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Huge fucking branch from my pecan tree landed on house 3am


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Huge fucking branch from my pecan tree landed on house 3am



That sounds like an opening line from a really bad country song.


Hope there was not too much damage done.

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Huge fucking branch from my pecan tree landed on house 3am



That sounds like an opening line from a really bad country song.


Hope there was not too much damage done.


Trees tend to recover well from this type of incident. duck.gif

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Just started an 800 mile drive to work, clear across Texas to New Mexico. 15 hours yay.


PS: save speeches about DLing and driving it's what I do

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Sir Creep, if you run someone over in your 18 wheeler while reading my posts I'll never forgive yourself.

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Just started an 800 mile drive to work, clear across Texas to New Mexico. 15 hours yay.


PS: save speeches about DLing and driving it's what I do

why are you driving so long, what job requires this

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Just started an 800 mile drive to work, clear across Texas to New Mexico. 15 hours yay.


PS: save speeches about DLing and driving it's what I do

why are you driving so long, what job requires this

Oil fields of Texas--- or in this case across the border a few miles. As Meatloaf says: "You'll never drill for oil on a city street."


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At the Eurostar terminal for my 5th European work trip since the beginning of Sept. Brussels this time.

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Just started an 800 mile drive to work, clear across Texas to New Mexico. 15 hours yay.


PS: save speeches about DLing and driving it's what I do

why are you driving so long, what job requires this

Oil fields of Texas--- or in this case across the border a few miles. As Meatloaf says: "You'll never drill for oil on a city street."


you definitely sound like someone from Texas

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Just started an 800 mile drive to work, clear across Texas to New Mexico. 15 hours yay.


PS: save speeches about DLing and driving it's what I do

why are you driving so long, what job requires this

Oil fields of Texas--- or in this case across the border a few miles. As Meatloaf says: "You'll never drill for oil on a city street."


you definitely sound like someone from Texas



That is possibly the worst drive in the country.

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Hey coming into the time of the season for making your lists and checking them twice.


So I've completed drafts of 2 of my allowed 3 DDP teams (I think I'll be allowed 3?). Just obviously awaiting the new rules etc. It's harder than I thought (ooh, matron, ding dong!).

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My DDP cancer-themed team is almost complete, it'll probably be my only entry. I'll probably finish it in a week or two and submit it as soon as I can.


For my personal list, I have a lot of ideas so I need to cut it down a bit, and also decide what place everyone will take. I probably won't start working on it seriously until December.


I'm also entering the Deathrace, but have yet to make my entry. I'll probably post it in a week or two.


Might as well enter the Hartlepool Deadlypool as well. I've got to make the most out of my first full year on the forums.

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I currently smell of sick. Sadly it's my sister in laws, not my own. Alcohol induced. She was drinking mixed shots of rainbow sours, apple sours, jaeger and mango vodka, and now we're wondering why she's just chundered all over the kitchen floor.


My sister in law and I are 42 years old.


I love being a grown up.


Ah, and now she's just vommed over her sofa. Leather, fortunately, so it will wipe clean.

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I currently smell of sick. Sadly it's my sister in laws, not my own. Alcohol induced. She was drinking mixed shots of rainbow sours, apple sours, jaeger and mango vodka, and now we're wondering why she's just chundered all over the kitchen floor.

My sister in law and I are 42 years old.

I love being a grown up.

Ah, and now she's just vommed over her sofa. Leather, fortunately, so it will wipe clean.

I did have a steak bake actually. And a sausage roll. And a can of red bull.


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Why don't you learn to cook? It might help you land a boyfriend.

I can cook. I just didn't have any food in.


i can't cook. my mum makes my meals for me and delivers them to my house .i'm single and male by the way

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Why don't you learn to cook? It might help you land a boyfriend.

I can cook. I just didn't have any food in.

i can't cook. my mum makes my meals for me and delivers them to my house .i'm single and male by the way

Anyone adult who can't cook at least 7 basic meals should be ashamed.

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Just found out my cousin (well like third cousin once removed) will be appearing on Chopped! Canada, so if you chef types and Canucks wanna tune in.... Her name is Kendall. Who knew we had culinary talent in our family tree?


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Just found out my cousin (well like third cousin once removed) will be appearing on Chopped! Canada, so if you chef types and Canucks wanna tune in.... Her name is Kendall. Who knew we had culinary talent in our family tree?


Is that why the bough broke off and hit your house? duck.gif

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I currently smell of sick. Sadly it's my sister in laws, not my own. Alcohol induced. She was drinking mixed shots of rainbow sours, apple sours, jaeger and mango vodka, and now we're wondering why she's just chundered all over the kitchen floor.

My sister in law and I are 42 years old.

I love being a grown up.

Ah, and now she's just vommed over her sofa. Leather, fortunately, so it will wipe clean.

I did have a steak bake actually. And a sausage roll. And a can of red bull.



What does FIFY mean? What's my steak bake got to do with my sister in law's puke covered leather sofa?

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I currently smell of sick. Sadly it's my sister in laws, not my own. Alcohol induced. She was drinking mixed shots of rainbow sours, apple sours, jaeger and mango vodka, and now we're wondering why she's just chundered all over the kitchen floor.

My sister in law and I are 42 years old.

I love being a grown up.

Ah, and now she's just vommed over her sofa. Leather, fortunately, so it will wipe clean.


I did have a steak bake actually. And a sausage roll. And a can of red bull.



What does FIFY mean? What's my steak bake got to do with my sister in law's puke covered leather sofa?
it means fixed it for you as you posted your post in the incorrect thread.

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That was a big bite you took there 'Kid. You won't be able to chew it.

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I currently smell of sick. Sadly it's my sister in laws, not my own. Alcohol induced. She was drinking mixed shots of rainbow sours, apple sours, jaeger and mango vodka, and now we're wondering why she's just chundered all over the kitchen floor.

My sister in law and I are 42 years old.

I love being a grown up.

Ah, and now she's just vommed over her sofa. Leather, fortunately, so it will wipe clean.

I did have a steak bake actually. And a sausage roll. And a can of red bull.


Ah right, sorry, I didn't notice, I was on my phone and pissed and so my vision was slighly impaired :D

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Just found out my cousin (well like third cousin once removed) will be appearing on Chopped! Canada, so if you chef types and Canucks wanna tune in.... Her name is Kendall. Who knew we had culinary talent in our family tree?



I watch Chopped Canada despite Dean McDermitt. I'll be rooting for your cousin, hopefully she get "nice" ingredients in the basket.

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Really bummed out as I put together a DDP theme team that one person I had lined up and one of the great all time names, Poncie Ponce, is in fact deceased 2013. :-(


Maybe I'll name the team the Poncie Ponce Memorial Team or summat. I named my NCAA brackets team the Ahmad Givens Memorial Team and won the whole enchilada and I don't watch a lick of basketball


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Looks like a mate has just scooped a good few grand by finding some ambergris (whale vomit).







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