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Me too tonight, we need to get a life, eh?

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Me too tonight, we need to get a life, eh?


Or possibly a girlfriend, in my case.


Any ladies interested in a pissed up misanthropic nobody with a very bad attitude?


Don't all rush at once now. :D

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Me too tonight, we need to get a life, eh?


Or possibly a girlfriend, in my case.


Any ladies interested in a pissed up misanthropic nobody with a very bad attitude?


Don't all rush at once now. :D



Doesnt look like it does it?

Keep using your hand, its the only friend you've got.

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I know that it is not one of the big ones, i.e. it is not divisible by 500, but I was very pleased to reach 700 this morning.


Seem to have gone form being one of the original "post-whores" to being a two-a-day-average person. But there it is.

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Right, this is last chance time. I know they failed to show last time but.....I'll personally take on the surviving members of HM British forces from WW1 outside the Miners Arms in Prospect tonight. Let's say 7-00 for a 7-30 ruck. Hell, Henry Allingham was well enough to get out for the freedom of Eastbourne last week and he'll have a mob with him this time. Just a bunch of trained killers against little ol' fiesty me, I'd say that's fair.


What if they are, in the parlance of our times, tooled up. I.E. they bring along their musketts and blunderbusses or whatever we fought WWI with. (I of course mean "we" not we).

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My god, that Miner's Arms looks like a right Hell hole! Has it got sawdust on the bar floor? Is the pub grub an oversized roach that dwells in a dark recess of the kitchen? Did they use to stage public hangings in the back courtyard? What are your chances of being left with so much as a windscreen wiper if you left your car overnight? Did the landlord used to know someone who knew a bloke who knew the Krays? Does the barmaid have any uninked skin at all?


Maryport, you have my utmost respect if you are a man who calls this his local. And congratulations on Carlisle going up, by the way, but here's hoping they don't land in a league with the Villa any time soon. If they do I'll be giving the away fixture a miss if this is a typical example of Carlisle hostelry/hospitality.


Brrr, I'm still shivering.

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I know that it is not one of the big ones, i.e. it is not divisible by 500, but I was very pleased to reach 700 this morning.


Seem to have gone form being one of the original "post-whores" to being a two-a-day-average person. But there it is.

Hey, I'm impressed enough to offer my slightly smaller Congratulations due to the smaller amount of posts. :D


Glad to see that in your recovering post-whoredom you only managed 7 posts in 1hr 1min of frenzied typing this morning. ;)


Not that I'm moaning, quality and quantity is possible, as is the lack of both; not criticisms I'm levelling at you, you understand.


Anyway, here's to many more posts to this forum by your good self. :D

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T'arms was a noisier pub in t'days when there were a few miners. It's not so much a hell hole as a little quiet these days. Time was there was an active mine locally, after it closed they revived mining with some open caste work, less blokes more machines but they were partial to night in the pub afterwards.


No sawdust, few fights these days.

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Any ladies interested in a pissed up misanthropic nobody with a very bad attitude?


My sister might be.


She's isn't unattractive, if you can overlook her dress sense.




I'll let you know when her husband is in prison again.


Perhaps you could meet up in the Miner's Arms. She'd be right at home there.

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There's always the mail order option re the female company.


A true story, a bloke I knew who lived fairly close to Prospect went travelling, met a South Asian girl and - genuinely - fell in love. They married and she was briefly living within walking distance of the Miners. He had all hell on convincing anyone he hadn't - like - bought her. Proof it's love? Well, she's been living in Cumbria off and on for over a decade. Steamy vegetation and bright colours traded for sheeting rain and stunning cominations of brown and grey.

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Me too tonight, we need to get a life, eh?


Or possibly a girlfriend, in my case.


Any ladies interested in a pissed up misanthropic nobody with a very bad attitude?


Don't all rush at once now. :D


You sound like just the type for my sister. Her ex-boyfriends all have those amongst their various qualities.

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I know that it is not one of the big ones, i.e. it is not divisible by 500, but I was very pleased to reach 700 this morning.


Seem to have gone form being one of the original "post-whores" to being a two-a-day-average person. But there it is.


Well done on your 700th post millwall32. It may well not be divisible by 500 but it is divisible by 28, which is a much more interesting number to look. I'd rather see a 28 than a bland old 500 any day.









I think I need to get out more.

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Me too tonight, we need to get a life, eh?


Or possibly a girlfriend, in my case.


Any ladies interested in a pissed up misanthropic nobody with a very bad attitude?


Don't all rush at once now. :D

Tempus, did you ever meet Amanda?


Nice girl.

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Me too tonight, we need to get a life, eh?


Or possibly a girlfriend, in my case.


Any ladies interested in a pissed up misanthropic nobody with a very bad attitude?


Don't all rush at once now. :D

Tempus, did you ever meet Amanda?


Nice girl.


I must confess - Although I found Amanda rather annoying I deeply thought she sounded intensely hott.


And when I combine that and her attitude I break a sweat.


Though I don't think she is Tempus Fugit's type. He needs to lead on some 19 year old that works in a convenience store or something.

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Though I don't think she is Tempus Fugit's type. He needs to lead on some 19 year old that works in an convenience Off-License store or something.


Hopefully she'd turn a blind eye while I help myself to a few free samples.

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not sure where this should be posted, but I just found out this week what is meant by a "Troll" on the internet. According to the Urban Dictionary it's someone who goes onto website forums and is deliberately provocative towards others in the forum. The objective being to get people all wound up, for the enjoyment of the troll.


Does that make me really dumb for not having known this term before? Is Windsor the Troll so named for being a wind-up artist? He hasn't been for ages, at least not on the DL. Maybe he's trolling on various royal webpages. Mr Windsor, any insights into your full nom de DL?

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Does that make me really dumb for not having known this term before? Is Windsor the Troll so named for being a wind-up artist? He hasn't been for ages, at least not on the DL. Maybe he's trolling on various royal webpages. Mr Windsor, any insights into your full nom de DL?

It came from the incident last year when some of us, including Windsor, trolled the The Royal Forums on the anniversary of Lady Diana's death and got banned as a result of it. :D

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Though I don't think she is Tempus Fugit's type. He needs to lead on some 19 year old that works in an convenience Off-License store or something.


Hopefully she'd turn a blind eye while I help myself to a few free samples.


Yes and in your mind for once would it really be a crime to think that she may be blind enough to notice you?


You need some young girl that will show you the way. The only trouble will be meeting her parents. :)

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Me too tonight, we need to get a life, eh?


Or possibly a girlfriend, in my case.


Any ladies interested in a pissed up misanthropic nobody with a very bad attitude?


Don't all rush at once now. :)


Now if you were able to add rich and well hung to that list I might be able to help you

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Me too tonight, we need to get a life, eh?


Or possibly a girlfriend, in my case.


Any ladies interested in a pissed up misanthropic nobody with a very bad attitude?


Don't all rush at once now. :)


Now if you were able to add rich and well hung to that list I might be able to help you


Tempus, I suggest buying a lotto ticket for the rollover before 7.30 and the purchase of some lead weights and string... :)

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Now if you were able to add rich and well hung to that list I might be able to help you


I love a mouthful of well hung meat


Washed down with a lovely rich full bodied Australian Shiraz.

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Now if you were able to add rich and well hung to that list I might be able to help you


I love a mouthful of well hung meat


Washed down with a lovely rich full bodied Australian Shiraz.

Ah yes. I could tell you the story of the pheasants with crispy rice stuffing. But I don't think I'll bother.

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not sure where this should be posted, but I just found out this week what is meant by a "Troll" on the internet. According to the Urban Dictionary it's someone who goes onto website forums and is deliberately provocative towards others in the forum. The objective being to get people all wound up, for the enjoyment of the troll.


Does that make me really dumb for not having known this term before? Is Windsor the Troll so named for being a wind-up artist? He hasn't been for ages, at least not on the DL. Maybe he's trolling on various royal webpages. Mr Windsor, any insights into your full nom de DL?


I was given the name by Elpeth and her friends at 'The Royal Forums' (the noblest of all Royal Forums) when they discovered an alter-ego type of identity.

The name stuck and the rest is history.

Indeed, I'm beginning to grow bored of deathlist and so turn up less often. Besides, the Unofficial Royal Forum have just started a new sub-forum (or whatever) completely dedicated to the Charles/Diana/Camilla debate.

I'm already on my final warning - I upset a lot of people by being 'rude'. :)

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TLC Apr 24 2006, 06:58 PM Post #387



Firing Squad Shooter



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Posts: 146

Joined: 29-November 05

From: SE London

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(I did say big) to Maryportfuncity for reaching the mighty 1500 tally.


And in my opinion a consistenty good, and sometimes hilarious poster. Try this magnificent post in the Jane Tomlinson thread for size; if you don't laugh at this, you might well be a little bit mental.


Here's to another 15001502!





Your kind thoughts fair brought a tear to my eye. Thanks very much. I'll try to maintain the same quality for the next 18 months.

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It came from the incident last year when some of us, including Windsor, trolled the The Royal Forums on the anniversary of Lady Diana's death and got banned as a result of it. :unsure:
Very inspiring stuff on these Royal Forums I must say, it was my first and possibly only visit this morning. This is about the 10th post I read, I didn't get much further...
Some of them don't seem to me to be wearing seatbelts. I hope someone who can make the pictures bigger can tell me I'm wrong.
:) And, to make it worse, this was about the only post I saw (in the special 'Happy 80th Ma'am' thread) that didn't fit the following pattern: -

A. "I admire her, she works hard at her age, doesn't she look good, Camilla also looked better than usual".

B. "I also admire her, yes she does work hard for her age, I agree she looks good, Camilla also looked better than usual, must be that strappy dress".

C. "I admire her too you guys, I admire how hard she works at her age, she looks awesome, Camilla is a dog shows the world how lovely she is".


Makes the chap worried about the seatbelts look like a bit of a subversive for straying way off topic. ;)

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