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Posted on the 2023 deaths thread too - apologies for posting something simple here, but a conspiracy theorist has died and before you ask, the obit here chronicles declining health and increased need of care, so unlikely anyone he outed snuck up and poisoned Kenn Thomas, or owt: https://copycateffect.blogspot.com/2023/09/KennThomasObit.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR2S22NltDFP9oU4h6tCYtu8LUIn603G0u4XX6LIMR0zosen_sQhzYnjLic

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Someone I know has died of pancan just 3 weeks after being diagnosed.

I put their name into Google to see if funeral details had been announced, only to find loads of posts by anti-vaxxers with pictures of the deceased copied from Facebook, and claiming they died of the Covid vaccine. 

Disgusting.  I really hope their family doesn't see this.

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On 22/11/2023 at 20:51, Toast said:

Someone I know has died of pancan just 3 weeks after being diagnosed.

I put their name into Google to see if funeral details had been announced, only to find loads of posts by anti-vaxxers with pictures of the deceased copied from Facebook, and claiming they died of the Covid vaccine. 

Disgusting.  I really hope their family doesn't see this.

A young man I knew killed himself two weeks ago.


I searched his name and is listed multiple times as a "sudden vaccine death" by no vax pages.

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On 13/02/2024 at 05:35, drol said:

A young man I knew killed himself two weeks ago.


I searched his name and is listed multiple times as a "sudden vaccine death" by no vax pages.

Sickening, isn’t it, the depths these ghouls will sink to in a quest to validate their dangerous yet flimsy ideology. No thought whatsoever for the bereaved.

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1 hour ago, the_engineer said:



It's backed by science now. How far have the goalposts moved? It's only going one way. See you for the next update hopefully.




Did you bother to read past the headlines?


I'll save you the trouble. While the study did find that there was a slightly elevated risk of developing these conditions following the vaccine, the risk is far greater if you contract Covid-19.

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Posting screen grabs rather than links is quite telling.

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25 minutes ago, AstroKat said:


Did you bother to read past the headlines?


I'll save you the trouble. While the study did find that there was a slightly elevated risk of developing these conditions following the vaccine, the risk is far greater if you contract Covid-19.

Whether it be coincidence or linked I have noticed there seems to be more younger deaths post pandemic. 

My opinion has always been that it was probably more due to the virus than the vaccine. Considering most people have had both the virus and the vaccine god knows how you can attribute one over the other. 


I think we might find COVID has a longer lasting impact on the nations health than we envisage. 

But I’m not a scientist; only noticing more young folk kicking the bucket. 

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Vaccines have always had rare side effects. A relative was brain damaged by one in the 1950’s and therefore 

 I didn’t have that vaccine as a child as a doctor said it could be a genetic prosperity to reacting to it.


Someone I know had a bad reaction a bit after the vaccine with their doctor saying it was 80% likely the vaccine 20% a Covid infection that caused it. They did have some underlying health issues that the vaccine might have triggered. 

Im sure some doctors think my current health issues are Covid linked when I say the date their started but I was having symptoms the weeks before my first covid and even if it got worse a couple of days later. 

Sudden cardiac deaths were rising before 2020 as well. 

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I'm not a healthcare worker, but hearing from some people that are I sometimes wonder if COVID might've fucked the healthcare system up to a point where it's significantly less effective in the long-term than it was beforehand. Making an appointment definitely seems to be more of a potluck nowadays.


As a young person myself, I feel like anti-social behaviour and drug deaths are definitely becoming even more prevalent in my generation due to fact that lack of meaningful social interaction during the lockdown period was especially prevalent, especially in deprived areas. I'm 20 and a significant amount of folk I went to school with (approaching 10%) are either already dead from drug-related causes or are on their way there. 






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My mum is deep into all the vaccine conspiracies and other crap that she sees on Facebook, so I've had to learn to combat this stuff. She has been telling me for months about the risks of the vaccine, mainly on the heart. And everytime my response has been to tell her to wait for an official study (not something off telegram) that details that any problems are widespread and are caused by the vaccine and not by the virus (or increasing obesity rates/a decrease in the quality of life). She has yet to provide such a study. She saw this article the other day and did the exact same thing that the user above did and didn't read beyond the headline, because if she did she'd realise it's more or less on my side. But tbh I wouldn't expect anything else any more as every source that she has ever provided to me to back up her points has been either already debunked by a reputable source or has been posted by some sort of anti-globalism anti-semite who is claiming to be a Doctor on YouTube.

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10 hours ago, Surprise Demise said:

I'm not a healthcare worker, but hearing from some people that are I sometimes wonder if COVID might've fucked the healthcare system up to a point where it's significantly less effective in the long-term than it was beforehand. Making an appointment definitely seems to be more of a potluck nowada


The decline in health services is a result of Government policies over the last few decades. 

But I'm sure that Covid has left its mark by indirectly killing people with other conditions who would have survived their illness if they had been diagnosed and/or started treatment earlier.

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16 minutes ago, Toast said:


The decline in health services is a result of Government policies over the last few decades. 

But I'm sure that Covid has left its mark by indirectly killing people with other conditions who would have survived their illness if they had been diagnosed and/or started treatment earlier.

Plus some medical staff have become too comfortable in using telephone and online systems which shut out many people because of lack of access or lack of connivence (My GP does all day telephone calls which are a pain as you have to be on alert for the phone ringing for hours).

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18 hours ago, AstroKat said:


Did you bother to read past the headlines?


I'll save you the trouble. While the study did find that there was a slightly elevated risk of developing these conditions following the vaccine, the risk is far greater if you contract Covid-19.


The vast majority of COVID 19 cases are mild like colds or coughs. So why take a vaccine to stop a cold or a cough and roll the dice on getting bullys special illness! ooo it's Guillain barre syndrome cmon take a look you'll be in a wheelchair in 6 months. 

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16 hours ago, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

My mum is deep into all the vaccine conspiracies and other crap that she sees on Facebook, so I've had to learn to combat this stuff. She has been telling me for months about the risks of the vaccine, mainly on the heart. And everytime my response has been to tell her to wait for an official study (not something off telegram) that details that any problems are widespread and are caused by the vaccine and not by the virus (or increasing obesity rates/a decrease in the quality of life). She has yet to provide such a study. She saw this article the other day and did the exact same thing that the user above did and didn't read beyond the headline, because if she did she'd realise it's more or less on my side. But tbh I wouldn't expect anything else any more as every source that she has ever provided to me to back up her points has been either already debunked by a reputable source or has been posted by some sort of anti-globalism anti-semite who is claiming to be a Doctor on YouTube.


Your mum sounds awesome good for her! 

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It's factually true they lied to you. It isn't safe or effective. I posted on here years ago about myocarditis and the vaccine link I was met with the same response called a conspiracy theorist and other not very nice things. Well you can bookmark this post when sometime in the future the vaccine is linked with cancers and white fibrous clots being pulled out of dead people. If the vaccine had been found to be very very safe I'd have held my hands up and admitted I was wrong but it hasn't. It's been found to be more unsafe and no one can explain the excess deaths. 100k excess deaths.







Many many thousands are telling everyone about how they suffered from the vaccine or have lost loved ones. I think dismissing them and calling them conspiracy theorists is just as bad as linking everyone's death to the vaccine.




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Who put 50p in the fucking crank? 

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As with every crisis, the powers that be (government) did what they thought was best at the time. The vaccine was a extreme reaction to the extreme situation. Obviously, no-one wants to rush a vaccine that millions of people are going to get. As of Sept. 2021, 64% of the world had this vaccine. It is likely that a small portion of that percentage had reactions, possibly fatal, to the vaccine. Just as with every vaccine. It seems undeniable that the vaccine saved lives, far more than it cost. As others have said, COVID-19 (which was likely not a natural strain) is a deadly disease. It makes sense that the wild strain would be more dangerous, especially with uncontrolled mutations. The vaccine was necessary, vital, and it is sad that so many will never appreciate it.


@the_engineer you've been gone for long enough I'd thought maybe something had changed. It's sad that it didn't. 

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30 minutes ago, TQR said:

Who put 50p in the fucking crank? 


Sorry, my bad, I should have left the crank alone.

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3 hours ago, AstroKat said:


Sorry, my bad, I should have left the crank alone.


Go get you're 47th booster...

mattmpls33 - 1760133321923637544.gif

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Looks like that was an ace decision I made however many months ago.


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