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I honestly think it will be a repeat of the local elections. Tories had a 9 point lead didn't they? The 20 point lead was always going to be a tough ask . I heard social Justice corbyn banging on about how ethnic minority groups are more likely to be poorer, suffer crime and get involved in crime :rolleyes: and he was going to improve their education and make them richer etc. Yet no mention of the group that performs the worst in education and continually is getting worse and that is the white working class kids. But of course there is no virtue in that. Were's your social Justice there corbyn you creepy marrow? :lol: 





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18 hours ago, Lard Bazaar said:


You got me there webby!

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Yikes, we've had car crash telly up here with the Scottish leader.


Essentially, they are against Trident, but because English Labour will renew Trident, they are for it. Corbyn maintained today Scotland could have a referendum if voted for by the Scottish Parliament, meantime she says that isn't the case. Boasts of getting people into work, only for Scottish Labour to put your taxes up at basic rate (which isn't UK policy at all for this election).


She doesn't do her party any favours at all....


As a result we missed the cosy One Show with Corbyn, I wonder how that went...

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What a load of old bollocks. The debate that is.

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3 minutes ago, Deathray said:

What a load of old bollocks. The debate that is.

Loved how they said save your applause for the last speaker, and because it was Amber "Magic Money Tree" Rudd, they didn't.


The only member of the panel to be openly scoffed at again. Well, apart from Paul "Britain First" Nuttall, a climate change denier as well as a racist it turns out who doesn't want our country swamped by immigrants, but happy for it to be swamped by the ocean.


I said ages ago hung Parliament, I stand by that.

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15 hours ago, YoungWillz said:

Loved how they said save your applause for the last speaker, and because it was Amber "Magic Money Tree" Rudd, they didn't.


The only member of the panel to be openly scoffed at again. Well, apart from Paul "Britain First" Nuttall, a climate change denier as well as a racist it turns out who doesn't want our country swamped by immigrants, but happy for it to be swamped by the ocean.


I said ages ago hung Parliament, I stand by that.

The numbers will be different than in 2010. The the LDs had over 50 seats the YouGov poll showed Tories on 310 and LD on 10. That would be a patcy coalition and still a minority. ULster Unionists will probably get them a working Government but a what price. However 50 SNP seats look more attractive.

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That YouGov poll is an absolute embarrassment to the art of polling. A forecast for one Scottish seat says the Green party will score "between 4% and 46% of votes". Fantastic. It also suggests Kensington is only "leaning" Tory, and that the trend is actually towards the Conservatives, not away from them. It's gibberish.

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Tiresome Tim didn't just crash the car, he crashed the whole fleet of buses in that interview with Andrew Neil. Anecdotes and party political broadcast material instantly seized upon.


Meantime in Scotland Ruth "Jolly Hockey Sticks" Davidson (Conservative) had her broad smile wiped off her face when confronted with real disabled people, real questions on the "rape clause", her flip flop on Europe and the perceptions of Tezza from North of the Border. And yet the woman who has the ear of the PM can't even persuade her that votes for 16 and 17 year olds would be a good thing. Davidson in favour, May against. She remains a very good snake oil saleswoman though.

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8 hours ago, Spade_Cooley said:

That YouGov poll is an absolute embarrassment to the art of polling. A forecast for one Scottish seat says the Green party will score "between 4% and 46% of votes". Fantastic. It also suggests Kensington is only "leaning" Tory, and that the trend is actually towards the Conservatives, not away from them. It's gibberish.

All the pollsters are shite.


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12 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Tiresome Tim didn't just crash the car, he crashed the whole fleet of buses in that interview with Andrew Neil. Anecdotes and party political broadcast material instantly seized upon.


Meantime in Scotland Ruth "Jolly Hockey Sticks" Davidson (Conservative) had her broad smile wiped off her face when confronted with real disabled people, real questions on the "rape clause", her flip flop on Europe and the perceptions of Tezza from North of the Border. And yet the woman who has the ear of the PM can't even persuade her that votes for 16 and 17 year olds would be a good thing. Davidson in favour, May against. She remains a very good snake oil saleswoman though.

Tim`s interview was a total fuck up.It was beyond terrible.

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15 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Tiresome Tim didn't just crash the car, he crashed the whole fleet of buses in that interview with Andrew Neil. Anecdotes and party political broadcast material instantly seized upon.


Meantime in Scotland Ruth "Jolly Hockey Sticks" Davidson (Conservative) had her broad smile wiped off her face when confronted with real disabled people, real questions on the "rape clause", her flip flop on Europe and the perceptions of Tezza from North of the Border. And yet the woman who has the ear of the PM can't even persuade her that votes for 16 and 17 year olds would be a good thing. Davidson in favour, May against. She remains a very good snake oil saleswoman though.

Come on, admit it, he is a chinless prick who should be giving guided tours around sewage works rather than leading a 'political' party.

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12 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Come on, admit it, he is a chinless prick who should be giving guided tours around sewage works rather than leading a 'political' party.

Yikes, what do they sell in the gift shop at the end?


Hang on....is it copies of the LibDems' Manifesto?

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As this utter car crash of an election has progressed I have began to quite enjoy the thought of Corbyn becoming Prime Minister.

In his first day in office the share prices would crash.

In his second day of office Mike Ashley would be heading out of the UK to a more 'business friendly' nation to be warmly greeted by the local dignitaries who will offer him cheap land and even cheaper labour as he looks to relocate his whole business out of the UK.

Ditto Lord Sugar.

Ditto all business entrepreneurs.

On the third day, multi nationals such as Nissan, Ford and Panasonic will be urgently considering future investment in the UK, what with the new Taxes levied upon them.

On the fourth day they start to plan withdrawing from the UK.

On the Fifth day the Banks, the rich and the entrepreneurs and wealth creators consider fucking off abroad where they wont be hit in the pocket.

That blows the fuck out of Corbyns carefully considered and calculated revenue generation.

He will have to pay the Nurses more.

The Teachers will expect a pay rise

Doctors will expect a pay rise

The Police....

The Armed Forces

All Council employees

Every public sector worker will declare 'If the nurses can have a pay rise, why cant we!!!!

In the meantime money stops coming into the country, companies shift production out of the UK,  jobs are lost, the Unions will demand a complete pedal back of 'draconian' employment laws and, and and...........Diane Abbott and Emily Thornberry are in his cabinet. :D

Me? I will watch the country crash and burn, and I wont cry for all of those workers who voted Labour as they are being laid off from the Car plants in staunch Labour heartlands.

It wont matter a fuck to me, luckily my job in the service industry is fairly watertight, people will forego eating, sleeping and shitting but will NEVER give up their internet lines!! :D

Bring it on.

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13 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Yikes, what do they sell in the gift shop at the end?


Hang on....is it copies of the LibDems' Manifesto?

Have they actually got a manifesto?

On the telly tonight nobody knew who he was.

I know though, he is a right w***er!! :D

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More Bacardi needed big fla , let out all the pent up angst ......

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PS.... Wanting it to crash and fucking burn is one of MINE, ya cunt.

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3 minutes ago, charon said:

More Bacardi needed big fla , let out all the pent up angst ......

Nah, im switching back to vodka mate. :D

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2 minutes ago, charon said:

PS.... Wanting it to crash and fucking burn is one of MINE, ya cunt.

I was saying that when you were still sucking on a tit.:lol:

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Timmy Time Farron is proof positive that even you and I could become Lib Dem leader if every single credible challenger gets voted out of parliament first.

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5 minutes ago, msc said:

Timmy Time Farron is proof positive that even you and I could become Lib Dem leader if every single credible challenger gets voted out of parliament first.

Yeah but who the fucking hell would actually WANT to be the Lib Dem leader?


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Just now, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Yeah but who the fucking hell would actually WANT to be the Lib Dem leader?



Depends on the pay. :lol:


I mean, you can say anything and never need to actually act on it, and get a fairly big TV presence. Cushy job. Charlie Kennedy showed you could do the job entirely pissed out your tiny and gain seats. Barring a 2010 disaster where you actually need to go into government, it would take a complete useless fuckwit to screw it up.

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Paris Climate shite..... Texas has more solar energy production than Canada & Oz combined.... Trump said he was leaving, he has. Why do the dungaree wearing cunts make a big thing of it? Because they want an easy life in Politics....

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What did we learn tonight?


Tezza sanctions overseas aid to North Korea and finds it interesting to hear about horrific experiences under the Work Capability Assessment.


Jezza won't use the nuclear deterrent (is that news?) and seems unconcerned about the plight of hardworking business people who feel threatened by the loss of their cheap labour because of the hike in the minimum wage.


So nothing really. Both unfettered will be a disaster for substantial chunks of the land. Gawd, will it ever end? Oh yes, next week, almost forgot...

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