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Just now, Shaun of the Dead said:

That is thanks to Blair.He encouraged as many vacuous sheep to join the party and stifled the rise of any such characters.


Oh I don't think you'll get much pro-Blair argument here, Shaun! Horrible man. I've read his book, too.


Funny thing, to me at least: Michael Foot and Tony Benn couldn't stand each other!

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2 minutes ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

Oh I wasn`t saying you didn`t like us just that a fair few Scots I have met don`t.

Yeah, that cuts both ways though. I remember the huge laugh and applause that went up during an English based Question Time when a delightful member of the audience suggested dumping all of England's nuclear waste in Scotland.


It's sad, but there remain racists in the good ole UK...both sides.

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16 minutes ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

I have met very few Scots who like the English.

I would suggest you don't really know very many Scottish people. 

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Scotland only lost last time because English voters travelled up to Scotland.

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1 minute ago, The Mad Hatter said:

Scotland only lost last time because English voters travelled up to Scotland.

Scotland lost? wtf?

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5 minutes ago, Grim Up North said:

I would suggest you don't really know very many Scottish people. 

Um about 15ish I suppose.

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Haven`t directly asked but a fair few of said things like I can`t stand the English and such like.Could just be banter though.

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1 hour ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

Tony Benn`s supporters where the same.The primary objective was always cementing control at the heart of the Labour movement.Corbyns backers are your die hard labour voters who hated new labour.They either don` realise or don`t care that although they love Corbyn and think he is superman or Gandhi that only 14% of the population want him to be prime minister.Most people I know even on the left think he is a dick.

This is where I will completely disagree with you.

Corbyns 'backers' are not your 'die hard' Labour voters, they are a selection of Anarchists, idealists, students,disaffected Greens and idiots.

These are the people who all joined Labour en masse to vote him in on the basis that he was too fucking stupid not to realise that he was nothing more than a trojan horse for those that had an agenda that wasnt ever going to be popular with the country.

The real die hard Labour voters are the very people who will not be voting for Corbyn, people who think he is a complete twat and unelectable.

Thats why only 14% of voters want him, its why Labour MPs have resigned and are resigning. You cant say that they are ALL New Labour, can you.

True Labour voters are unlikely to touch him witha barge pole.



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1 hour ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

Haven`t directly asked but a fair few of said things like I can`t stand the English and such like.Could just be banter though.

Yeah but if Charon says it it means he really does fucking hate the English!!! :lol:

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3 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

This is where I will completely disagree with you.

Corbyns 'backers' are not your 'die hard' Labour voters, they are a selection of Anarchists, idealists, students,disaffected Greens and idiots.

These are the people who all joined Labour en masse to vote him in on the basis that he was too fucking stupid not to realise that he was nothing more than a trojan horse for those that had an agenda that wasnt ever going to be popular with the country.

The real die hard Labour voters are the very people who will not be voting for Corbyn, people who think he is a complete twat and unelectable.

Thats why only 14% of voters want him, its why Labour MPs have resigned and are resigning. You cant say that they are ALL New Labour, can you.

True Labour voters are unlikely to touch him witha barge pole.




By die hard I mean the far left of the party who would vote for anything with a red rosette (and before anyone jumps at me they same goes with certain Tories). I think most die hard labour voters will still back labour but might bite their tongue.Of course if there is a low labour voter turnount that could be horrendously dangerous for them.I didnt mean everyone who deserted Corbyn was new Labour.By die hard Labour I mean those that would vote labour no matter who was in charge.Benn was supported by the same groups Corbyn is and had he ever become leader he would have opened up the leadership election to any tosser with a fiver too.

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Weekend opinion polls in Scotland show big shift towards Tories.

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Labour are fucked here because of the betrayal. I'd, and will, spit in the face of any of their smiley wummin cuntos trying to up their vote. They disgust me as much as the Greens. Wankers.

Id hope we implement Camps for Reeducation when Indy achieved....and if more than 50% vote in GE, there may be no need for Referendum #2 ....can just do it....


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/  Labour are old news lib Dem will take their place as main opposition.


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Anyone else find Lisping Laura Perrins (Conservative Woman) really annoying?


She just turned up out of nowhere. Well, when I say nowhere did the Hitler Youth have a girl's branch?



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For those of you thinking of playing it safe in the GE game....

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It may be time for the working class and the liberal progessives to part, party politics wise. The post-materialists, feminists, globalists, latté socialists and the like should join the Liberal Party - which would push their economic libertarians aside. Labour should shrink down to a "true" representation of the working class, which might include a couple of "politically incorrect" attitudes from time to time. Without your electoral system, this might have happened already.

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You see I've been trying to work out if the Labour party does split into two, and those two camps could best be described as a Blairite continuity party and a Corbynista NUS/Stop the War/Unite gang.... who'd be the two leaders?


I have the horrid feeling that the obviously choice for the former is this guy:



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Heard the stat today that 2/3rds of Labour voters were 'Remain', yet 2/3rds of their seats are in areas that voted 'out'. They're fucked :)

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Tom Watsons majority is 9.7k.


Perhaps it shouldn't have been the "Who'll be the Portillo?" game, Willz. It should have been the "which Labour MPs, if any, will actually hold their seat?" game.

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How we're being conned:



Brexit: Every vote strengthens our negotiating position. Quite clearly bollocks. The Tories will proceed along the same lines as now, Europe won't give two hoots what Joe and Jane put in the ballot box and won't change their position either.

The Opposition: They are unelectable in their own right. This is propaganda. They are banking on Labour voters to shrug their shoulders and simply to stay at home.

The Economy: Can't tell you about tax rises. The smokescreen of Brexit means this is the real issue. They will hit the poor, the sick, the disabled and the middle class as usual, while spending mahoosive amounts on overseas aid and nuclear missiles.

The Regions: we love you and everything will work for the whole UK. Will it balls. Powers coming back from Europe will be retained at Westminster rather than devolved as they should be and see that money we can spend here rather than sending to Europe? The regions can go stuff, while they prop up business in the South East of England.



Democracy: We are on the side of the people, not the Establishment. No doubt this is what Corbyn believes, but as a party they are still quite clearly Blairite trash who would rather have a Lobster dinner with the great and the good rather than hand out soup to the homeless.

Brexit: The people's vote must be respected. Every time they mention this, it sounds more and more like we will be outside Europe but still have essentially the same deal as now. For example, people who have job offers can come here. WTF?

Housing: We will build homes for those who can't get on the ladder and more social housing. Yet they still maintain a policy of selling off Council housing. And house building declined under Labour who also turned a blind eye to company blacklisting of workers in the construction industry.



Coalition: We won't form a coalition with any party after the election. The fuck they won't. And they'll abandon their request for a second referendum on Europe to get it. After the votes have been cast in the unlikely event of a hung Parliament, they'll prop up the Tories again in the name of stability (remember 2010?).

Brexit: see above.

Other Policies: haven't a clue, do you?



Brexit: We still have a job to do. Nup, you don't, that ship has sailed and you already get up the noses of Europeans.

Immigrants: We must integrate people who come here into the community, let's ban face veils. Two points: or what? Deport them? Lock them up? Also forgetting there are a lot of people who'd rather certain communities be tolerated rather than welcomed. This sounds more like a policy the Borg from Star Trek came up with rather than decent British people - assimilate, assimilate or exterminate.


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Iove staying up right through election night watching all the political drama and ups and downs and I think this year for good or ill election night is going to be seismic and very dramatic. 

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