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PB is in fucking Wales msc, no longer a Scot.....

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Is he?


Well, there's a fate worse than death.



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2 hours ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

I reckon Corbyn is setting himself up to fail unwittingly.Brinibg back Abbot tying hinself in knots over Brexit and talking about requistioning property I thibk shows thatlike May pre June 8th he thinks he is untouchable and can say or do anything.

It doesnt matter.

He is no longer the leader of the Labour Party he is the leader of a cult.

He is, to that end, for now, untouchable.

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^^ pretty much. What has changed in the last 40 Years of my experience, is that wankers now class themselves as Socialist, whereas before they were just wankers. And the Socialists have died off....

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14 minutes ago, charon said:

^^ pretty much. What has changed in the last 40 Years of my experience, is that wankers now class themselves as Socialist, whereas before they were just wankers. And the Socialists have died off....

Well their placards havent died out.

Bang on every fucking 'anti' march has the usual well made banners with 'Socialist worker' printed on them.

All cunts, the lot of them.

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Hmmm not entirely trooo.... My terrorist organisation of choice would include


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^^wankers with goatees and ponytails shot on sight obviously....t-shirts still available from SF bookshop...

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27 minutes ago, charon said:

Hmmm not entirely trooo.... My terrorist organisation of choice would include


You are a bad man :lol:

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Tezza on her feet in the Commons.


Maintaining much of her rhetoric, despite not including her policies in the Queen's Speech. Gone in 4 months or less, I'd say.

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1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

Tezza on her feet in the Commons.


Maintaining much of her rhetoric, despite not including her policies in the Queen's Speech. Gone in 4 months or less, I'd say.

So does everybody else.

Assuming there are no further disaster before the summer recess she will be gone soon after.

Thats widely know amongst Tory MPs.

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Just now, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

So does everybody else.

Assuming there are no further disaster before the summer recess she will be gone soon after.

Thats widely know amongst Tory MPs.

Ooh, who have you been speaking to? Friend of Boris? :D

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Who gives a fuck. They're all lying cunts anyway. On the one hand they'll rob your liberty and your money on the other hand they'll rob your liberty and your public services and they'll squabble like children doing it. After years of giving a shit, I don't any more. Politics is boring, politics is futile politics is a waste of space steering us towards calamity. There's nothing democratic about Britain, and nothing useful about parliament.

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5 minutes ago, Deathray said:

Who gives a fuck. They're all lying cunts anyway. On the one hand they'll rob your liberty and your money on the other hand they'll rob your liberty and your public services and they'll squabble like children doing it. After years of giving a shit, I don't any more. Politics is boring, politics is futile politics is a waste of space steering us towards calamity. There's nothing democratic about Britain, and nothing useful about parliament.

Charon, the revolution has begun.


I'll nip out and buy us some camos....

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On the contrary, I haven't enjoyed political news this much in years, if ever.


Every day brings fresh laughter.  We're all screwed anyway, but now, so are they!

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24 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Ooh, who have you been speaking to? Friend of Boris? :D

Well it wasnt a friend of Dorothy.:lol:

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1 minute ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Well it wasnt a friend of Dorothy.:lol:


You should have probably established that before you started fingering his bum though...

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17 minutes ago, Deathray said:


You should have probably established that before you started fingering his bum though...

Oh no, I dont finger mens bottoms!!

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48 minutes ago, msc said:

On the contrary, I haven't enjoyed political news this much in years, if ever.


Every day brings fresh laughter.  We're all screwed anyway, but now, so are they!



It's all shit, we know it's all shit, that's why no one won the election and we'll possibly go crashing into anarchy before the decade is out. But hell, just laugh it up.

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Happy 1 year Anniversary on Brexit


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It is my sad duty to report that the next PM will be that dreary man Phillip Hammond.

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Emptying the South of the Wall tower blocks now lololololol "hand in your keys on the way out".

Fucking loons.




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Now we test the "mettle" of the new Scottish Tories.


Will they approve of a deal which gives NI extra money but denies Scotland and Wales the consequentials under the Barnett formula? A formula that Mundell has already called sacrosanct.


If they vote for this, every person in Scotland who voted Tory should be ashamed of this shabby deal.


Awaiting Sinn Fein...

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Anthony Kennedy rumored to be set to announce his retirement from the Supreme Court later today.Would make US politics even more dramatic.Only speculation but being cited by mainstream news agencies.He is 81 next month so seems plausible.

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It'll be tomorrow after they argue out their slice of the ££££


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13 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Now we test the "mettle" of the new Scottish Tories.


Will they approve of a deal which gives NI extra money but denies Scotland and Wales the consequentials under the Barnett formula? A formula that Mundell has already called sacrosanct.


If they vote for this, every person in Scotland who voted Tory should be ashamed of this shabby deal.


Awaiting Sinn Fein...

Being DUPed?

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