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Guest Chewie

Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

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Do something useful Mods, It'll make a change from pissing about with peoples wigs.

I love it when they do that on my head.... :lol:

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I was making a serious point though. Illness - as in life threatening - becomes a career of sorts for some people. In other cases it makes them more notable. If we based a decision on whether we ban illness cases on the example of Jane Tomlinson alone we're missing the point.


Steven Hawking is the other end of the spectrum. He had a life threatening illness before fame but you can't argue with his fame or the fact he's contributed to science. You can argue 'how much' but not 'whether.' His illness certainly added to his celebrity but he's consistently achieved IN SPITE of the illness to become a genuine celebrity.


Since I'm not a moderator I can't be accused of bias if I suggest that they should rule on each case that descends into such argument.

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Guest anon

I dont know any of you but your disgusting attitudes have upset me and I dont even know Jane. My Mum passed away with cancer earlier this year and I think once you have seen someone go through this its a brave thing to be in hospital fighting it but to be doing those things for charity then you'd understand. More people need to do charity work. My Mum did charity work for her cancer ward. It infects 1 in 3 people. Id watch what you say because it will cross your path one day with someone you care about.

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[Cancer] infects 1 in 3 people.

Huh? :)

Id watch what you say because it will cross your path one day with someone you care about.

Do you mean that talking about cancer causes cancer in others? You're weird.




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It's Sunday. "Hymns of Praise" and "Antiques Roadshow" have lost the compelling hold they once had over me, so I'll amuse myself rating this according to the criteria Mr Hein once posted.


We're sick: "Disgusting attitudes" counts, I think.


Relatives with cancer: Oh, yes.


Subject is above criticism: Maybe. Given that anon doesn't even know Jane.


Finds self superior: Hard to say.


Contains spelling errors: Sadly, nope. Although The Captain notes grammatical faults r.e punctuation.


Contains obscenities: Disappointingly, no. I'd be better off watching "Hymns of Praise" at this rate..


Wishes nasty death on us: Half a mark for wishing it on our loved ones.


Wishes hell on us: Big fat zero.


Two and a half out of eight, I reckon..

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I dont know any of you but your disgusting attitudes have upset me and I dont even know Jane.

Aw, poor baby :)

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I dont know any of you but your disgusting attitudes have upset me and I dont even know Jane. My Mum passed away with cancer earlier this year and I think once you have seen someone go through this its a brave thing to be in hospital fighting it but to be doing those things for charity then you'd understand. More people need to do charity work. My Mum did charity work for her cancer ward. It infects 1 in 3 people. Id watch what you say because it will cross your path one day with someone you care about.

Rant mode on


Anon, my mother died of cancer 25 years ago. I got over it, so will you. My attitude to death is obviously completley different to yours. Mine is ...ah well, it's gonna happen sooner or later, this life isn't a dummy run for next time round. You got one chance at it, so enjoy it.


As for attitudes disturbing you, didn't the name of the site give the game away?


It will cross my path one day,eh? So will the complete moron drunk driver coming in the opposite direction to me on the road one day!


So will the crackpot brandashing a knife stabbing and slashing anything that moves!


So will......................... well, you get the picture.


Rant mode off



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I dont know any of you but your disgusting attitudes have upset me and I dont even know Jane.

Thanks for being civil... it's refreshing to be spared the colourful swear words.


Don't assume too much though. Assumption is the mother of all f*** ups. :)

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Two and a half out of eight, I reckon..

Come on Boudicca, get into the spirit of the occasion.


You could award one more point for missing apostrophes and at least one for absence of proper punctuation/syntax thus rendering the second sentence as nonsense.


So that would make four and a half out of ten; nearly a passable rant.



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Don't assume too much though. Assumption is the mother of all f*** ups. :)

To quote the late, great Benny Hill, Never assume as it makes an ASS out of U and ME :)

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Two and a half out of eight, I reckon..

Come on Boudicca, get into the spirit of the occasion.


You could award one more point for missing apostrophes and at least one for absence of proper punctuation/syntax thus rendering the second sentence as nonsense.


So that would make four and a half out of ten; nearly a passable rant.



I have to agreee with you on that one. It is not even a blip on my rant radar. :)

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Interesting new avatar/avator/avater/however it's spelt Banshees


Another change?

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Don't assume too much though. Assumption is the mother of all f*** ups. ;)

To quote the late, great Benny Hill, Never assume as it makes an ASS out of U and ME :)

Truly a great one! :)


Benny Hill was one of the true greats... who picked him all those years ago? :lol:

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Interesting new avatar/avator/avater/however it's spelt Banshees


Another change?

I've changed back to the original one..


Just a small bit of difference..

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Come on Boudicca, get into the spirit of the occasion.


You could award one more point for missing apostrophes and at least one for absence of proper punctuation/syntax thus rendering the second sentence as nonsense.


So that would make four and a half out of ten; nearly a passable rant. 



That is very true, Capitan. Since the rant factor is marked out of 8, not 10, it's definitely through to the next round :)

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Come on Boudicca, get into the spirit of the occasion.


You could award one more point for missing apostrophes and at least one for absence of proper punctuation/syntax thus rendering the second sentence as nonsense.


So that would make four and a half out of ten; nearly a passable rant. 



That is very true, Capitan. Since the rant factor is marked out of 8, not 10, it's definitely through to the next round :)

Hein didn't mentiion punctuation or syntax, so I added the "out of" points for these.


You could probably take off points (or add them?) for ranting in the wrong thread.

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It infects 1 in 3 people. Id watch what you say because it will cross your path one day with someone you care about.

Add a point for originality too. This is the first time I've heard of a cancer infection. I'm sure it's technically correct but I'm wondering if "affects" is what our esteemed guest meant.

As for it crossing my path with someone I care about, thanks for nothing. Now I'm looking sideways at everyone and frisking immediate family members. You just can't be too careful.

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Guest M@

You guys are a f*****g disgrace, how f*****g dare you say these things about a women who is suffering with cancer and still manages to do everything that she has done. We wont be seeing you on TV for your achievements or writing a book. You cocks will spend your life as gimps, just wasting your life, writing poison on the internet. I'd love to meet you, i'd shorten your life by a hell of a lot!!!

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You guys are a f*****g disgrace, how f*****g dare you say these things about a women who is suffering with cancer and still manages to do everything that she has done. We wont be seeing you on TV for your achievements or writing a book. You cocks will spend your life as gimps, just wasting your life, writing poison on the internet. I'd love to meet you, i'd shorten your life by a hell of a lot!!!


This rantings by the unregistered are of the same sort of mentality as those who write to the Mail about lapsing standards and swearing on the telly.


May I remind you that Ms Tomlinson has effectively made her name by announcing that she was going to peg it.

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You guys are a f*****g disgrace, how f*****g dare you say these things about a women who is suffering with cancer and still manages to do everything that she has done. We wont be seeing you on TV for your achievements or writing a book. You cocks will spend your life as gimps, just wasting your life, writing poison on the internet. I'd love to meet you, i'd shorten your life by a hell of a lot!!!

Is that a death threat?



Charming chap....

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So you obviously missed my most recent television appearances promoting my various publications.


Don't worry there are more planned.

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how f*****g dare you say these things about a women who is suffering with cancer....

Thats just patronising.

I'm sure the girl can accept the odd bit of criticism.


I beat cancer!

(By cancer I mean children)

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I'd love to meet you, i'd shorten your life by a hell of a lot!!!

:blink: Oh, I am so scared. I am literally shaking in my boots. :D

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You guys are a f*****g disgrace, how f*****g dare you say these things about a women who is suffering with cancer and still manages to do everything that she has done. We wont be seeing you on TV for your achievements or writing a book. You cocks will spend your life as gimps, just wasting your life, writing poison on the internet. I'd love to meet you, i'd shorten your life by a hell of a lot!!!

Ah, another ranter who assumes so much, yet actually knows so little.


My mom survived cancer, various of my grandparents had/died from cancer, and I would guess that there's about a 98% chance that I am going to get cancer (given the genetic pool from which I've sprung). And yet, surprisingly, I can still be found posting on this venemous site, inamongst my fellow gimps.

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I'd love to meet you, i'd shorten your life by a hell of a lot!!!

By all means try.




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