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I'm from England although I'm glad to say I'll be leaving this festering cesspool in the next few months. I'll only be back to visit occasionally, like for family deaths and political coups. :huh:

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I'm from England although I'm glad to say I'll be leaving this festering cesspool in the next few months. I'll only be back to visit occasionally, like for family deaths and political coups. :ph34r:


That post only has true moral authority if you can prove you're going somewhere better.


So, where's the destination, like?

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That post only has true moral authority if you can prove you're going somewhere better.


So, where's the destination, like?

The point wasn't to hold some sort of moral authority. As a heathen and hypocrite, of the highest degree, I wouldn't dare insult your intelligence with such an attempt.


Suffice to say leaving the UK is enough to qualify for "Somewhere Better" as this really is a rampant shithole. :ph34r:

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That post only has true moral authority if you can prove you're going somewhere better.


So, where's the destination, like?

The point wasn't to hold some sort of moral authority. As a heathen and hypocrite, of the highest degree, I wouldn't dare insult your intelligence with such an attempt.


Suffice to say leaving the UK is enough to qualify for "Somewhere Better" as this really is a rampant shithole. :ph34r:


Bye then.

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Suffice to say leaving the UK is enough to qualify for "Somewhere Better" as this really is a rampant shithole.




I'm not sayin' it's perfect, like, but I'm guessing you'd sooner be here than, say, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Haiti....

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Suffice to say leaving the UK is enough to qualify for "Somewhere Better" as this really is a rampant shithole.




I'm not sayin' it's perfect, like, but I'm guessing you'd sooner be here than, say, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Haiti....


I'd agree with it being better here than Zimbabwe and Haiti, not sure about Mongolia though.

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Mongolia is magic and engagingly rustic for about a week. After which it'd take a dedicated western person to tolerate the full-on poverty assaulting yers near enough everywhere outside the more fashionable areas of Ulan Bator, which are still barely more prosperous than - say - Whitehaven or Salford. Break a bone, or crave a decent cappucino in Mongolia and that lonliness can set in fast.

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I'm not sayin' it's perfect, like, but I'm guessing you'd sooner be here than, say, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Haiti....

I'd rather be in Mongolia. Zimbabwe and Haiti are touch and go at the moment though... I have what you might refer to as "skin colour issues" that would hamper my residency under Bobby's regime but give certain areas of England a few years and I'm sure it would level out. :referee:

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I'm not sayin' it's perfect, like, but I'm guessing you'd sooner be here than, say, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Haiti....

I'd rather be in Mongolia. Zimbabwe and Haiti are touch and go at the moment though... I have what you might refer to as "skin colour issues" that would hamper my residency under Bobby's regime but give certain areas of England a few years and I'm sure it would level out. :referee:


You're right, there's areas where I live I wouldn't go to in the day, never mind at night, and to be fair it's not even about "skin colour" anymore, there's an underclass that's developed, I sometimes wonder if it's been developed deliberately.

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I'm not sayin' it's perfect, like, but I'm guessing you'd sooner be here than, say, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Haiti....

I'd rather be in Mongolia. Zimbabwe and Haiti are touch and go at the moment though... I have what you might refer to as "skin colour issues" that would hamper my residency under Bobby's regime but give certain areas of England a few years and I'm sure it would level out. :referee:


You're right, there's areas where I live I wouldn't go to in the day, never mind at night, and to be fair it's not even about "skin colour" anymore, there's an underclass that's developed, I sometimes wonder if it's been developed deliberately.

I think it's fair to say that the rich are becoming deliberately (much) richer, which certainly causes collateral damage for the rest of us.


Or 'them' if you happen to be disgustingly rich.

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You're right, there's areas where I live I wouldn't go to in the day, never mind at night, and to be fair it's not even about "skin colour" anymore, there's an underclass that's developed, I sometimes wonder if it's been developed deliberately.

While I tend to agree with that, skin colour is still playing it's part in the divide. After all it's the easiest focal point, as it always has been.


I think it's fair to say that the rich are becoming deliberately (much) richer, which certainly causes collateral damage for the rest of us.


Or 'them' if you happen to be disgustingly rich.

Wasn't someone quoted recently saying that Britain is now a tax haven for foreign investors?

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Rising to the bait a little on the tardy side but I'd like to add my two pennyworth here.


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."

James Branch Cabell.


Ignoring the obvious targets like Iraq, Darfur, Zimbabwe, it is easier to see the world outside of where we live with Rose tinted spectacles. The truth however is more often than not different. Britain is not a cesspit. Yes there are regions which desperately need improving but you will find these all over the so called developed world. Living abroad, immersing yourself in a new language and a new culture is a beneficial experience as it makes you realise that for everything your new country does better there is something they do far worse than blighty. That can frustrate. The Free Democratic Republic of Utopia does not, cannot and will not exist. For one you'd need a higher level of taxation. In other words, a no win situation.

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Rising to the bait a little on the tardy side but I'd like to add my two pennyworth here.


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."

James Branch Cabell.


Ignoring the obvious targets like Iraq, Darfur, Zimbabwe, it is easier to see the world outside of where we live with Rose tinted spectacles. The truth however is more often than not different. Britain is not a cesspit. Yes there are regions which desperately need improving but you will find these all over the so called developed world. Living abroad, immersing yourself in a new language and a new culture is a beneficial experience as it makes you realise that for everything your new country does better there is something they do far worse than blighty. That can frustrate. The Free Democratic Republic of Utopia does not, cannot and will not exist. For one you'd need a higher level of taxation. In other words, a no win situation.

I can't not agree with you :lol:

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I've decided that Fraserburgh is not that bad a place now.

I'm only saying this because it turns out that the man who founded the town, Sir Alexander Fraser, is my 13xgreat grandfather.


With a change to the law and a few hundred/thousand deaths, I could be the 22nd Lord Saltoun of Abernethy.


I think I'll stick to the day job...

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Aye, one of them.

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After proving that Carlisle - rumoured to have rain every day - can be sunny, how about money pouring into Maryport!


Never a dull moment up here, like.

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Does someone here live in Fraserburgh? My biological mother has moved there today, so lock up your sons and good riddance to the scabby old slapper.

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I take it Windsor should hide?

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Sounds like he could finally be in for some action.

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I take it Windsor should hide?



Ah, is it he that lives there? - well, whether he should hide or not somewhat depends on what his tastes are. If he fancies a 55 year old bag lady with a fanny like a wizard's sleeve then his luck's in.

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I take it Windsor should hide?



Ah, is it he that lives there? - well, whether he should hide or not somewhat depends on what his tastes are. If he fancies a 55 year old bag lady with a fanny like a wizard's sleeve then his luck's in.

I am reminded of the words of a sympathetic Scotsman to sir Arnold Bax.

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