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Who Should Be On The 2015 Deathlist?

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Guest Meu

Just a question :


Who choose the deathlist list ? The owner of the site ? The members of forum?

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Next question, who decided who the committee was?


The Committee, obviously.




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Guest Foggy

Bill Cosby will die in 2015, if not in 2014. Suicide is a possibility, but I think the stress and loss of public reverence will simply cause more stress than his old body can endure. I'm surprised he's not already on people's lists. He does not look well, and photos of him last week compared to last year show that's he's aging exponentially.

It hasn't killed Rolf yet.

Or Stuart Hall...I had him as a cert for 2014

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Guest SirCreep

1. Glen Campbell would be a big mistake, 1 if not 2 years premature. He's not terribly old and is now in a 24-hour facility strictly for Alzheimers care. He was only diagnosed a couple years ago and average life expectancy about 5 years from diagnosis, and again he will have too notch care. ZERO percent chance he dies so soon (read: 2015).


2. I'm putting together my 20 names for my pool I run, and of those these are virtual LOCKS to die in 2015. Feel free to investigate at your liesure.

Gordie Howe

Bart Starr

Bryan Murray

Jules Bianchi

Bryan Weidmeier

Gino Odjick

Sam Simon

Lynne Stewart (another prisoner sent home to die lol)

King Rama IX (Bhumipal Adulyadej)

Ahmad Givens (VH1 'Real Chance on Love')


Those are solid locks. The rest of mine are good probabilities I won't bore you with.


Sir Creep

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1. Glen Campbell would be a big mistake, 1 if not 2 years premature. He's not terribly old and is now in a 24-hour facility strictly for Alzheimers care. He was only diagnosed a couple years ago and average life expectancy about 5 years from diagnosis, and again he will have too notch care. ZERO percent chance he dies so soon (read: 2015).


2. I'm putting together my 20 names for my pool I run, and of those these are virtual LOCKS to die in 2015. Feel free to investigate at your liesure.


King Rama IX (Bhumipal Adulyadej)

Ahmad Givens (VH1 'Real Chance on Love')



Sir Creep



Givens problem is he is not a safe bet to get the required obit. And King Rama seems like another Zsa Zsa as he has been in and out of hospitals for the last 6-7 years.

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Additionally regarding your list of locks, Gordie Howe's condition apparently saw a massive improvement following a stem cell trial so while he's still a solid pick (he's still old, still has dementia, and nothing's saying he can't have another stroke) I wouldn't quite put him at a guaranteed death either

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Judith Durham of the Seekers was looking very frail at Carols by Candlelight a few nights ago and had to remain seated throughout her performance.

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1. Glen Campbell would be a big mistake, 1 if not 2 years premature. He's not terribly old and is now in a 24-hour facility strictly for Alzheimers care. He was only diagnosed a couple years ago and average life expectancy about 5 years from diagnosis, and again he will have too notch care. ZERO percent chance he dies so soon (read: 2015).


2. I'm putting together my 20 names for my pool I run, and of those these are virtual LOCKS to die in 2015. Feel free to investigate at your liesure.

Gordie Howe

Bart Starr

Bryan Murray

Jules Bianchi

Bryan Weidmeier

Gino Odjick

Sam Simon

Lynne Stewart (another prisoner sent home to die lol)

King Rama IX (Bhumipal Adulyadej)

Ahmad Givens (VH1 'Real Chance on Love')


Those are solid locks. The rest of mine are good probabilities I won't bore you with.


Sir Creep


Nice list. I'm in agreement with all but two and I'll look into those. Thanks Your Creepiness.

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Guest Guest3535

Would Bryan Murray be the likely to get an obituary really?

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Judith Durham of the Seekers was looking very frail at Carols by Candlelight a few nights ago and had to remain seated throughout her performance.



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Would Bryan Murray be the likely to get an obituary really?


Surely everybody remembers him being buried under the patio by his wife and daughter ;)

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Well, the Queen seemed hale and hearty during her Christmas speech, so I guess that's her off the list for another year... How's Phil looking at the moment? I hear he was well enough to go to a Christmas service yesterday....

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I have a feeling alot of people will be leaving Michael Schumacher off their list this year and he should definitely still be a solid pick (especially for his age) . People who sustain injuries like his have a dramatically shorter lifespan , of course we don't know to what end he is injured but if recent rumours are true about him not being able to talk and in a wheelchair then that kind of backs up what Gary hartstein is saying. He talks about dramatically short lifespan of months to a few years, i'm guessing his wife knows this and is keeping him comfortable until the end and she wants his fans to remember the old Michael not the one stuck in wheelchair . If i was a betting man i would bet we won't ever see a pic of Michael after his injury .



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I don't have much to suggest but, I'm going to suggest actor Jerry Stiller famous for his roles in 'Seinfeld' and 'The King of Queens'. He's also the father of Ben Stiller. Born in 1927. Here are some recent photos.






I'll also say that the DL committee would have to be a gang of boneheads not to pick Leonard Nimoy.

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how do I get on the committee?


Thought you were banned, or is this a different moron taking up the mantle?

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Mary Wilson, widow of Harold Wilson, turns 99 on 16th January. Also Clarissa Eden (former Mrs Anthony Eden) will be 95 in June. Both should be given serious consideration if they haven't already.



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I would suggest:


Gudrun Ure

Jimmy Young

Stanley Baxter

Peregrine Worsthorne

Hutton Gibson

Sidney Cooke

Manuel Noriega

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Deathray already suggested those two JR, he loves the GGILFs.


They're not really famous enough anyway, can you imagine anyone being motivated to exclaim "na na na na na, na na na na" if Clarissa Expires At All?


p.s. anyone know when "the committee" get together in their Stonecutters gear and do the machinations? Tomorrow presumably?

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Re Judith Durham mentioned earlier, she's coming up 72 and that frailness is down to recovering from a brain haemorrage (she's also been in a serious car accident and suffered the attentions of a nutcase stalker who mailed a succession of doormats to her). But she can sing and is said to be improving after the haemorrage (which happened in 2013).


On balance, she may see 2016.

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