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15 hours ago, Deathray said:

Anyone opposed to a political awareness test for voting might reconsider after reading this.




Includes such gems as (and I'm paraphrasing) "the NHS is in crisis and the education systems fucked, but I'm going to vote Conservative because I've bought the lie that austerity is necessary." and "we'll she's a women so she's automatically better than the men" (ignoring the legacy our last damn-awful women prime minister left). oh and "i've always been a socialist but I'm voting for May" and "May's a bit socialist" (throwing out one populist economic policy on energy pricing to win pensioners votes, seen as there the only people left not disillusioned with the whole shitshow does not make a Conservative a fucking socialist), oh and the woman who voted to leave the eu last year despite the fact it was affecting her life so much that "she didn't even know we were in it."


Also the socialist who thinks Corbyn's gone too far, presumably he sees Blair as some sort of socialist hero rather than the neoliberal stooge he clearly was.


What happened to our country. The country that elected Clement Attlee instead of Churchill in 1945 because it recognised the justice and the economic planning that could improve the country after the war.


The electorate are fucking thick, as Brexit has shown.


Idiots should not be allowed to vote. 


Maybe an electoral test with the following questions should be completed before someones allowed to vote:


  1. Name the leader of the governing party,
  2. Name the leader of the main opposition party.
  3. Name the electoral system being used for the election.
  4. Name your local member of parliament.
  5. Name your constituency.
  6. Name the lower chamber of the UK parliament.
  7. Name the upper chamber of the UK parliament.
  8. Name the street where the Prime Minister lives.
  9. Name the Prime Ministers from 1945 to the most recent election in order, giving each election they won by month and year next to their name.
  10. Name at least three policies for each of the parties you can vote for in your constituency. 
  11. Which prime minister did the night of the long knives happen under?
  12. Which prime minister resigned as a result of the suez crisis?
  13. Which prime minister resigned due to losing an eu referendum?
  14. Which prime minister did the latest Iraq war begin under?
  15. Which prime minister did the poll tax riots happen under?


The first ten questions should be public knowledge before-hand but filled out in the polling booth and checked before the person is allowed to vote. The last 5 should be 5 equally recognisable events that have happened in post-war politics. 


The vast majority of the British populace should be able to pass that test in my opinion.


And obviously phones should be banned from the polling booths, with signal jammers for good measure. 


(Just in case anyone is misunderstanding, I don't genuinely feel this should be implemented for the obvious equality reasons, but occasionally you do see the argument for voter knowledge tests)

Well that would mean that you shouldnt be allowed to vote.


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Looking forward to Theresa's appearance on The One Show this evening.


Now we will get the answers to the searching questions we need from the UK media. Oh yes, the defining moment of the 2017 GE.


If all goes well, Alex Jones could get a Damehood out of this...



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56 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Well that would mean that you shouldnt be allowed to vote.


Bit obvious, dull and uninspired there LFN. 

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2 minutes ago, Deathray said:


Bit obvious, dull and uninspired there LFN. 

Not really.

How many times have you been a complete dick in the chatrooms? How many times have you been given a ban from here for being a complete dick?

Now we are expected to nod our heads and scratch our chins as you give us chapter and verse when you have demonstrated numerous times that you are exactly the kind of person that shouldnt be allowed to vote.

People that live in glass houses and all that, eh!

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People that live in glass houses get a nice suntan lfn..... Thought you'd approve :lol:

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I'm probably the kind of person who shouldn't be allowed to vote, since I take no interest in any of it.

You can't trust a word any of them say, they are all in it to feather their own nests.

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55 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Not really.

How many times have you been a complete dick in the chatrooms? How many times have you been given a ban from here for being a complete dick?

Now we are expected to nod our heads and scratch our chins as you give us chapter and verse when you have demonstrated numerous times that you are exactly the kind of person that shouldnt be allowed to vote.

People that live in glass houses and all that, eh!


Being a complete dick is not synonymous with being unintelligent. The idea that somebody should be excluded from voting for trolling a forum is ludicrous. The idea that someone should be excluded from voting because they think Theresa May is a bit socialist is fair enough.

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(1. Brian Cowen.

(2. Brian Cowen


(4. Gerry Adams

(5. Nóirín O'Sullivan

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19 hours ago, Deathray said:

Anyone opposed to a political awareness test for voting might reconsider after reading this.




Includes such gems as (and I'm paraphrasing) "the NHS is in crisis and the education systems fucked, but I'm going to vote Conservative because I've bought the lie that austerity is necessary." and "we'll she's a women so she's automatically better than the men" (ignoring the legacy our last damn-awful women prime minister left). oh and "i've always been a socialist but I'm voting for May" and "May's a bit socialist" (throwing out one populist economic policy on energy pricing to win pensioners votes, seen as there the only people left not disillusioned with the whole shitshow does not make a Conservative a fucking socialist), oh and the woman who voted to leave the eu last year despite the fact it was affecting her life so much that "she didn't even know we were in it."


Also the socialist who thinks Corbyn's gone too far, presumably he sees Blair as some sort of socialist hero rather than the neoliberal stooge he clearly was.


What happened to our country. The country that elected Clement Attlee instead of Churchill in 1945 because it recognised the justice and the economic planning that could improve the country after the war.


The electorate are fucking thick, as Brexit has shown.


Idiots should not be allowed to vote. 


Maybe an electoral test with the following questions should be completed before someones allowed to vote:


  1. Name the leader of the governing party,
  2. Name the leader of the main opposition party.
  3. Name the electoral system being used for the election.
  4. Name your local member of parliament.
  5. Name your constituency.
  6. Name the lower chamber of the UK parliament.
  7. Name the upper chamber of the UK parliament.
  8. Name the street where the Prime Minister lives.
  9. Name the Prime Ministers from 1945 to the most recent election in order, giving each election they won by month and year next to their name.
  10. Name at least three policies for each of the parties you can vote for in your constituency. 
  11. Which prime minister did the night of the long knives happen under?
  12. Which prime minister resigned as a result of the suez crisis?
  13. Which prime minister resigned due to losing an eu referendum?
  14. Which prime minister did the latest Iraq war begin under?
  15. Which prime minister did the poll tax riots happen under?


The first ten questions should be public knowledge before-hand but filled out in the polling booth and checked before the person is allowed to vote. The last 5 should be 5 equally recognisable events that have happened in post-war politics. 


The vast majority of the British populace should be able to pass that test in my opinion.


And obviously phones should be banned from the polling booths, with signal jammers for good measure. 


(Just in case anyone is misunderstanding, I don't genuinely feel this should be implemented for the obvious equality reasons, but occasionally you do see the argument for voter knowledge tests)

This implies that there's a wrong answer in elections I bet you are only suggesting this because recent elections haven't gone your way. It is incredibly ignorant to take away a persons right to vote based on a series of questions that YOU consider easy to answer. 

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30 minutes ago, The Mad Hatter said:

This implies that there's a wrong answer in elections I bet you are only suggesting this because recent elections haven't gone your way. It is incredibly ignorant to take away a persons right to vote based on a series of questions that YOU consider easy to answer. 


I was never being serious, moron. I was saying there's an argument for it.


You wouldn't consult someone who didn't have the first clue how to plumb to fix your boiler, so why would you get someone who didn't have a clue about government to pick a government.

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1 hour ago, Deathray said:


I was never being serious, moron. I was saying there's an argument for it.


You wouldn't consult someone who didn't have the first clue how to plumb to fix your boiler, so why would you get someone who didn't have a clue about government to pick a government.

No there isnt.

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3 hours ago, Deathray said:


Being a complete dick is not synonymous with being unintelligent. The idea that somebody should be excluded from voting for trolling a forum is ludicrous. The idea that someone should be excluded from voting because they think Theresa May is a bit socialist is fair enough.

Yes it is and no its not.

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3 hours ago, charon said:

People that live in glass houses get a nice suntan lfn..... Thought you'd approve :lol:

Not if that Glass house was in Jockland..... :D

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9 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Yes it is and no its not.


No it's not (in that case you should also be banned from voting along with every other Margeire Hein dupe on here) and yes it is.


10 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

No there isnt.


Theoretically there is.

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BBC Politics and 1 other Retweeted


CPS expected to announce tomorrow whether it will prosecute MPs / party agents in relation to election expenses allegations



I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any excitement though...

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4 minutes ago, msc said:

BBC Politics and 1 other Retweeted


CPS expected to announce tomorrow whether it will prosecute MPs / party agents in relation to election expenses allegations



I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any excitement though...


They'll get away with it, politicians always do. That said it would be nice to see a raft of prosecutions brought.

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Not U.K. politics, but Trump has fired James Comey from his position as the head of the FBI. Don't know what this entails for in the future...

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29 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

Not U.K. politics, but Trump has fired James Comey from his position as the head of the FBI. Don't know what this entails for in the future...

Not good. Trump will just appoint someone who won't call him out on his bullshit. Trump only used Comey against Hillary and then he became disposable after he won.

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He became disposable after he lied to Congress....

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Incompetence is apparently a defence for fraud now?

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Incompetence has always been a defence for fraud, for the right people.


Just look at Harry Redknapp.

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Was that his incompetence though? Or that for a bank setting up an account in his dogs name?

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I said it was his defence.


And hey, they bought it! So, you know, more power to him and all that.

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Patrick McCloughlin  playing the "they did nothing wrong" despite the CPS saying "they did something wrong we just can't prove intent"

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