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Also, compare 1960s Star Trek to Patrick McGoohan's The Prisoner which was made around the same time. The ethical and philosophical ideas in Pat's series are way, way more mature than those in Trek and the production values are superior in every way.

Unfortunately The Prisoner was never broadcast on Dutch TV. I know it has legendary status. I'll see if utube have it.

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Also, compare 1960s Star Trek to Patrick McGoohan's The Prisoner which was made around the same time. The ethical and philosophical ideas in Pat's series are way, way more mature than those in Trek and the production values are superior in every way.

Unfortunately The Prisoner was never broadcast on Dutch TV. I know it has legendary status. I'll see if utube have it.


Whisper it very quietly Overrated pretentious twaddle...

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Hein, it is on DailyMotion. First episode is "Arrival".


Bibliogryphon, burn, heretic, burn! :D

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I remember watching The Prisoner with my mum every time it was on (she had total control over the 'box) and she did nothing but complain about how she didn't understand it but still watched every new episode.

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Hein, it is on DailyMotion. First episode is "Arrival".


Bibliogryphon: burn, heretic, burn! :D

Hein, here it is:





It just gets better from there on in.



Another one you *may* enjoy if you haven't seen it is Space: 1999. It is basically a British Star Trek clone minus the campy acting. It has plenty of flaws of its own, not the least of which is the total disregard for the laws of physics. (They wanted to get away from having a spaceship, like Trek, so instead they have the moon blown off its orbit and apparently traveling at FTL speeds through the universe, slowing down each time it encounters a planet for each week's adventure.) Like Trek, it is full of pseudo-philosophy and pseudo-metaphysical musings. ;)

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I remember watching The Prisoner with my mum every time it was on (she had total control over the 'box) and she did nothing but complain about how she didn't understand it but still watched every new episode.


Same here. My mum had a bit of a thing for Patrick McGoohan.

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I remember watching The Prisoner with my mum every time it was on (she had total control over the 'box) and she did nothing but complain about how she didn't understand it but still watched every new episode.


Same here. My mum had a bit of a thing for Patrick McGoohan.

Visited Portmerion last weekend. Still quite stunning. A bit expensive to get in mind you. £10.00 per adult.

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I remember watching The Prisoner with my mum every time it was on (she had total control over the 'box) and she did nothing but complain about how she didn't understand it but still watched every new episode.

Same here. My mum had a bit of a thing for Patrick McGoohan.

Visited Portmerion last weekend. Still quite stunning. A bit expensive to get in mind you. £10.00 per adult.



I hope you didn't get possessed by Mandragora energy whilst there.

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Can we talk about Tom Baker?


I have no new health information but he is now 81 and is known to have enjoyed a drink in the day. He is still working but is looking decidedly rickity. The previous Doctors all died well before this (William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton @67, Jon Pertwee @76). I am just thinking it might be worth including him next year as a bit of a wildcard and it would be a big death in nerdland.


If he does get his own thread the tag line has to be The end has come but it has been prepared for...

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Can we talk about Tom Baker?


I have no new health information but he is now 81 and is known to have enjoyed a drink in the day. He is still working but is looking decidedly rickity. The previous Doctors all died well before this (William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton @67, Jon Pertwee @76). I am just thinking it might be worth including him next year as a bit of a wildcard and it would be a big death in nerdland.


If he does get his own thread the tag line has to be The end has come but it has been prepared for...

If he makes the list and dies, he should be replaced by Peter Davison the following year.

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Can we talk about Tom Baker?


I have no new health information but he is now 81 and is known to have enjoyed a drink in the day. He is still working but is looking decidedly rickity. The previous Doctors all died well before this (William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton @67, Jon Pertwee @76). I am just thinking it might be worth including him next year as a bit of a wildcard and it would be a big death in nerdland.


If he does get his own thread the tag line has to be The end has come but it has been prepared for...

If he makes the list and dies, he should be replaced by Peter Davison the following year.



That is the way it should be but I think both Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy will go before Peter Davison.

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Can we talk about Tom Baker?


I have no new health information but he is now 81 and is known to have enjoyed a drink in the day. He is still working but is looking decidedly rickity. The previous Doctors all died well before this (William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton @67, Jon Pertwee @76). I am just thinking it might be worth including him next year as a bit of a wildcard and it would be a big death in nerdland.


If he does get his own thread the tag line has to be The end has come but it has been prepared for...


Don't even think about it...

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Can we talk about Tom Baker?


I have no new health information but he is now 81 and is known to have enjoyed a drink in the day. He is still working but is looking decidedly rickity. The previous Doctors all died well before this (William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton @67, Jon Pertwee @76). I am just thinking it might be worth including him next year as a bit of a wildcard and it would be a big death in nerdland.


If he does get his own thread the tag line has to be The end has come but it has been prepared for...

He could always do an Isadora Duncan and get strangled by his scarf. ;)

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Can we talk about Tom Baker?


I have no new health information but he is now 81 and is known to have enjoyed a drink in the day. He is still working but is looking decidedly rickity. The previous Doctors all died well before this (William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton @67, Jon Pertwee @76). I am just thinking it might be worth including him next year as a bit of a wildcard and it would be a big death in nerdland.


If he does get his own thread the tag line has to be The end has come but it has been prepared for...

Such talk is heresy ! He shall never die ! (well not for at least 10 years hopefully )

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Can we talk about Tom Baker?


I have no new health information but he is now 81 and is known to have enjoyed a drink in the day. He is still working but is looking decidedly rickity. The previous Doctors all died well before this (William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton @67, Jon Pertwee @76). I am just thinking it might be worth including him next year as a bit of a wildcard and it would be a big death in nerdland.


If he does get his own thread the tag line has to be The end has come but it has been prepared for...


Don't even think about it...



Is that because you want that line for the DDP?

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No, because I don't want him to die! :)

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No, because I don't want him to die! :)


Well neither do I but I didn't want Terry Pratchett, Leonard Nimoy or Tony Benn to die either.

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This one used to be that, but it got merged with other Brit SciFi topics.

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he played the part of a pilot in the first episode of Horns of Nimon. He might be better known for playing Tom Kennedy in Neighbours in 2007 ...

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Eh, no.

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Can we talk about Tom Baker?


I have no new health information but he is now 81 and is known to have enjoyed a drink in the day. He is still working but is looking decidedly rickity. The previous Doctors all died well before this (William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton @67, Jon Pertwee @76). I am just thinking it might be worth including him next year as a bit of a wildcard and it would be a big death in nerdland.


If he does get his own thread the tag line has to be The end has come but it has been prepared for...


Don't even think about it...



My thoughts were that being such an eccentric chap (he enjoyed living next door to a cemetery) that he might actually enjoy the accolade and become our new ambassedor.

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With the sad death of Tanith Lee I thought about how many writers for Blake's 7 were still alive.


Terry Nation wrote all of the first series himself but during series 2 other writers started contributing.


But it is not all plain sailing.


There are three writers who are definitely still alive


  • Chris Boucher
  • James Follett
  • Trevor Hoyle


but I cannot find any information about another three


  • Simon Masters
  • Ben Steed
  • Colin Davis

Can anyone help?

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With the sad death of Tanith Lee I thought about how many writers for Blake's 7 were still alive.


Terry Nation wrote all of the first series himself but during series 2 other writers started contributing.



Can anyone help?

Yes. i think you meant to write "Terry Nation, who died in 1997,"

(I knew that but yer average surfer probably doesn't...) :rolleyes:


Anyway, re: Tom Baker. I realised the other day, while browsing Wiki........ both Troughton and Pertwee died while in the US. (And now you mentioned him, Terry Nation too.) So, if you're superstitious, maybe the trick for Baker is to keep away from there.

He's about the last person I can see voluntarily getting on a plane to Yankland anyway if you ask me.

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