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The labour candidate in Westmorland and Lonsdale for the general election is an 18 year old who's still at college.


Thank fuck he has no chance of winning the seat.

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39 minutes ago, Deathray said:

The labour candidate in Westmorland and Lonsdale for the general election is an 18 year old who's still at college.


Thank fuck he has no chance of winning the seat.

That is taking research for A-level politics a bit too far.

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If he wins does he get a Belt?

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How dare France vote for a pro-EU candidate.


This is quite clearly France, its politicians and its electorate interfering in the UK election. Yet another snub in the great history of France to the mighty United Kingdom, which stands as a paragon of virtue and wonder across the continents of the world. They even stole our country's flag colours for their own.


It is a disgrace....


Yours sincerely,


Outraged of Maidenhead.

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12 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

How dare France vote for a pro-EU candidate.


This is quite clearly France, its politicians and its electorate interfering in the UK election. Yet another snub in the great history of France to the mighty United Kingdom, which stands as a paragon of virtue and wonder across the continents of the world. They even stole our country's flag colours for their own.


It is a disgrace....


Yours sincerely,


Outraged of Maidenhead.

They voted for the lesser of two evils, its also the lowest turnout for a French election for years, so utterly shit were the two choices.

May will be delighted with the result. She did not want one of the big Euro hitters going all Frexit just as she was about to enter delicate negotiations.

It also means that the new President, ex Banker, business orientated and mindful that he must ensure that any deal is not detrimental to French jobs, particularly in the Car industry, will be far more conciliatory towards an agreement that will do the least amount of damage to all sides.

Outraged of Maidenhead has jumped the gun a bit, havent they.

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^^^ 120,000 council jobs to go in next couple of years..... Thought about this for a while, and he'll be a better laugh/destructive influence than the Nazi bitch. Indeed, this may be the best outcome for le Pen. The left, hard line Left ffs voted for her rather than this capitalist prick. Chaos ahead , choo fucking choo.

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8 minutes ago, charon said:

^^^ 120,000 council jobs to go in next couple of years..... Thought about this for a while, and he'll be a better laugh/destructive influence than the Nazi bitch. Indeed, this may be the best outcome for le Pen. The left, hard line Left ffs voted for her rather than this capitalist prick. Chaos ahead , choo fucking choo.

Best get the popcorn out, pull up a comfy chair and.............. :)

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Lol, only LFN could take that joke seriously! Seriously though...


Here's what the impartial BBC are reporting as Britain welcoming Macron's election:


"France is one of our closest allies and we look forward to working with the new President."


Read that again as though Le Pen had won.


It's a statement that could have been written about whoever won maybe three days ago. Quite right too. This time of night on a Sunday, our PM should be salivating over how much her hubby's share prices have increased due to Brexit, and thinking how to form the words "strong", "stable" "coalition" and "chaos" into comprehensible and new sounding phrases.



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Right a death related question.if you could pick 5.What obituaries of politicians  in your country would give you the most joy to read?

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42 minutes ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

Right a death related question.if you could pick 5.What obituaries of politicians  in your country would give you the most joy to read?

Norman Tebbit

Nigel Farage

Jeremy Hunt 

Owen Patterson

George Galloway 


Just off the top of my head.

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4 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

Norman Tebbit

Nigel Farage

Jeremy Hunt 

Owen Patterson

George Galloway 


Just off the top of my head.


Mine would be


Peter Mandelson

Tony Blair

Ken Livingstone

John McDonnell

George Galloway

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Forgot Gerry Adams he would be number one.

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Donald Trump

Betsy Devos 

George W Bush 

Mary Fallin 

Rex Tillerson


I could only name 5, but basically it's full conservative people who don't care about the American people. There are conservatives that are good people and I would feel sad about if they die, for example, George Bush Sr or even John Kasich. 

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11 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

Donald Trump

Betsy Devos 

George W Bush 

Mary Fallin 

Rex Tillerson


I could only name 5, but basically it's full conservative people who don't care about the American people. There are conservatives that are good people and I would feel sad about if they die, for example, George Bush Sr or even John Kasich. 


Who is Mary Fallin?

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1 minute ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

Who is Mary Fallin?

Current Republican Governor of Oklahoma

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3 hours ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

Right a death related question.if you could pick 5.What obituaries of politicians  in your country would give you the most joy to read?

Kind of close to "wish they were dead" territory for me.


Unless of course you mean to celebrate their lives of public service and dedication and the joy of their contribution to society.

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9 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Kind of close to "wish they were dead" territory for me.


Unless of course you mean to celebrate their lives of public service and dedication and the joy of their contribution to society.


It is close but more who could you see reading an obituary of and maybe smiling for a second in pleasure then snapping out of it and remembering they were human and had family and friends.

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2 minutes ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

It is close but more who could you see reading an obituary of and maybe smiling for a second in pleasure then snapping out of it and remembering they were human and had family and friends.

I'm struggling.


Seeing a story on them being locked up, losing their job, losing all their money and property and having to live like the rest of us, there are plenty of contenders. But they don't in general. The Establishment protects them and positively rewards them...I still haven't read the stories about how Danny Alexander is homeless and having to get by with the help of food banks and charity handouts, how Ed Balls is volunteering to clean up his local district with nothing more than a Community Service Order to impel him to do so, or what colour hoodie David Cameron is currently wearing and whether it matches his electronic tag.


That said, Thatcher and Cecil Parkinson's deaths give me nothing but pleasure to this day. But you did say "human" and the lack of compassion or soul of those particular two disqualify them from consideration.


Most politicians of the last 25 years haven't contributed enough for me to take pleasure in their deaths. On the contrary, a lifetime of ongoing suffering would make me smile in a lot of cases.

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12 hours ago, YoungWillz said:

Lol, only LFN could take that joke seriously! Seriously though...


Here's what the impartial BBC are reporting as Britain welcoming Macron's election:


"France is one of our closest allies and we look forward to working with the new President."


Read that again as though Le Pen had won.


It's a statement that could have been written about whoever won maybe three days ago. Quite right too. This time of night on a Sunday, our PM should be salivating over how much her hubby's share prices have increased due to Brexit, and thinking how to form the words "strong", "stable" "coalition" and "chaos" into comprehensible and new sounding phrases.



I had to.

It wasnt funny.

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1. Asa Hutchinson

2. Rick Perry

3. Mike Pence

4. Bernie Sanders

5. Tom Cotton

Of course I wouldn't wish death against these people. I wouldn't necessarily be sad either.

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I'm American, am I really only allowed five?


1) Ted Cruz

2) Donald Trump

3) George W. Bush

4) Hillary Clinton

5) Debbie Wasserman Schultz


...off the top of my head.

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Yorkshire Party claiming they could win a few seats in this election. Doncaster specifically.

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Anyone opposed to a political awareness test for voting might reconsider after reading this.




Includes such gems as (and I'm paraphrasing) "the NHS is in crisis and the education systems fucked, but I'm going to vote Conservative because I've bought the lie that austerity is necessary." and "we'll she's a women so she's automatically better than the men" (ignoring the legacy our last damn-awful women prime minister left). oh and "i've always been a socialist but I'm voting for May" and "May's a bit socialist" (throwing out one populist economic policy on energy pricing to win pensioners votes, seen as there the only people left not disillusioned with the whole shitshow does not make a Conservative a fucking socialist), oh and the woman who voted to leave the eu last year despite the fact it was affecting her life so much that "she didn't even know we were in it."


Also the socialist who thinks Corbyn's gone too far, presumably he sees Blair as some sort of socialist hero rather than the neoliberal stooge he clearly was.


What happened to our country. The country that elected Clement Attlee instead of Churchill in 1945 because it recognised the justice and the economic planning that could improve the country after the war.


The electorate are fucking thick, as Brexit has shown.


Idiots should not be allowed to vote. 


Maybe an electoral test with the following questions should be completed before someones allowed to vote:


  1. Name the leader of the governing party,
  2. Name the leader of the main opposition party.
  3. Name the electoral system being used for the election.
  4. Name your local member of parliament.
  5. Name your constituency.
  6. Name the lower chamber of the UK parliament.
  7. Name the upper chamber of the UK parliament.
  8. Name the street where the Prime Minister lives.
  9. Name the Prime Ministers from 1945 to the most recent election in order, giving each election they won by month and year next to their name.
  10. Name at least three policies for each of the parties you can vote for in your constituency. 
  11. Which prime minister did the night of the long knives happen under?
  12. Which prime minister resigned as a result of the suez crisis?
  13. Which prime minister resigned due to losing an eu referendum?
  14. Which prime minister did the latest Iraq war begin under?
  15. Which prime minister did the poll tax riots happen under?


The first ten questions should be public knowledge before-hand but filled out in the polling booth and checked before the person is allowed to vote. The last 5 should be 5 equally recognisable events that have happened in post-war politics. 


The vast majority of the British populace should be able to pass that test in my opinion.


And obviously phones should be banned from the polling booths, with signal jammers for good measure. 


(Just in case anyone is misunderstanding, I don't genuinely feel this should be implemented for the obvious equality reasons, but occasionally you do see the argument for voter knowledge tests)

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14) is nicely multiple choice.

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