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27 minutes ago, Clorox Bleachman said:

I saw it but it wasn't anything like the National Geographic-looking pictures my friends sent me from 5 minutes away.


The best part of this picture is the stars (I don't know anything about stars/planets, sorry, I just like looking at them)



20 past midnight, Glasgow, looking North-Northeast if anyone wants to flex their astronomy knowledge.


Nice. Bit of Ursa Major there too unless I'm mistaken (which I almost certainly am)

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I never saw anything but my mate posted on Facebook that it looked a lot less impressive than all the photos local people were posting on FB  :D

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Had a Eurovision party last night and drank rather a lot. Got home, had around 90 minutes sleep, dad picked me up at 6:30 to go Brands Hatch for the BTCC. Spent all day out in the searing sun watching some really rather brilliant (and obvs loud) racing.


In summary, I’ve had a fabulous 24 hours but now I feel like I’m having a brain haemorrhage. 

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Will be visiting Kennedy Space Center on May 31 - June 1 to coincide with the 2024 U.S Astronaut Hall of Fame ceremony. I've not gone to KSC in a very long time and I don't know how the admission process is now and if the HOF ceremony is included in that, so I doubt I'll get to see it close enough to observe the astronauts. I should however be able to meet astronaut Tom Jones on the 31st, get my copy of his book "Sky Walking" signed and maybe have a chat if I'm lucky. I may know a lot about astronauts but I've never actually met one so it's going to be a great day either way.

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My first time flying from London City Airport.


It is so compact

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24 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

My first time flying from London City Airport.


It is so compact


A bit too compact for my liking. In another life I learned to fly: One of aviations most useless commodites - runway that's behind you.

I'm kidding again :evil2:. It's fine so long as you're not in an A380.

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Currently at Vinius Airport flying to Prague via Warsaw


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1 hour ago, Bibliogryphon said:

Currently at Vinius Airport flying to Prague via Warsaw



Their copy of that barrier at a Japanese convenience store is a fail on 3 counts - It's too low, it's see through, and there's no view of Mount Fuji in the first place.

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On 07/08/2018 at 11:16, Clorox Bleachman said:

The dreaded exam results are sent out today in Scotland.




...by the skin of my teeth. 4 Higher passes was what I needed, and I got just that. 4 straight Cs. They're not good grades by any measure, but they're good enough. My new course starts next week :)


Update: I still haven't completed this damn course. Contrary to popular belief, I do not have it all worked out. I'm going into my 7th year of trying really hard, going insane in the literal sense and failing miserably. I have nothing to show for it (no debt though, thank fuck for that).


I'd hoped a gap yah of sorts would solve my issues, but it hasn't. I can't drive, I don't have hobbies and my doctor says my heart's working too hard because I'm so thin.


The main problem is that essays overwhelm me, but no one I've spoken to understands. They made me sit a dyslexia test and I scored almost zero points, to the shock of no one. Evidently I don't have a problem with spelling and I'm not, with all due respect, fucking stupid either. I don't need the concept of a paragraph explained to me, there's a deeper issue.


I can only handle so much "you're only 16/17/18/19/20/21/22, I didn't know what I wanted to do when I was your age". I know exactly where I want to end up. I can't get there! I'm happy for all my former classmates graduating and getting engaged to people they met during their wonderful time at uni, but I'm also a tad jealous.


Any non-clichéd advice? I have enough savings to avoid retail hell for a very long time. I'm not too good to flip burgers, but I want to do something that's meaningful to me. Built environment-related.

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1 minute ago, Clorox Bleachman said:


Any non-clichéd advice? I have enough savings to avoid retail hell for a very long time. I'm not too good to flip burgers, but I want to do something that's meaningful to me. Built environment-related.

Every year there's a new intake of fresh lovelies.


I knew a chap who was a perennial student for at least a decade if not more. He may not have conquered the exams, but he certainly was an expert in the bedroom.


Use this time to prepare for OnlyFans.

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5 hours ago, Clorox Bleachman said:

Update: I still haven't completed this damn course. Contrary to popular belief, I do not have it all worked out. I'm going into my 7th year of trying really hard, going insane in the literal sense and failing miserably. I have nothing to show for it (no debt though, thank fuck for that).


I'd hoped a gap yah of sorts would solve my issues, but it hasn't. I can't drive, I don't have hobbies and my doctor says my heart's working too hard because I'm so thin.


The main problem is that essays overwhelm me, but no one I've spoken to understands. They made me sit a dyslexia test and I scored almost zero points, to the shock of no one. Evidently I don't have a problem with spelling and I'm not, with all due respect, fucking stupid either. I don't need the concept of a paragraph explained to me, there's a deeper issue.


I can only handle so much "you're only 16/17/18/19/20/21/22, I didn't know what I wanted to do when I was your age". I know exactly where I want to end up. I can't get there! I'm happy for all my former classmates graduating and getting engaged to people they met during their wonderful time at uni, but I'm also a tad jealous.


Any non-clichéd advice? I have enough savings to avoid retail hell for a very long time. I'm not too good to flip burgers, but I want to do something that's meaningful to me. Built environment-related.


Don't write yourself off.

Have a bit of patience with yourself.

You can be anything you want to be.

Write down all your problems and address them one by one.

Don't worry, most people's lives are chaos.

It really will all work out in the end.


Tbh it's hard to give advice to someone who says they know exactly what they want, also know what they're getting wrong but won't identify it, and by the way anything cliché won't do.


Unless "exactly where you want to end up" is something along the lines of "in bed with Penn Badgley and thirty million quid in cash", it's probably something you can work towards addressing.


I know what you mean with essays, though. What, I'm expected to "Write 2,000 words comparing and contrasting suchandsuch", when 600,000 words immediately spring to mind but I can't get a single one out? Fuxake. I'm in the swing of academic essays now (as part of this degree I put off for fucking years because, contrary to belief of unknown popularity, I can never get my shit together either), so if you have a specific question no other cunt is answering, feel free to ask a fellow neurodiversicunt.

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1 hour ago, TQR said:

Tbh it's hard to give advice to someone who says they know exactly what they want, also know what they're getting wrong but won't identify it, and by the way anything cliché won't do.

I appreciate I didn't word that in a way that makes myself look good. It's honest though.


It's a headfuck when you're a gifted kid who struggles with everything outside the classroom, but no adults care to investigate it because you're a child genius or summat. It leads you to place all your self-worth into your academic abilities. Then when that wanes, you believe you're a terrible person. It's a wonder I'm not more of a narcissist.


I feel like I've been hitting myself repeatedly over the head with a metal pipe for the past few years, which is to say, losing brain cells by the day. It would be nice if I could fix my issues upon identifying them i.e. essay writing, but until I do, I can only state them matter-of-factly and continue to suffer with them. Unfortunately a few therapists have witnessed me do this and said, "it's great that you're so self-aware!"


It will all come together eventually, but I can't lie and say I'm not frustrated by my current trajectory. That's why I made the original post.

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5 minutes ago, Clorox Bleachman said:

I appreciate I didn't word that in a way that makes myself look good. It's honest though.


It's a headfuck when you're a gifted kid who struggles with everything outside the classroom, but no adults care to investigate it because you're a child genius or summat. It leads you to place all your self-worth into your academic abilities. Then when that wanes, you believe you're a terrible person. It's a wonder I'm not more of a narcissist.


I feel like I've been hitting myself repeatedly over the head with a metal pipe for the past few years, which is to say, losing brain cells by the day. It would be nice if I could fix my issues upon identifying them i.e. essay writing, but until I do, I can only state them matter-of-factly and continue to suffer with them. Unfortunately a few therapists have witnessed me do this and said, "it's great that you're so self-aware!"


It will all come together eventually, but I can't lie and say I'm not frustrated by my current trajectory. That's why I made the original post.


I don't know if you're aware of how relatable a lot of this is to a lot of people, but it is. Gifted as a kid, bit of a shambles in many ways, inhibitions take over, only point of self-respect is your mind, you've basically written the first several chapters of my fucking biography.


And believe me, I was stuck in engineering for years after I realised it was the reason why I was dying inside, I know how mind atrophy feels.


You're bound to feel frustrated, because you're gifted. And when you're stuck in that particular rut, it's not a simple fix. And therapists are rarely helpful unless dealing with a specific problem they're well versed and experienced in. Messy divorce? Go see a divorced relationships therapist, you'll be golden. But it's unlikely you'll find a therapist that specialises in 'my life feels like an early Placebo song'. 


I put all my energy into writing about my problems, in an iCloud notes page I still have but no other pair of eyes will ever see, not my friends, fiancé, family nor therapist. It's not a diary, just a stream of consciousness; getting on for half a million typed words of frustration, self-hatred, anguish, confusion, sarcasm, acceptance, dreams, realisation and resolution in there. I won't say you should definitely do it but it helped me work a few things out and I inadvertantly brushed up on my creative writing too.


All this to say, it's a common feeling you're experiencing, with no common way out, but you will find a way. You're bound to. You're a child genius or summat.

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Once finally convinced that "The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt"  (Bertrand Russell, not me sadly) is actually bloody true and you'll be fine.


Took me a while to believe it and I'm not completely daft, though no longer anywhere near school age.


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On 22/05/2024 at 15:33, Clorox Bleachman said:

Any non-clichéd advice? I have enough savings to avoid retail hell for a very long time. I'm not too good to flip burgers, but I want to do something that's meaningful to me. Built environment-related.


Honestly. Look at volunteering. You may only need to do it for 1 day a week/month/whatever but it really helped me in my 20's when my life was going nowhere and was struggling with job interviews etc. It will give you something to put on your CV and may give you some life skills.


10+ years later I still volunteer with the charity every Saturday morning.


Edit to add - I work in a hospital and we have volunteers who help direct patients where to go, one man even helps tidy up the garden area because nobody else was tending to it.

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24 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

 Look at volunteering.


You would be doing a great service to charity shoppers if you went round all the shops and put the DVDs in alphabetical order. :D  Because none of the fuckers bother!

It's so frustrating when you're looking for something specific and you're confronted with walls of unsorted DVDs. Only so long you can spend with your head twisted to the side!

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I've started dating someone, we get on amazingly well. Only downside is he voted Brexit. We've agreed not to go to deep when it comes to talking politics, lol. Anyone else been in this situation and it worked out well (where you are Labour, they are Tory etc)?

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22 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

I've started dating someone, we get on amazingly well. Only downside is he voted Brexit. We've agreed not to go to deep when it comes to talking politics, lol. Anyone else been in this situation and it worked out well (where you are Labour, they are Tory etc)?


I think how they voted isn't so much the issue, it's their reasons for voting how they did that are a gauge of their character.


One of my OH's three votes in the recent LE went to a Tory candidate because he's friends with him. I held back my WTFs because I know that wouldn't have been the case if said candidate was a proper Danny Kruger/Jonathan Gullis/Suella Braverman Tory. Didn't get elected anyway, though, which I was not-so-secretly happy about.


As long as they're a decent person with well-placed morals, there's no reason why a vote in what you consider to be the wrong direction (Brexit) should be an obstacle!

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40 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

I've started dating someone, we get on amazingly well. Only downside is he voted Brexit. We've agreed not to go to deep when it comes to talking politics, lol. Anyone else been in this situation and it worked out well (where you are Labour, they are Tory etc)?

I read a Nick Hornby book where that was part of the plotline.


I guess it'd really have to do with whether his political opinion became personally controlling behavior.

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17 hours ago, ladyfiona said:

I've started dating someone, we get on amazingly well. Only downside is he voted Brexit. We've agreed not to go to deep when it comes to talking politics, lol. Anyone else been in this situation and it worked out well (where you are Labour, they are Tory etc)?


I have been fairly intimate with someone who voted for UKIP in one election. If they love you and you love them, and their morals seem relatively fine then differing political standpoints shouldn't be an issue.


If I'm honest, I never really understood why this guy voted for UKIP, a party that wants to close the borders and stop foreign visitors. He certainly didn't seem passionate about implementing this policy himself. 

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15 hours ago, ladyfiona said:

I've started dating someone, we get on amazingly well. Only downside is he voted Brexit. We've agreed not to go to deep when it comes to talking politics, lol. Anyone else been in this situation and it worked out well (where you are Labour, they are Tory etc)?

Bin the cunt off, 100% guaranteed his cock is tiny. 

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King Charles III just came up on my Facebook in "People you may know".

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31 minutes ago, Toast said:

King Charles III just came up on my Facebook in "People you may know".

I suppose that's better than it suggesting Prince Andrew as being someone you might know. 

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32 minutes ago, Master Obit said:

I suppose that's better than it suggesting Prince Andrew as being someone you might know. 


I'm a bit too old for him

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Saw this in Belfast bus station yesterday.




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