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Ariel Sharon

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Reminded that Sharon was still alive by MPFC in the Gerald Ford thread, I did a quick google news search to find that he has undergone yet another small procedure.


Looks like he'll be hanging around for a while...

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That's odd... NNDB had his birthday at September 28th for some reason... ah well, I submitted the correction. They listen to me about half the time, so I guess we shall see.

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Still a chance that Ariel Sharon might wake up.




We can only hiope this happens ti will make the vivtory so much more meaningful then after a time when and if he then kicks off or buys the kibbutz or knishes his kasdt time.

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To sum it up, doctors predict that he's going to live, atleast for a while, and maybe achieve a status greater than a garden vegetable, but there's a snowball's chance in hell of Sharon every being independent and politically productive.


The deathpooler in me wanted to see the word 'hospice' in the article.

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Guest iain

How long can a 78 y ear old man last in a coma before he either snuffs it or someone switches his life support machine off?Is there anyone here with any medical knowledge who can advise us as to when we might expect the fat b****d to leave thie earth?

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Vassili brings the bandaged head in to focus. Damn, it's jammed!

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It may just be me - But isn't there allready an Ariel Sharon thread? B)


[Topics merged -- MH]

Edited by Magere Hein

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How long can a 78 y ear old man last in a coma before he either snuffs it or someone switches his life support machine off?Is there anyone here with any medical knowledge who can advise us as to when we might expect the fat b****d to leave thie earth?

I suspect his death will be announced shortly after the results of the Israeli general election. Would cause too many hoohahs (a swing of sympathy for the Kadima party for example, though it looks like they've won by a narrow margain anyway) had it been announced earlier. That's what I think anyway, though I hope not as (i) it would be a shame for such a great leader to go out like this, and (ii) he's not in my DDP list.

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Hopefully not in the next three weeks as mummy goes off to Israel on Saturday (crazy woman).

If Sharon dies, Hamas said they were going to go on a rampage (I believe).

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Hopefully not in the next three weeks as mummy goes off to Israel on Saturday (crazy woman).

If Sharon dies, Hamas said they were going to go on a rampage (I believe).


Perhaps you should check in with Iain, seeing as he appears to be wonderfully well informed/ psychically alert and primed/ full of crap at the moment.


He'll be able to put your mind at rest.



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If Sharon dies, Hamas said they were going to go on a rampage (I believe).

That was before they came into power wasn't it? Would they dare now?

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If Sharon dies, Hamas said they were going to go on a rampage (I believe).

That was before they came into power wasn't it? Would they dare now?


Hopefully not, since it's going to be their actions in power that will dictate the new Israeli Government's attitude towards them...

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I was asked if I wanted to go to Israel - my response was basically, "I've got better things to do with my time rather than dodge bullets".

I can't stand 'too warm' anyway - I hate it. I'm also not too good with foreigners. :o

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I was asked if I wanted to go to Israel - my response was basically, "I've got better things to do with my time rather than dodge bullets".

I can't stand 'too warm' anyway - I hate it. I'm also not too good with foreigners. :o


Is it a pilgrimage she is going on Windsor? Surely you've dodged enough bullets on here to make you bulletproof :D

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Riot or not, once that new government stumbles into existence they're going to have to think about preparing the population for the inevitable and pulling the plug on fatty.

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I was asked if I wanted to go to Israel - my response was basically, "I've got better things to do with my time rather than dodge bullets".

I can't stand 'too warm' anyway - I hate it. I'm also not too good with foreigners. :D


Is it a pilgrimage she is going on Windsor? Surely you've dodged enough bullets on here to make you bulletproof :P


Being an Elder of the Church of Scotland, she claims to be going for the Jesus stuff. I think that she's more interested in the other 'sun' though. :D


Indeed, Lady G. You need to be bullet proof on this forum. :o


Maybe I should go to Israel. I could get a job at Sharon's hospital as a cleaner and unplug his life support while doing the hoovering. :P Make alot of DDPers happy.

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Maybe I should go to Israel. I could get a job at Sharon's hospital as a cleaner and unplug his life support while doing the hoovering. :D Make alot of DDPers happy.

And make the rest of us who haven't got him on our lists very unhappy!


I'm just looking at the Jewish calendar to see when news of his death would be appropriate (as if they'd have spoilt Purim for instance!). I'm thinking sometime between the Fast of Tammuz and Tisha B'Av would be most likely as that is a time of mourning, so expect news any time from July 12 to August 3 :o

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Maybe I should go to Israel. I could get a job at Sharon's hospital as a cleaner and unplug his life support while doing the hoovering. :P Make alot of DDPers happy.

And make the rest of us who haven't got him on our lists very unhappy!


I'm just looking at the Jewish calendar to see when news of his death would be appropriate (as if they'd have spoilt Purim for instance!). I'm thinking sometime between the Fast of Tammuz and Tisha B'Av would be most likely as that is a time of mourning, so expect news any time from July 12 to August 3 :o


I've got a feeling he's been brain dead for at least a month now and they're just keeping him hooked up on the life support until they do find the most tactful time to announce the death. I agree with VT that we'll hear what's really going sometime in mid July

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Guest iain

now that the election is over and Sharon has helped his party Kadima win they can finally turn his life support machine off.I mean how long can a 78 year old man last as a vegetable?

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Guest iain
Still a chance that Ariel Sharon might wake up.

if he does hes gonna be well pissed off to find the election went ahead without him so hes not even a member of parliament anymore far less prime minister,and Hamas is the new palestinian govt.He might just wake up ,read the newspaper,then shoot himself!

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