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Why Wikipedia Sucks...

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in my early days of the internet and deathlist i actually thought wikipedia was only updated with confirmed info . It reported walter mondale as dead and i posted it here and got a strike . To be fair the strike has been removed now and i argee with lardy i give up ever trying to take an active part in wiki i have been banned twice now once for updating th deaths thread and another for changing something and providing a credible link. I think there is still a certain bias with the mods .

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I'm sick of wikiepedia.People are just making more and more unbelivable stuff uip.Today someone has posted the sick story that Oscar Pistorius (a personal hero of mine) has murdered his model girlfriend.People are just sick .Makes me mad :rant:

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Funniest sentence I have read on Wikipedia in a while:




Throughout his life Raven pursued a hedonistic lifestyle which included eating, drinking, travel, cricket, gambling and socialising.
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Funniest sentence I have read on Wikipedia in a while:




Throughout his life Raven pursued a hedonistic lifestyle which included eating, drinking, travel, cricket, gambling and socialising.


Reminds me of my favourite paragraph in, well, anything really. From the Telegraph obit of Joan Wyndham


"An aspiring actress, heroic drinker, jitterbugger and Benzedrine-fuelled bohemian, she enjoyed an outrageous reputation; later she held court in "Swinging London", where her circle included jobbing rent boys, April Ashley, Michael Foot, Christine Keeler ("rabbity teeth"), assorted acid-trippers and Jeremy Beadle"

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A WIkipedia editor once deleted a section of a Wiki which cited me as the source, saying it was an "atrocious source".


Still proud.

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I used to be a big editor of wikipedia but got told off a lot and threatened to be banned and so on because of how i did things

It was more in music related stuff, because i always have disagreed on how they categorise bands/albums etc with the genre

and apparently, if someone has labelled something a certain genre, it counts as a good source, like some well known music site calling a band a genre which theyre clearly not

i just went and made my own music wiki eventually, so i could do things how i felt fit

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A few hours ago they stated the James Hewitt, former lover of Princess Diana, had died. Evidently he has been resurected as he is no longer dead as of me posting this, and it is even not Easter anymore. 

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it's also not an accurate site - i wanted to read about music, so I typed in rock.. and it came up with an article about stones <_<

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3 minutes ago, MDavidSteel said:

it's also not an accurate site - i wanted to read about music, so I typed in rock.. and it came up with an article about stones <_<


Yeah, I can't get no satisfaction from that site.

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2 hours ago, msc said:
2 hours ago, MDavidSteel said:

it's also not an accurate site - i wanted to read about music, so I typed in rock.. and it came up with an article about stones <_<


Yeah, I can't get no satisfaction from that site.


Well, unfortunately you can't always get what you want.

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1 hour ago, Toast said:


Well, unfortunately you can't always get what you want.

Say what you will but wild horses couldn't drag me away from that site. Excellent site.

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So, this might seem like an "out of the blue" kind-of thread but this has been something going in my mind the past few weeks, about how terrible the photos of people they use on Wikipedia can be. This can either be the main picture above their age, and other stats, or the pictures that you get when you load parts of the page like "personal life". Feel free to post any terrible photo or hell, any terrible wording they use that you have seen on Wikipedia and Wikimedia.

Here's the best examples of horrible/funny pictures for me.

Better known for playing Nostalgia Critic, Doug's main wiki photo is a profile shot, showing off those sexy sideburns or whatever the fuck those are.

Classic young deadpooling pick. You'll get why that is and why this picture is so... figure it out yourself.


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Those are two great examples!


Here is one, I can hear her cackling laugh just looking at the photo:  Hillary

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2 hours ago, Szabaka said:

Those are two great examples!


Here is one, I can hear her cackling laugh just looking at the photo:  Hillary

That looks like an official photo, doesn't look too bad. 

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Are there restrictions on what kind of photos are allowed by Wikipedia?  Because very often there is no photo at all.

I also notice that they don't include lyrics in song entries. That might be a copyright issue, but they don't even link to a lyrics site.

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19 minutes ago, Toast said:

Are there restrictions on what kind of photos are allowed by Wikipedia?  Because very often there is no photo at all.

I also notice that they don't include lyrics in song entries. That might be a copyright issue, but they don't even link to a lyrics site.


Yes, every photo taken in the world has copyright and big companies are very stringent about their uses online. Wiki only uses public domain ie gone out of copyright or the photograph taker has outright said "feel free to use my work".


Far murkier than the written word as there's debates around if a photocopy or photograph of a public domain work becomes a copyrighted image and so on.


As for lyrics, if you just quote a random line like we all do, fair use should cover you, but a lot of big companies (cough Warner cough) use loopholes and expensive lawyers to sue or demand money from people to use the lyrics. See the furore over 19th Century Happy Birthday.



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14 minutes ago, msc said:

As for lyrics, if you just quote a random line like we all do, fair use should cover you, but a lot of big companies (cough Warner cough) use loopholes and expensive lawyers to sue or demand money from people to use the lyrics. See the furore over 19th Century Happy Birthday.


I get that, but does it extend to providing a link to another site?  Such as https://www.azlyrics.com/

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Just now, Toast said:

I get that, but does it extend to providing a link to another site?  Such as https://www.azlyrics.com/


From use, most of them do? See bottom of the Billie Jean article here.  If that's missing from a specific song article, I'd put it down to over-officious Wiki editor.

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24 minutes ago, msc said:


From use, most of them do? See bottom of the Billie Jean article here.  If that's missing from a specific song article, I'd put it down to over-officious Wiki editor.

IME most of them don't (or didn't). but then Wiki changes constantly.

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