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What about Jean-Marie le Pen and her daughter Marine? (Family problems)

(FN party, far right party jn France)

He was hospitalized yesterday for a "small heart problem".



Could his ostracism (hmm, contains the word racism) lead to a heart attack?


Now Le Pen has sued his party over his expulsion. Somebody there suggests that Le Pen doesn't want his creation, the National Front, to outlive him:




The german article I saw first also mentions that Le Pen is being investigated for tax fraud and a secret swiss bank account.

Edit: Here's something in english: http://panteres.com/2015/06/10/french-judiciary-is-investigating-le-pen-for-tax-fraud/

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https://twitter.com/search?q=Jean%20Dore&src=typd :Jean Doré who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 9 months ago is picrured hear during an interview.Unsurprisingly looks like utter shit.If he is miraculously still alive next year what are his obit chances I wonder?

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I doubt he'd get orbit in the UK

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https://twitter.com/search?q=Jean%20Dore&src=typd :Jean Doré who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 9 months ago is picrured hear during an interview.Unsurprisingly looks like utter shit.If he is miraculously still alive next year what are his obit chances I wonder?

The Jean Doré who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is the former mayor of Montreal and I don't think he has been interviewed recently. The guy on Twitter is Jean Marie Doré, the former prime minister of Guinea. He is also old and way past the life expectancy of Guinea so he could fall anytime aswell...

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Oh aye, and - apparently - the pope is about to come out strongly in favour of more distribution of wealth and the whole of mankind making global warming more of a priority.


Outside chance of a plane crash then, followed by years of conspiracy theories.

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George Kirby & Doreen Luckie plan to become the world's oldest newlyweds. Deathrace points at least, should they last that long!

And now they have married. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/british-couple-become-worlds-oldest-newlyweds-at-combined-age-of-194-10318867.html


They say they will spend the rest of their lives together. They all say that, but after 7 years, well, you know what they say..... ^_^

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https://twitter.com/search?q=Jean%20Dore&src=typd :Jean Doré who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 9 months ago is picrured hear during an interview.Unsurprisingly looks like utter shit.If he is miraculously still alive next year what are his obit chances I wonder?

He's dead now. (the mayor)


Maybe not then.Hasn`t even got a UK obit so I guess that answers my question.

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https://twitter.com/search?q=Jean%20Dore&src=typd :Jean Doré who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 9 months ago is picrured hear during an interview.Unsurprisingly looks like utter shit.If he is miraculously still alive next year what are his obit chances I wonder?

He's dead now. (the mayor)


Maybe not then.Hasn`t even got a UK obit so I guess that answers my question.


I'm not sure if this counts. https://uk.screen.yahoo.com/jean-dor-dies-230239204.html

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https://twitter.com/search?q=Jean%20Dore&src=typd :Jean Doré who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 9 months ago is picrured hear during an interview.Unsurprisingly looks like utter shit.If he is miraculously still alive next year what are his obit chances I wonder?

He's dead now. (the mayor)


Maybe not then.Hasn`t even got a UK obit so I guess that answers my question.


I'm not sure if this counts. https://uk.screen.yahoo.com/jean-dor-dies-230239204.html


I think in DDP terms that would count.

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https://twitter.com/search?q=Jean%20Dore&src=typd :Jean Doré who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 9 months ago is picrured hear during an interview.Unsurprisingly looks like utter shit.If he is miraculously still alive next year what are his obit chances I wonder?

He's dead now. (the mayor)


Maybe not then.Hasn`t even got a UK obit so I guess that answers my question.


I'm not sure if this counts. https://uk.screen.yahoo.com/jean-dor-dies-230239204.html


I think in DDP terms that would count.


Cool, there's a few teams (not me, again!) waiting on points for that. If I come up with a better one (or someone else does), pop it on the board.

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How the hell is the UK media outlets a STRUGGLE to get an obit for the mayor of one of the three foremost cities in a country that puts Britain's royalty on it's currency? Jesus......


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How the hell is the UK media outlets a STRUGGLE to get an obit for the mayor of one of the three foremost cities in a country that puts Britain's royalty on it's currency? Jesus......


Well, if it wasn't for his pancreatic cancer, would anyone outside of Canada have known him? He left office 31 years ago. Though I would have thought that the BBC might have an obit, with say, 60% probability.


Edit: I got the decade wrong, it's only 21 years ago. Hmm...

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How the hell is the UK media outlets a STRUGGLE to get an obit for the mayor of one of the three foremost cities in a country that puts Britain's royalty on it's currency? Jesus......



British mayors don't get UK media obituaries when they die, don't expect Canadian ones to bag one instantly either. He might luck out with a Reuters obit at some point, the Daily Mail website doing a Canadian hits grab or a third obituary on the page on a quiet day in the Guardian within a few weeks.

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With a hat tip to my old mate Cat, what about Peter Falk?

I heard he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's years ago but when he died he came back and said "just one more thing" and will never die because if this
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Is it time to start considering one of my favorite artists, jazz/world music musician, and collaborator of Brian Eno, Jon Hassell?


Here he is sitting down for an interview looking a bit like Fidel Castro:



Also, two weeks ago he was supposed to play at the Hamburg ElbJazz festival but canceled his appearance due to a hospitalization - which is the second health scare he's seen this year.

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Tommy Chongs ass cancer is back..



"I have good news and bad news. First the bad news, the cancer came back and it's a real pain in the butt. The good news is I now have to use more marijuana to treat the cancer. I will be documenting my cancer fight on the Chong and Chong podcast to let my fans know how the fight is going. Please wish me luck while I kick cancer's behind. Thank you for all of your love and support."

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No idea really just wanted to be the 500th to reply (is there a prize?)

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No idea really just wanted to be the 500th to reply (is there a prize?)

gcreptile was the 500th reply. If you think you're the 500th, it's possible there have been a couple of replies deleted due to spam, etc.

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No idea really just wanted to be the 500th to reply (is there a prize?)

gcreptile was the 500th reply. If you think you're the 500th, it's possible there have been a couple of replies deleted due to spam, etc.


No prize then?

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No idea really just wanted to be the 500th to reply (is there a prize?)


gcreptile was the 500th reply. If you think you're the 500th, it's possible there have been a couple of replies deleted due to spam, etc.

No prize then?

Sorry, afraid not.

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No idea really just wanted to be the 500th to reply (is there a prize?)

gcreptile was the 500th reply. If you think you're the 500th, it's possible there have been a couple of replies deleted due to spam, etc.

No prize then?

Sorry, afraid not.

Charon is the 500th to me

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No idea really just wanted to be the 500th to reply (is there a prize?)

gcreptile was the 500th reply. If you think you're the 500th, it's possible there have been a couple of replies deleted due to spam, etc.

No prize then?

Sorry, afraid not.

Charon is the 500th to me


Technically, rockhopperpenguin is correct, because the #1 post of this thread was not a reply, but simply the initial post. So post #501 is the 500th reply. (But maybe the 500th post is mor edeserving of a prize? Or what about the 500th suggestion?)

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