازی) Hospitalisations in the 2010s, hospitalised with cold and viral fever in 2019, in ICU in 2021, hospitalised in 2022, rumored dead in 2023. DDP pick 2021, W2006, 2019.



7 / 98) Alma Adamkienė (1927-2023) Foot operation in 2002, pacemaker implantation in 2014, hospitalised in ICU with short-term circulatory disorder and infection in 2018, hospitalised with massive stroke in unconscious state in 2019 (bedbound since), hospitalised multiple times for complications between 2020 and 2021 including with a serious infection in August 2021, hospitalised in June 2022 after a fall and head injury, hospitalised in August 2022 with "virus of unknown origin", hospitalised in September 2022 with covid and a plethora of other ailments in ICU and "extremely difficult conditions" for a month, hospitalised after a massive stroke in April 2023, in and out of critical conditions/ventilator and in coma before dying on the 21st of May 2023 at 96. DDP pick 2011, 2022, LotM, DLCup 2022 R1, R2, W2006, 2020.



8 / 99) Emmanuel Wamala (1926-) Kidnapping in 1992, ill in 2011, said to have been very ill in 2013, hospitalised multiple times 2014-2015, in critical condition with severe pneumonia in 2017, re-hospitalised a month later with a "strange illness" and again some months again, undergoing treatment in 2020, rumored dead in 2020 and 2022. Swollen oedemic hands and legs for years and suffering from god knows how many chronic diseases. DDP pick 2014, 2023, Deathrace 2024, W2005, 2013.



9 / 100) Superstar Billy Graham (1943-2023) Drug and steroid use, diabetes and hepatitis C since around the 1980s. Skin cancer for ages. Cirrhosis in 2002 and got a liver transplant, bowel ostruction in 2006, hospitalised and "one year to live" in 2010, again cirrhosis in 2011, third-stage liver disease and cirrhosis more advanced in 2012, critical in ICU with double pneumonia and possible heart failure in 2013, liver complication in 2014, internal bleeding and surgery in 2016, pneumonia in January 2019, hospitalised again in September 2019, toe infection in 2020, pulmonary edema, heart failure and atrial fibrillation in 2021. Toe amputations in 2022-2023 due to diabetes complications. Hospitalised at the start of January 2023 with a serious skull infection, suffered cardiac arrest and resuscitated, ear infection, pulmonary edema and kidney failure. Out of hospital, then right back in hospital and ICU with covid, congestive heart failure and infections, more serious kidney failure and brain infection. Then back in ICU with those other ailments but also covid, post-covid ailments, shortness of breath, bronchitis and inability to take his medicines due to confusion. In April on IV meds with the earlier stuff and bedsores at a rehab centre, then suffers acute kidney failure and back in ICU, suffers heart infection and multiple organ failure, undergoes major hip surgery due to hip infection, on life support due to multiple organ failure and brain and heart infection, dead 3 days later on the 17th of May 2023 at 79. DDP pick 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - a hit for 2 teams, Deathrace 2014, 2015 and 2021, DLCup 2023 R1, R2, R3, R4 - a hit for 3 teams, W2004, 2004.



10 / 101) Yoshiro Nakamatsu (1928-) (ドクター中松 or 中松 義郎) Terminal ductal prostate cancer in 2014 (diagnosed 2013) when he wasn't expected to live past 2015, serious fall and skull fracture in 2016. Brain stem stroke in 2021. Swollen hands in 2023. DDP pick 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2016, W2004, 2010.



11 / 102) Kenneth Cope (1931-) Mesothelioma misdiagnosis in 2000, COPD since 2005, emphysema, at the end of his days in 2016/2017. DDP pick 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024, DLCup 2017 R1, W2004, 2005.



12 / 103) Mangosuthu Buthelezi (1928-2023) Diagnosed with diabetes in the 1970s that had lead to multiple hospitalisations and suffered from gout. Widowed in 2019 and also lost many children before his death. Rumored dead atleast 2018 and 2021. Hospitalised in 2011 with high BP. Severe covid in 2020, again with covid in 2021, hospitalised with high BP in January 2022, hospitalised "not in critical condition" in August 2023, discharged, re-hospitalised, discharged, re-hospitalised in ICU with back pain, possible cancer, pneumonia and diabetes complications, prayer sessions held, fighting for his life, underwent surgery, stable, then back on life support and ICU, out of ICU, back in ICU, out of ICU, burnt in hospital accident and in ICU. Died on the 9th of September 2023 at the age of 95 after being discharged. DDP pick 2007, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - a hit for 1 team, W2004, 2017.



13 / 104) Yang You (1917-) (杨槱) In hospital since around 2016 suffering from all the classic old-age ailments. Deathrace 2023, W2005, 2021.



14 / 105) Nritya Gopal Das (1938-) (নৃত্যগোপাল দাস) Suffering from chronic ailments for ages including kidney failure, also obese. Hospitalised in ICU with covid and heart problems in August 2020, hospitalised in November 2020 critical and on ventilator/life support with thromboembolism and lung infection, discharged in December 2020 to a home care ICU on NG tube, oxygen cylinders, blood transfusion equipment. Hospitalised again in ICU in October 2021 with kidney failure and UTI, on ventilator, catheter, oxygen, etc, again in ICU with UTI and other massive ailments in April 2022, in CCU with UTI and other ailments in November 2022. Cared apparently 24/7 in a home hospital when he isn't at a real hospital. W2020, 2019.



15 / 106) Chiam See Tong (1935-) (詹时中) Stroke in 1989, parkinson's for atleast since 1995, ICU with atleast two strokes 2008-2009, in ICU with hip injury in 2013, looked ultra frail in 2015 and like a corpse in 2019. Likely suffers from dementia and too ill to attend a lifetime award ceremony in 2023. DLCup 2022 R3, W2005, 2022.



16 / 107) KH Ali Yafie (1926-2023) Decrepit for around 20 years before his death and possibly suffering from cancer. On ventilator with severe pneumonia and acute respiratory failure in 2018, hospitalised in 2019, hospitalised in serious condition in January 2020, critical with covid in 2020 and widowed around the same time, hospitalised multiple times 2021-2022, hospitalised with multiple organ failure in January 2023, deteriorating fastly, improving, deteriorating massively, improving, oedema, cardiac arrest, resuscitated and very critical, then on non-invasive ventilator with "a spot on his heart", pulmonary edema and everything else, improving and again critical before dying on the 25th of February 2023 at 96. DDP pick 2023 - picked by 1 team, didn't obit, DLCup 2023 R1 - a hit for 1 team, W2017, 2021/2022.



17 / 108) Parkash Singh Badal (1927-2023) (ਪਰਕਾਸ਼ ਸਿੰਘ ਬਾਦਲ) Health history since the 1980s/1990s with asthma and chronic lung/heart diseases, widowed in 2012, in ICU with a cold, chest congestion and a severe asthma attack in January 2016, hospitalised with COVID in January 2022, hospitalised in February 2022 with heart problems, hospitalised twice in June 2022 with bronchial asthma complications, gastritis and heart problems, hospitalised September 2022 with heart problems, gastritis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and flu, hospitalised with respiratory failure in April 2023, in ICU following heart attack, stable, then critical, then extremely critical, then again stable, then critical and died from "acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma" on the 25th of April 2023 at 95. Deathrace 2021, W2005, 2020.



18 / 109) Francesco Merloni (1925-) Survived being very ill with COVID and bilateral pneumonia in August 2020, two years later in August 2022 hospitalised weeks in ICU in unstable condition following a fall. DLCup 2023 R2, W2013, 2020.



19 / 110) Shimon Baadani (1928-2023) (שמעון בעדני) Leg infection in 2013, hospitalised with leg pain, weakness and infection in 2019, very ill in May 2022, very ill in July 2022, hospitalised in October 2022, then critical and severely deteriorating, discharged to his home hospital. Hospitalised in November 2022 in extremely serious condition, cardiac arrest, resuscitated, on ventilator for weeks, stabilized, deteriorates further, gets COVID, woken from coma in December 2022, discharged to a rehab facility, re-hospitalised in January 2023 in serious condition with pneumonia. Very frail for years before his death and possibly suffering from cancer. Finally died on the 11th of January 2023 at 94. DDP pick 2023 - a hit for 3 teams, AVALDP 2022, Deathrace 2023, W2015, 2022.



20 / 111) Cleopa Msuya (1931-) Gravely ill on oxygen and ICU for months in 2013 and 2014, hospitalised again in 2021. W2006, 2016.



21 / 112) Lucile Randon (1904-2023) (Sœur André) As a baby survived a serious illness her twin sister did not survive. Heart attack and carotid artery surgery in 1995, wheelchairbound and in a care home since 2009, survived covid in 2021, increasingly ill before dying from "natural causes" at 118 on the 17th of January 2023. Deathrace 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, DLCup 2019 R1, 2020 R3, 2021 R2, R4, 2022 R1, R2, W2017, 2018.



22 / 113) Ignacio López Tarso (1925-2023) Spine injury in the 1940s, massive drinker and chainsmoker. COPD for ages and on/off oxygen his last years, colon cancer in 2016 when he was hospitalised for ages in ICU, hospitalised in 2019 and other times with pneumonia, hospitalised four times with pneumonia and respiratory problems in 2020-2021, in delicate condition after an emergency hospitalisation in January 2022 for intestinal complications, hospitalised in June 2022 with bacterial pneumonia, hospitalised with pneumonia, bowel obstruction and COPD complications in March 2023, "delicate but improving and out of danger", then had severe pneumonia again and went into heart, lung and kidney failure, died on the 11th of March 2023 at 97. DDP pick 2020, 2021, 2023 - a hit for 1 team, W2007, 2020.



23 / 114) Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Salah (1926-) (سالم العلي السالم الصباح) Morbidly obese, hospitalised throughout the 1990s and in ICU in the early 2000s, gravely ill in 2007 when he underwent tracheotomy due to hypoxia caused by cardiac arrest and severe gastrointestinal perforation, hospitalised for more than two years in Germany and the UK before being discharged in 2010, hospitalised for weeks in 2013, again in 2016-2017 when prayers were asked, hospitalised and very ill in September 2018 and December 2018, ill in 2019, gravely ill and on NG tube in 2020, hospitalised again in 2021. Rumored dead atleast 2008, 2013, 2015, 2017 and atleast two times in 2020 and in a wheelchair since his 2007 hospitalisation. Again said to be very ill in October 2023. DDP pick 2023, Deathrace 2023, 2024, W2006, 2022.



24 / 115) Thích Thanh Từ (1924-) Already very frail in the 2000s, rumored dead in 2011 when another person with his name died, hospitalised in the 2010s. Pacemaker implantation in 2019, ill in 2023. DDP pick 2023, W2009, 2021.



25 / 116) Hsing Yun (1927-2023) (釋星雲) Diagnosed with diabetes in the 1960s, very ill in 1997, falls, three strokes in 2011, extreme heart disease, fist-sized blood clot in his brain in 2016 and underwent an extremely complicated three-hour surgery to remove it. Suffered from the "three highs", high BP, blood lipid and blood sugar for ages before his death. Underwent dialysis for kidney failure for multiple years before his death and apparently also had undergone a liver transplant at some point. Severe stroke in January 2023 that lead to his kidneys to completely fail, died on the 5th of February 2023 at 95. DDP pick 2019, 2023 - a hit for 1 team, DLCup 2023 R1 - a hit for 1 team, W2003, 2018.



26 / 117) Giorgio Napolitano (1925-2023) Decrepit, hospitalised in 2016, hospitalised in critical condition with poor prognosis in 2018 with aortic dissection, underwent emergency open heart surgery, hospitalised in 2021, hospitalised in critical condition in ICU and underwent delicate surgery in 2022, too ill to chair the senate in October 2022, hospitalised in ICU and life support in June/July 2023, extremely critical in September 2023 and taken off life support, lingered on for days before dying on the 22nd of September 2023 at 98 from god knows what. Crowdsourced-ee 2023 - a hit, (has had his own thread since 2021), DDP pick 2009, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - a hit for 11 teams, Deathrace 2015, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, DLCup 2019 R1, 2020 R1, 2021 R1, R2, 2022 R1, 2023 R1, R2, W2005, 2007.



27 / 118) Zhang Lixiong (1913) (张力雄) Seriously wounded in 1934, wounded and in coma in 1936, ill in 1968, hospitalised for a year with a "serious illness" and on NG tube around 2021-2022, hospitalised in ICU and noninvasive ventilator around February 2023 for months, very ill in August 2023 but later the same month out of ICU. AVALDP 2023, Deathrace 2024, W2022, 2020(indirect)/2022.



28 / 119) Gershon Edelstein (1923-2023) (גרשון אדלשטיין) Heart operation in 2011, hospitalised in ICU in 2019, hospitalised in May-June 2021, hospitalised in January 2022, hospitalised in ICU in July 2022 with heart attack and covid, hospitalised in May 2023, suffered heart attack, critical, stable, critical, then dead on the 30th of May 2023 at 100. DDP pick 2023 - a hit for 1 team, DLCup 2021 R5 (Semifinal), 2023 R2, W2020, 2021.



29 / 120) Tu Tongjin (1914-2023) (涂通今) Decrepit in the 1990s, in failing health since 2008, seriously ill in 2013, extremely frail and unable to feed himself in 2014, hospitalised for his last 10 years and on oxygen for 6 years suffering from everything. Completely bedbound for atleast 4 years before his death at the 301 Hospital with advanced dementia and in 2022 described as completely unable to move and hooked to machines. Finally died on the 3rd of April 2023 at 108. W2022, 2022.



30 / 121) Charlie Munger (1924-2023) Failed eye surgery for cataracts in 1980 that left him half-blind, he says he hadn't exercised since the 1940s. Suffered from an undisclosed cancer at some point. Wheelchairbound and ultrafrail his last years, died in a hospital on the 28th of November 2023 at 99. DDP pick 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - a hit for 3 teams, W2004, 2018.



2024 list



1 / 122) Chavalit Yongchaiyudh (1932-) (ชวลิต ยงใจยุทธ) Obese and has looked unwell his whole life. Alzheimer's check in 1997 due to memory concerns, fall in 2016 and hospitalised for complication treatments in 2017. Severe stroke between 2022 and 2023 and on ventilator with pneumonia in February 2023, hospitalised for atleast two months. Hospitalised again later in 2023 for unspecified treatment. DLCup 2023 R2, W2005, 2016.



2 / 123) Tinto Brass (1933-) Obese and a cigar chainsmoker. Severe brain hemorrhage in 2010 when he was in ICU and "between life and death". In extremely critical conditions in 2019 following an apparent stroke. Severe ischemia in January 2021. DDP pick 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, W2004, 2012.



3 / 124) Silvia Pinal (1931-) Reportedly suffering from senile dementia in 2018 and heart disease for years. Hospitalised with pneumonia and respiratory ailments in March 2019. Hospitalised with UTI in February 2020, hospitalised in serious condition with hip fracture and underwent surgery in April 2020, hospitalised in June 2021, hospitalised in ICU with arrhythmia, covid and high BP and later UTI, phlegm in lungs and pneumonia in December 2021, hospitalised with pneumonia in September 2022, hospitalised in December 2023 on respiratory support with aspiration pneumonia and bronchoaspiration and allegedly underwent last rites. DDP pick 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2022, 2024, W2004, 2012.



4 / 125) Kim Yong-nam (1928-) (김영남) Decrepit, retired in 2019 due to frail health, unable to attend an event in 2020, ultra frail and pale in 2021, needed help walking and looked at the verge of death in 2023. DDP pick 2014, 2015, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2020, 2021, 2024, DLCup 2023 R2, W2003, 2013.



5 / 126) Sonomyn Luvsangombo (1924-) (Сономын Лувсангомбо) Frail in 2015, looked like a zombie and incredibly thin in 2020. Has seemingly spent most of his last two years ill or recovering from illnesses, hospitalised atleast 2017 and 2022. W2020, 2022.



6 / 127) Tep Vong (1932-) (ទេព វង្ស) Long history of heart problems starting from the 1990s or 2000s and pacemaker implantation at an unknown date. Critically ill with fall and a series of strokes in from December 2019 to 2020, hospitalised in ICU in October 2023 and underwent blood transfusion due to anemia and pacemaker battery change and hospitalised twice since. Hospitalised on IV meds in January 2024. DDP pick 2023, AVALDP 2023, Deathrace 2024, W2007, 2021.



7 / 128) Joseph Lagu (1929/1931-) Obese his whole life, ailing in 2015, hospitalised with severe covid in 2020-2021 (which killed his wife), hospitalised and seemingly on his deathbed in ICU with "mystery ailment" in July 2023 but recovered within weeks. W2005, 2021.



8 / 129) Shmuel Kamenetsky (1924-) (שמואל קמנצקי) In critical condition following massive stroke in May 2023, re-hospitalised with pneumonia weeks later and again re-hospitalised with pneumonia the next week in June 2023. Again hospitalised twice in October 2023 and underwent a surgery. W2007, 2021.



9 / 130) Jean-Marie Le Pen (1928-) Obese. Hospitalised with heart problems in 2015, hospitalised with pulmonary edema in 2016, hospitalised in April 2018, hospitalised with flu and "dangerous pulmonary complication" in June 2018, hospitalised and "dying" according to his lawyer in September-October 2018, rumored gravely ill in April 2020, hospitalised after stroke in February 2022, wheelchairbound and very frail in November 2022, rumored dead in April 2023, in serious condition and fainted following heart attack later in April 2023, rumored gravely ill in October 2023. Deathlistee x5 (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Crowdsourced-ee 2023, 2024, (has had his own thread since 2017), DDP pick 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2010, 2019, 2023, 2024, W2002, 2005.



10 / 131) Shi Ping (1912-) (施平) Suffering from blood pressure problems since the 1980s. Hospitalised since atleast 2015, in 24/7 monitoring for years and suffering from advanced dementia and heart problems. In critical and serious conditions with severe covid during China's December 2022-January 2023 wave, 40 degree fever, bilateral pneumonia etc and months on feeding tube and oxygen. Somehow made some kind of a recovery. W2023, 2022.



11 / 132) Juan Vicente Pérez Mora (1909-) Wheelchairbound since atleast 2010, incredibly frail since 2020, blood pressure issues in 2022, possibly dementia. DDP pick 2023, Deathrace 2023, 2024, DLCup 2022 R3, 2023 R1, R2, R3, R4, W2022, 2021.



12 / 133) Willie Nelson (1933-) Started drinking and smoking as a child, smoking weed since 1954. Severe lung collapse/pneumothorax in 1981 followed by three medical procedures and suffering from occasional congestion since. Pneumonia multiple times in the 1980s and 1990s (he said in 1998 he'd had pneumonia four or five times in recent years, back pain, prostate and bladder problems) and ill with emphysema since the 2000s, surgery in 1986, surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome in 2004, cancelling concerts due to an unspecified illness in 2009, hospitalised in 2012, hospitalised with trouble breathing in January 2013, hospitalised in October 2015 and undergoing stem-cell therapy, ill in 2016, hospitalised and seriously ill in 2017, hospitalised in 2018 (and rumored to have cancer) and cancelled concerts 3 different times, ill with "lung problems" in August 2019, ill in 2020, hospitalised with pneumonia in 2021, gravely ill with covid in May 2022 when his "house was turned into a hospital". Unable to attend Grammy ceremony in February 2023. Rumored dead atleast in 2015, 2017 and 2023. Deathlistee x4 (2020, 2021, 2023, 2024), Crowdsourced-ee 2020, 2021, (has had his own thread since 2017), D40 2023, DDP pick 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, AVALDP 2019, Deathrace 2014, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, W2002, 2005.



13 / 134) Khieu Samphan (1931-) (ខៀវ សំផន) Apparent stroke AND heart attack in 2007, rushed to hospital with blood pressure problems in 2008, hospitalised with mystery illness in 2013, hospitalised in 2014, rushed to hospital in 2015, hospitalised in 2022 or 2023. DDP pick 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, W2004, 2015.



14 / 135) Selim Hoss (1929-) (سليم الحص) Survived a car bomb assasination attempt in 1984, widowed in 1990. In Saudi Arabia for treatment in 2010, suffering from a serious illness in 2016, 2017 and 2018, hospitalised in 2020, incredibly frail for the last decade and apparently hospitalised atleast the last 3 years. Rumored dead in 2018 and 2020. Hunger striking in 2017. DDP pick 2021, W2004, 2017.



15 / 136) Surat Singh Khalsa (1933-) (ਸੂਰਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਖਾਲਸਾ) Hunger striker who's been on hunger strikes for most of his life. Shot in the leg in 1986, on hunger strike in 2011. Went on his most known hunger strike in January 2015, hospitalised in February 2015, hospitalised in June 2015, hospitalised with heart issues in July 2015, skeletal, 34kg and in extremely ill condition in September 2015, hospitalised and IV tubes inserted in November 2015 (was in hospital for around 7 months, refused water, right after hospitalised again), removed his feeding tube in April 2016, hospitalised again in June 2016 (and in hospital for 6.5 years), "critical health" in February 2019, allegedly beaten in September 2019, went on a death fast in April 2023 and in critical condition in May 2023. W2015, 2021.



16 / 137) Manohar Joshi (1937-) (मनोहर जोशी) Decrepit for years, widowed in 2020, hospitalised in critical condition, ICU in May 2023 with stroke as complication from brain cancer, two weeks later out of ICU. Discharged and treated at home since. MMMDP 2023, W2004, 2022.



17 / 138) Ilia II of Georgia (1933-) (ილია II) Suffering from Parkinson's since atleast the 1990s, chronic lung diseases, chronic heart disease, heart surgery in 2008, in Germany for treatment of a virus in 2009, back in Germany for treatment in 2012, hospitalised for spinal surgery in 2014, seriously ill in 2014 with heart ailment and underwent surgery, underwent "second round of treatment" and surgery in 2015, in ICU with gallbladder ailment, underwent surgery in 2017 and attempted assasination the same year, hospitalised with weakness in 2019 and hospitalised again in 2020, rumored to be near death and to resign soon in 2022. Incredibly frail in 2023. DDP pick 2015, 2017, 2023, W2004, 2015.



18 / 139) Muja (ca. 1925...1937-) (Муја алигатор) Survived major bombings in 1941, 1944 and 1999 and a hot water incident in the 1960s. Gangrene in 2012 and underwent a complicated amputation surgery for it. Decrepit and ancient for decades and suffering from mild age-related ailments. W2014, 2020.



19 / 140) Josip Manolić (1920-) In jail during WWII, survived covid and pneumonia in April 2021. Widowed in 2003 and 2020. Bedbound since 2022, last rites in December 2023. DDP pick 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024DLCup 2019 R2, 2020 R2, 2021 R2, R3, 2023 R1, W2005, 2015.



20 / 141) Manmohan Singh (1932-) (मनमोहन सिंह) Diabetic. Triple bypass surgery in 1990, angioplasty in 2004, wrist surgery in 2006, prostate gland surgery and cataract removal in 2008, 14-hour quadruple bypass heart surgery in 2009 and soon given 10 years more to live. Hospitalised with febrile reaction, chest pains and infection in May 2020, hospitalised with covid in April 2021, hospitalised in ICU with dengue and seemed a goner in October 2021, wheelchairbound and very frail in 2022. DDP pick 2009, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2024, W2004, 2009.



21 / 142) Solihin G. P. (1926-) Obese and frail, suffering from ailments for a decade. Hospitalised in ICU and on oxygen with severe stroke in 2017 and suffering from dementia that he "recovered from". Hospitalised again in ICU on oxygen in 2018 when it seemed like he was on his deathbed. Hospitalised with covid and rumored dead in 2021. Now wheelchairbound with bloated legs and suffering from advanced dementia. W2023, 2022.



22 / 143) Ivan Krasko (1930-) (Иван Краско) Hospitalised with "serious health problems" around 9 times between 2016 and 2019, covid in 2020 that caused him 45% lung damage, hospitalised with stroke that caused permanent sight and memory issues in September 2021, hospitalised with stroke in February 2022, hospitalised with heart problems in July 2022, hospitalised in September 2022, urgently hospitalised for weeks in December 2022, in ICU with stroke and complications in January 2023, hospitalised with stroke, intracranial lesion, heart and gastrointestinal tract problems in July 2023. W2015, 2022.



23 / 144) Alexander Mitta (1933-) (Алекса́ндр Митта́) Complicated knee surgery in 2019 that caused an embolism and cardiac arrest in 2019 and "fighting for his life" in critical condition for days. In serious condition with covid in March 2023, in ICU with stroke in July 2023, urgently hospitalised in November 2023 with stroke, pneumonia, heart and kidney failure, out of ICU, back in ICU with pneumonia, out of ICU, back in ICU with pulmonary edema, out of ICU and again back in ICU. Discharged after two months in December 2023 to 24/7 care at home. Paralyzed, suffering from advanced dementia, kidney cancer and everything else. DDP pick 2021, Deathrace 2024, W2008, 2015.



24 / 145) José Sarney (1930-) Assasination attempt in 1988, rushed to hospital with heart problems in 1999, hospitalised in 2008. In ICU with esophagitis and cardiac arrhythmia in 2010, in ICU with heart failure and underwent angioplasty and catheterization in 2012, in ICU with severe pneumonia and pulmonary edema in 2013, fall and shoulder fracture in 2016, hospitalised in 2020, in ICU with pulmonary edema in 2021, hospitalised following fall and suffered a stroke in July 2023. DDP pick 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2023, 2024, W2003, 2017.



25 / 146) Guy Warren (1921-) Arthritis for decades, heart disease since the 1990s, survived a quadruple bypass surgery and prostate cancer in 2000, massive stroke in 2021 that left him in hospital/specialized care for months. W2005, 2021(?).



26 / 147) Red Farmer (1932-) Airboat injury in 1961 that resulted in the loss of some of his fingers. Rib injury and concussion in 1968. Helicopter crash in 1993 that left him severely injured and in a "critical but stable" state, broken collarbone and broken ribs. Arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, artificial left knee, left shoulder replacement and screws in his back following severe falls and accidents including already before 1970 broken right ankle, broken right foot, left leg broken (three times), left kneecap removed, two vertebrae broken, six ribs broken, cheekbone broken and 40% burns on body. Hospitalised with double pneumonia in 2009, heart blockage and surgery in 2017, hospitalised with covid 2020, hospitalised again with double pneumonia in May 2022 and then catched covid again, double pneumonia again in December 2022.TBA... MMMDP 2022, DLCup 2022 R5 (Semifinal), W2005, 2022.



27 / 148) Jayapataka Swami (1949-) "Serious skin disease" in 1960, serious fever in 1973, attacked in 1989 when he got hepatitis from a blood transfusion, massive brain stem stroke in 2008 when he was in "extremely critical conditions" and given an 1% survival, in coma, underwent a tracheostomy and spent a month more in critical conditions. Hospitalised with UTI in 2010, recurring leg infection in 2011 and 2012, ascites, surgery and liver problems in 2014, critical with severe pneumonia and liver failure in 2015, on ventilator in 2016 with serious illness, hospitalised in July 2018 with kidney failure caused by liver failure, critical in August 2018, got liver and kidney transplants in September 2018, surgery in 2019, covid, basal cell carcinoma and leg infection in 2021, hospitalised and intubated in January 2022 with blood clot on leg, diagnosed with skin cancer in May 2023, hospitalised and on dialysis with kidney failure and "extended spectrum multi-resistant bacteria" in August 2023, hospitalised later the same month with pulmonary edema, bad platelet count and low haemoglobin, underwent iron transfusion, hospitalised in October 2023 in BiPAP with kidney failure, ascites, infections and low haemoglobin levels, hospitalised in November 2023 with kidney failure, pneumonia, mild trachea compression, skin lesions and uncontrolled BP. On IV meds due to infection in December 2023. Prayer meeting held in January 2024. Obese most of his life and ultra frail. Deathrace 2024, W2005, 2021.



28 / 149) David Graham (1925-) Serious stroke in 2021, ultra frail in December 2021 with many forum users saying he won't make another 6 months. Website pulled offline and wiki edited to him having died in November 2022. Extremely frail in 2023. Crowdsourced-ee 2022, 2023 and 2024, (has had his own thread since 2023) DDP pick 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Deathrace 2022, 2024, DLCup 2022 R1, R2, W2005, 2012.



29 / 150) Lee Man-hee (1931-) (이만희) Rumored to be on the verge of death in 2015, 2019 and 2023 atleast and apparently in and out of hospital for the last 5 years. Suffering from a serious chronic illness and wheelchairbound in 2020 when undergoing trial for mass spreading covid. Claims to be actually immortal. W2012, 2024.



30 / 151) Du Daozheng (1923-) (杜导正) Suffering from Parkinson's for atleast 15 years, ailing and wheelchairbound in 2016, widowed in 2019 and suffering from dementia and muscle atrophy. Hospitalised in February 2021 with pneumonia and fever, hospitalised in June or July 2021 ICU with pneumonia, severe clostridioides difficile infection and 40 degree fever, later in coma for days/weeks in critical conditions, improving, then caught pneumonia again and was in critical conditions and in ICU for a total of 6 months. In hospital on NG tube since and incredibly frail on his 100th birthday. W2021, 2023.



DDP 2024 picks

D40 2024


List mostly copied from one I made earlier this year. Social media accounts not included in those who died before 2023.

I've been unable to find who was picked in DDP 1996, 1997 and 1999. If info on who was picked still exists.

Wikipedia page since (Wyear) started 2001.

First known mention on the DL Forums in (year) started 2003.

DLCup (year) R (round number) started 2017.

D40 (year) (40 most popular on the DDP - started? 2011)




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New pic of Musuguri? Looks incredibly good if it's the case.


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Right after the 100th birthday party during which he looked mummified, Yang Zhenning suffered a serious fall which required him to be hospitalised. Here he is in hospital:



Articles note his health has been steadily deteriorating for a while. But it takes way more to kill a Chinese immortal...

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Some Chinese sites seem to claim that Zhenning is "senile". 


Apparently Zhu Rongji was rumored to be gravely ill or dead at 301 Hospital two weeks ago. Now he's reportedly sent a wreath to Hu Fuming's farewell ceremony (twitter talk


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6 hours ago, arghton said:

Some Chinese sites seem to claim that Zhenning is "senile". 


Apparently Zhu Rongji was rumored to be gravely ill or dead at 301 Hospital two weeks ago. Now he's reportedly sent a wreath to Hu Fuming's farewell ceremony (twitter talk


That's utter bullshit. Zhu Rongji is hospitalised in Shangai and would never be able to leave the hospital.

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3 hours ago, drol said:

That's utter bullshit. Zhu Rongji is hospitalised in Shangai and would never be able to leave the hospital.


He wouldn't have to leave the hospital to send a wreath.  Someone will have arranged to send it on his behalf.

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