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Top marks to Cornwall County Council who have compiled a list of "silly names" found in their historical records here


Oh! How I wish I was called "Strangewidge" or "Trampleasure"!



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Top marks to Cornwall County Council who have compiled a list of "silly names" found in their historical records here


Oh! How I wish I was called "Strangewidge" or "Trampleasure"!



A friend of mine had an ancestor called Dangerfield Dawson; I hope he was some sort of relic hunter.


In my crazy student days I knew a Lucy Farr & a Lee Avalon-Dick, I don't know if he actually did.


I found a 'Boadicea Basher' on the above site, but I think my current favourite is 'Dark Adam'.

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Spiders :) , even typing the word makes me shiver, I am absolutely terrified of them, I know it's irrational but I can't help it. They seem to know when I am in the house alone and wait until then to make an appearance, scuttling across the floor towards me or lurking in the bathroom hoping to catch me unawares, there have been times when I have had to wait hours for scsi to come home and get rid of one before I can go to the toilet. I always seem to know when they are in the room, I can just feel their presence when I walk in. Sometimes scsi finds one and leaves it where it is without telling me just so he can laugh at me screaming the house down when I come across it, I'm sure my neighbours think I am being murdered when they hear me. I know they keep the insect population down and I would never let scsi kill one, but couldn't they mutate into small fluffly loveable creatures?


A few years ago not long after I'd met scsi, I was sitting in his living room, he asked me to go into the bedroom, keeping my eyes shut and lie on the bed, being young and foolish I agreed, once I was lying there he asked me to open my eyes on the roof right above my head was a massive big black spider, to this day he swears I flew off the bed and out of the room without my feet even touching the floor :D .

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A few years ago not long after I'd met scsi, I was sitting in his living room, he asked me to go into the bedroom, keeping my eyes shut and lie on the bed, being young and foolish I agreed, once I was lying there he asked me to open my eyes on the roof right above my head was a massive big black spider, to this day he swears I flew off the bed and out of the room without my feet even touching the floor :) .



And you married him??

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A few years ago not long after I'd met scsi, I was sitting in his living room, he asked me to go into the bedroom, keeping my eyes shut and lie on the bed, being young and foolish I agreed, once I was lying there he asked me to open my eyes on the roof right above my head was a massive big black spider, to this day he swears I flew off the bed and out of the room without my feet even touching the floor :D .



And you married him??


Trust me he does have some redeeming qualities :) .

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I wouldn't even credit Desmond and Murdoch with the intelligence to be able to infantise and moronise. I'm talking about the middle men, the gauleiters, who follow the orders of the likes of Desmond etc. whilst considering themselves giving the public 'what they want.'




I've met them, I know them, I hate them.






Oh, I nearly forgot.


The University-educated fart-hammers who control the content of our mass-media, and insist on aiming it at the imaginary socially-lobotomised drooling cretin that they imagine to be representative of the general public.

You know AtJ, I had to read that a couple of times before it sank in. I assume you mean Murdoch, Desmond, the BBC etc and the owners/producers of such riveting programs as Big Bruvver? If so, I heartily agree!

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I'm sure it's on here somewhere, but my pet hate ( well, one of them ) is the Betterware Catalogue :banghead: I seriously hate the people who deliver them ( <_< ). These people post a bulk of junk through my door, then TELL me when to leave it outside so that they can easily collect it!!! They assume that I want to play their annoying game. How dare they assume this? I should not have to put a sign on my door saying " No 'Betterware', or else. ". They should only post them into doors that have signs stating a willingness to comply. Grrr and double grr with grrrr on top.



Breathe in and out, slowly. Calm down. There, all better. :skill2:


Agreed, though I play their game my way, take said catalogue and run it under the tap for a few minutes, making sure each page is dripping wet, place the soggy ruins on your doorstep for the agent to collect (if it's a couple of days make sure you keep watering the ruins, if there is a water shortage use cooking oil it rubs the print away, there are loads of choices), agent collects ruins, realises there is no order but the soggy ruins thwarts their plans to place the catalogue on someone elses doorstep, it took a few months but now 'Betterware, and 'Kleeneze' avoid my doorstep, today 'Avon' arrived, my pet hate, why the f**k would I buy make up without being able to test it first against my skin?? Are they mad?? It is never the same colour as in the 'Avon Book', plus it's overpriced and I'm allergic to it, maybe this time I should train my dog to 'Kill'?

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HIPPYS :banghead:


I'm kind of a half-hippy myself :ghost3: I agree with some hippy values, but not so much the dress sense.


I'm sure it's on here somewhere, but my pet hate ( well, one of them ) is the Betterware Catalogue <_< I seriously hate the people who deliver them ( :skill2: ). These people post a bulk of junk through my door, then TELL me when to leave it outside so that they can easily collect it!!! They assume that I want to play their annoying game. How dare they assume this? I should not have to put a sign on my door saying " No 'Betterware', or else. ". They should only post them into doors that have signs stating a willingness to comply. Grrr and double grr with grrrr on top.



Breathe in and out, slowly. Calm down. There, all better. :ph34r:


:skull: Madame Six, first, if you don't have a cat, get one for yourself


or borrow one. Then put the catalogue into a shredding machine.


Place the shredded litter into the cat's litter box.


Let your kitty place several large "orders".


Scoop the litter into a plastic bag or whatever the catalogue came in


and deposit it on your doorstep to be picked up.

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I'm sure it's on here somewhere, but my pet hate ( well, one of them ) is the Betterware Catalogue :banghead:


Well, I went looking at what the Betterware Catalogue is - doesn't exist here. They seem to have a whole lot of stuff - and I don't mean stuff in a good way.


One of the nice things here is that you aren't supposed to put anything in a mailbox if you aren't the US Postal Service. <_<

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Agreed, though I play their game my way, take said catalogue and run it under the tap for a few minutes, making sure each page is dripping wet, place the soggy ruins on your doorstep for the agent to collect (if it's a couple of days make sure you keep watering the ruins, if there is a water shortage use cooking oil it rubs the print away, there are loads of choices), agent collects ruins, realises there is no order but the soggy ruins thwarts their plans to place the catalogue on someone elses doorstep, it took a few months but now 'Betterware, and 'Kleeneze' avoid my doorstep, today 'Avon' arrived, my pet hate, why the f**k would I buy make up without being able to test it first against my skin?? Are they mad?? It is never the same colour as in the 'Avon Book', plus it's overpriced and I'm allergic to it, maybe this time I should train my dog to 'Kill'?


These are excellent suggestions and I WILL be carrying them out with the next annoying, unwanted sh*t that is posted through my door <_< Thank you so much LG. My sister uses Avon and looks a lot like a clown most of the time. May be best to keep away from them.

:ghost3: Madame Six, first, if you don't have a cat, get one for yourself

or borrow one. Then put the catalogue into a shredding machine.

Place the shredded litter into the cat's litter box.

Let your kitty place several large "orders".

Scoop the litter into a plastic bag or whatever the catalogue came in

and deposit it on your doorstep to be picked up.


More excellent suggestions. Wow! If LG's don't do the trick, I'll be trying yours out. :skill2:


Well, I went looking at what the Betterware Catalogue is - doesn't exist here. They seem to have a whole lot of stuff - and I don't mean stuff in a good way.


One of the nice things here is that you aren't supposed to put anything in a mailbox if you aren't the US Postal Service. :ph34r:


Hey, why don't we have that here???? :banghead:

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why the f**k would I buy make up without being able to test it first against my skin??

I once used an Avon foundation (given to me as a gift) & it burnt my skin off. Evil stuff.

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why the f**k would I buy make up without being able to test it first against my skin??

I once used an Avon foundation (given to me as a gift) & it burnt my skin off. Evil stuff.


I tried one of their foundations at a friends house, my skin started itching immediately and I started sneezing (usually I get that reaction around cats, whom I'm allergic to) and couldn't breath, so had to use my inhaler, fortunately no burning, if we were in the USA Lady Die, we could have sued Avon!!! We could have made millions :lol: .

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Seagulls. They terrify me. I'd be reasonably sane if it weren't for these horrors.

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Women who will only give a blowjob if you wear a condom...

:lol: Hopeless romantic, aren't you, Doc?

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Women who will only give a blowjob if you wear a condom...


I agree Dr. H. I've always thought that it would defeat the purpose... ;)

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Women who will only give a blowjob if you wear a condom...


Do they specify who they are giving it to if you wear one?

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Women who will only give a blowjob if you wear a condom...
Do they specify who they are giving it to if you wear one?

Well spotted ;)




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Women who will only give a blowjob if you wear a condom...


Do they specify who they are giving it to if you wear one?


Assuming he is speaking in general, which that I assume - Isn't it obvious?

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Women who will only give a blowjob if you wear a condom...


Do they specify who they are giving it to if you wear one?


Assuming he is speaking in general, which that I assume - Isn't it obvious?


Nope BS, Bou is making a valid point ;) .

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"The Archers"


Mrs. V. loves it. I wish I'd had "I renounce The Archers and will not insist on having it on in the car or at any time when you are in within a 2 mile radius" written into the wedding vows!

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Play-Doh - 50 years old this year


Not something that troubles me unduly these days, but if I'd been asked to do a "Room 101" in my childhood, this would have been first pick. Why did it have to have such a revolting smell? It used to make me heave! I could not be in the same room as the stuff.


Christ! They've even made a fragrance out of it!


And the Americans have a National Play-Doh Day on September 18th!!!

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Play-Doh - 50 years old this year


Not something that troubles me unduly these days, but if I'd been asked to do a "Room 101" in my childhood, this would have been first pick. Why did it have to have such a revolting smell? It used to make me heave! I could not be in the same room as the stuff.


Christ! They've even made a fragrance out of it!


And the Americans have a National Play-Doh Day on September 18th!!!


I've always loved Play-Doh. I loved it as a child and now my children have loads of it, which means I get to play with it all the time too. And now I discover that my birthday is the same day as Play-Doh day! ;)



I completely agree with you on the Archers thing though. My hubby listens to every episode and refuses to accept that it is a soap, and sh*t. Grrr to the Archers.

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