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That Portillo Moment

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Of all the Scots Labour lot, I think Douglas Alexander is in the most trouble. A few of the endangered ones have (some) fight about them. Whenever Alexander is asked about the polls, he has this blank look on his face as if to say: "But...I'm the Labour MP...for Paisley. I can't be in trouble!"


I thought that the other Alexander (the Danny variety) is the one most likely to get creamed.


One omission from the list is Jeremy Hunt where the Lib Dem candidate has suspended their campaign to support the NHS candidate.


Hmm, that would be a Portillo Moment indeed! Hunt got 59% of the vote last time, though, I really couldn't include him. But any and all additions and contenders are welcome and will qualify for the final round-up after the people have their say.




The Portillo moment with DOUGLAS Alexander will doubtless be given some strength by the fact he'll be beaten by a 20 year old.



Pity in a way because I had him down as a future leader.

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Of all the Scots Labour lot, I think Douglas Alexander is in the most trouble. A few of the endangered ones have (some) fight about them. Whenever Alexander is asked about the polls, he has this blank look on his face as if to say: "But...I'm the Labour MP...for Paisley. I can't be in trouble!"


I thought that the other Alexander (the Danny variety) is the one most likely to get creamed.


One omission from the list is Jeremy Hunt where the Lib Dem candidate has suspended their campaign to support the NHS candidate.


Hmm, that would be a Portillo Moment indeed! Hunt got 59% of the vote last time, though, I really couldn't include him. But any and all additions and contenders are welcome and will qualify for the final round-up after the people have their say.




The Portillo moment with DOUGLAS Alexander will doubtless be given some strength by the fact he'll be beaten by a 20 year old.


Fun Fact: I was at University with Douglas in the same class.

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Of all the Scots Labour lot, I think Douglas Alexander is in the most trouble. A few of the endangered ones have (some) fight about them. Whenever Alexander is asked about the polls, he has this blank look on his face as if to say: "But...I'm the Labour MP...for Paisley. I can't be in trouble!"


I thought that the other Alexander (the Danny variety) is the one most likely to get creamed.


One omission from the list is Jeremy Hunt where the Lib Dem candidate has suspended their campaign to support the NHS candidate.


Hmm, that would be a Portillo Moment indeed! Hunt got 59% of the vote last time, though, I really couldn't include him. But any and all additions and contenders are welcome and will qualify for the final round-up after the people have their say.




The Portillo moment with DOUGLAS Alexander will doubtless be given some strength by the fact he'll be beaten by a 20 year old.



A career politician beaten by a gobby 20 year old lass from the Clyde Valley. It'd be highly hilarious tragic, naturally.

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Of all the Scots Labour lot, I think Douglas Alexander is in the most trouble. A few of the endangered ones have (some) fight about them. Whenever Alexander is asked about the polls, he has this blank look on his face as if to say: "But...I'm the Labour MP...for Paisley. I can't be in trouble!"


I thought that the other Alexander (the Danny variety) is the one most likely to get creamed.


One omission from the list is Jeremy Hunt where the Lib Dem candidate has suspended their campaign to support the NHS candidate.


Hmm, that would be a Portillo Moment indeed! Hunt got 59% of the vote last time, though, I really couldn't include him. But any and all additions and contenders are welcome and will qualify for the final round-up after the people have their say.



Actually the Lib Dem candidate was suspended for falsifying council nomination douments, although will still appear on ballot papers.

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Dang, don't think I worked the Poll correctly, it's not showing up.


My options were:


Danny Alexander

Douglas Alexander

Ed Balls

Douglas Carswell

Nick Clegg

Nigel Farage

Simon Hughes

Caroline Lucas

Esther McVey

Jim Murphy

Mark Reckless

Alex Salmond

Anna Soubry

Ed Miliband

David Cameron

Vince Cable

They all suck. Bring back Churchill! :rant:

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Dang, don't think I worked the Poll correctly, it's not showing up.


My options were:


Danny Alexander

Douglas Alexander

Ed Balls

Douglas Carswell

Nick Clegg

Nigel Farage

Simon Hughes

Caroline Lucas

Esther McVey

Jim Murphy

Mark Reckless

Alex Salmond

Anna Soubry

Ed Miliband

David Cameron

Vince Cable

They all suck. Bring back Churchill! :rant:



At least that's what the paper's keep hinting at anyway... (allegedly, possibly and any other clarifying adjectives you can think of)

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Of all the Scots Labour lot, I think Douglas Alexander is in the most trouble. A few of the endangered ones have (some) fight about them. Whenever Alexander is asked about the polls, he has this blank look on his face as if to say: "But...I'm the Labour MP...for Paisley. I can't be in trouble!"


I thought that the other Alexander (the Danny variety) is the one most likely to get creamed.


One omission from the list is Jeremy Hunt where the Lib Dem candidate has suspended their campaign to support the NHS candidate.


Hmm, that would be a Portillo Moment indeed! Hunt got 59% of the vote last time, though, I really couldn't include him. But any and all additions and contenders are welcome and will qualify for the final round-up after the people have their say.




The Portillo moment with DOUGLAS Alexander will doubtless be given some strength by the fact he'll be beaten by a 20 year old.


Fun Fact: I was at University with Douglas in the same class.




If you're still FB mates, link him in to this thread. For the laugh, like.

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^^ Nah we were never close, MPFC! I ended up active in the Students' Union and then my career, he obviously went off to his career and then politics. Should have seen him back in the day though, you would never recognise the guy you see today. He was extremely nice really, but as a politician I would suggest he's much more of a strategist and manipulator than a leader etc. If the Edstone was his idea, that's a faux pas too far!

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One I'm looking forward to will be the results of Amber Valley where Nigel "Candy Crush Saga " Mills is not going to be able to defend a small majority. Plus I'll be watching the Stevenage result narrow. Sharon Taylor, leader of the local council is poised to oust (or should that be out?) the anti gay marriage Tory candidate Stephen McPartland.

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Esther Mcvey , Danny Alexander and Douglas Alexander are all gone ,probably by huge margins . The others not so sure Nick Clegg is seemingly safe thanks to the tories propping him up .

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Esther Mcvey


Danny Alexander


and Douglas Alexander



Esther Mcvey

Any relation to Timothy?

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Benefits sanctions minister, Clegg's second in command, and YoungWillz's uni flat mate, in order. - :P

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Esther Mcvey , Danny Alexander and Douglas Alexander are all gone ,probably by huge margins . The others not so sure Nick Clegg is seemingly safe thanks to the tories propping him up .


My first thought about the Tories propping up Clegg was that it didn't seem to make sense as there were a lot of Tories who really resented him and would be glad to see him suffer but if they are advocating a tactical vote then it shows how desperate the Tory party has become and now it is just about making any number add up to 326 so DC can stay in No.10.

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Douglas Alexander will keep his seat. I don't actually like him, but I dislike that ten-pence tink he's up against even more.


The problem we have is that many of these polls are now being questioned. You can't argue that the SNP are going to take a great number of seats, but it is also looking increasingly likely that the Ashcroft polls may not be so reliable. I think that Dougals Alexander might just hold on to his seat, but even that should be humiliating given the majority he had and the calibre of the opposition.


I live next door to the Gordon Constituency where Alex Salmond is standing, and its is anyone's game there. This is possibly the seat where tactical voting might actually undo the SNP candidate. I'm not sure if you could call Salmond not gaining the seat as a Portillo Moment, but if it passes it will be my Portillo Moment. The only glimmer of light. His campaign has been described as being desperate. He condemned his Lib Dem opponent for not living in the constituency in his campaign literature a copy of which was sent to her home...in the constituency. He has also taken credit for policy and legislation which was brought in during the Lib-Lab Coalition before he took office. If he does win, it will be thanks - once again - to a Tory.


Jim Murphy losing his seat would, however, be Scotland's Portillo Moment. The Leader of Scottish Labour losing his seat in Scotland...bad times.

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Douglas Alexander will keep his seat. I don't actually like him, but I dislike that ten-pence tink he's up against even more.


The problem we have is that many of these polls are now being questioned. You can't argue that the SNP are going to take a great number of seats, but it is also looking increasingly likely that the Ashcroft polls may not be so reliable. I think that Dougals Alexander might just hold on to his seat, but even that should be humiliating given the majority he had and the calibre of the opposition.


I live next door to the Gordon Constituency where Alex Salmond is standing, and its is anyone's game there. This is possibly the seat where tactical voting might actually undo the SNP candidate. I'm not sure if you could call Salmond not gaining the seat as a Portillo Moment, but if it passes it will be my Portillo Moment. The only glimmer of light. His campaign has been described as being desperate. He condemned his Lib Dem opponent for not living in the constituency in his campaign literature a copy of which was sent to her home...in the constituency. He has also taken credit for policy and legislation which was brought in during the Lib-Lab Coalition before he took office. If he does win, it will be thanks - once again - to a Tory.


Jim Murphy losing his seat would, however, be Scotland's Portillo Moment. The Leader of Scottish Labour losing his seat in Scotland...bad times.



The consistently high polling across a range of polls for the ten-pence-tink suggests she might do it, becoming a kind of Bernadette Devlin presence. If she's elected at 20 and actually does a passable job, she might have given herself the kind of career boost that'll see her in decent jobs for life.

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Douglas Alexander will keep his seat. I don't actually like him, but I dislike that ten-pence tink he's up against even more.


The problem we have is that many of these polls are now being questioned. You can't argue that the SNP are going to take a great number of seats, but it is also looking increasingly likely that the Ashcroft polls may not be so reliable. I think that Dougals Alexander might just hold on to his seat, but even that should be humiliating given the majority he had and the calibre of the opposition.


I live next door to the Gordon Constituency where Alex Salmond is standing, and its is anyone's game there. This is possibly the seat where tactical voting might actually undo the SNP candidate. I'm not sure if you could call Salmond not gaining the seat as a Portillo Moment, but if it passes it will be my Portillo Moment. The only glimmer of light. His campaign has been described as being desperate. He condemned his Lib Dem opponent for not living in the constituency in his campaign literature a copy of which was sent to her home...in the constituency. He has also taken credit for policy and legislation which was brought in during the Lib-Lab Coalition before he took office. If he does win, it will be thanks - once again - to a Tory.


Jim Murphy losing his seat would, however, be Scotland's Portillo Moment. The Leader of Scottish Labour losing his seat in Scotland...bad times.



The consistently high polling across a range of polls for the ten-pence-tink suggests she might do it, becoming a kind of Bernadette Devlin presence. If she's elected at 20 and actually does a passable job, she might have given herself the kind of career boost that'll see her in decent jobs for life.



She is a thug, and a lout and a disgrace to Scotland. Much like the SNP membership in general.

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Douglas losing to a 20 year old paper candidate with no sense of tact would be a fitting obituary to his political career.


Murphy will hold on, though.


There's about 15-20 seats the SNP probably will take due to a variety of reasons (targetting, vulnerable and incumbent-less, being held by Pamela Nash, etc) but I can't foresee this wipeout the polls suggest. The swing required in some seats (Coatbridge comes to mind) are far too big. And I suppose even if Labour hold half the Scottish seats now it'd be seen as a victory.

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On the other hand, if SNP were to sweep the board in every seat except the Alex Salmond contested one, I'd laugh myself hoarse. His ego needs deflating.

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Here's an interesting article on just how much trouble Jim Murphy is in, as are some of his colleagues. https://edinburgheye.wordpress.com/2015/04/29/murphys-law-apres-moi-le-deluge/



I'd say that is an exaggeration, there will always be a minority on either side of any debate who take things to extremes. http://www.thenational.scot/news/party-activist-trapped-as-glasgow-snp-office-is-attacked-by-a-gang-of-thugs.2557. I think it is sad that our politicians only talk to their members and when they go out to meet real people (as Murphy I would say bravely did) he should expect disagreement. Most seem to hide in staged events parroting the message that will receive applause from the already converted.


In fact, the more politicians hide from the voters while seeking their vote, only adds to the total frustration voters have, and may add to discontent more generally.


I'm not a member of a political party. I'm voting for what I believe in generally. There are some Portillo Moments a-coming, and perhaps this is only the first stage. I believe most of the names of my list (Cable, Miliband and Cameron excluded, y'gotta have an outside bet) are in danger. And it's their fault. Petted lips and crushed faces are what the public are crying out for, where's Lembit Opek when you need him?

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Mark Reckless

Now, I don't know much about politics but I wouldn't want a guy named Reckless to run my country... :o

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Esther Mcvey , Danny Alexander and Douglas Alexander are all gone ,probably by huge margins . The others not so sure Nick Clegg is seemingly safe thanks to the tories propping him up .


My first thought about the Tories propping up Clegg was that it didn't seem to make sense as there were a lot of Tories who really resented him and would be glad to see him suffer but if they are advocating a tactical vote then it shows how desperate the Tory party has become and now it is just about making any number add up to 326 so DC can stay in No.10.



Also shows how desperate the lib dems have become and how they've turned their backs on the people that voted for them. Imagine if someone said the lib dems 5 years ago would need tactical voting by the tories to keep one of their safest seats, even Tony Blair in 1997 came nowhere close to capturing Hallam. If the lib dems retain over 10 to 15 seats and labour loses over 30 seats in Scotland then we are likely to get another lib dem /conservative coalition which is still my prediction . Its quite clear a vote for the lib dems is a vote for the tories .


He is a interesting thought . Lets say the tories beat labour by around 5 to 7 seats and the lib dems / cons number of seats adds or to the same as SNP / Labour seats or even a couple of seats less. Who would win ? Do the conservatives have to give up power is labour and SNP combined have more seats ?


I have a feeling if the SNP were in govt , they would do everything in their power to try and weaken the union and wouldn't be voting for the best interests of the UK. But who is the alternative 5 more years clegg and Cameron . Really is depressing stuff as these people effect all our lives.

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I used to argue with the SNP candidate for Glasgow South on Bebo many years ago. He seems likely to win.


A claim to fame? :P

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I used to argue with the SNP candidate for Glasgow South on Bebo many years ago. He seems likely to win.


A claim to fame? :P

Not really.


There is gonna be 50 odd SNP winning candidates. Chances are we've all argued with one of them at somepoint :)




but, probably not on bebo...


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I used to argue with the SNP candidate for Glasgow South on Bebo many years ago. He seems likely to win.


A claim to fame? :P

Not really.


There is gonna be 50 odd SNP winning candidates. Chances are we've all argued with one of them at somepoint :)




but, probably not on bebo...


Just had a look at his Twitter, "argued with him on Bebo" is quite poss. just a euphemism for something...... well it probs is for others anyway.


I realised the reason they don't call it the Scottish National Independence Party is cause it would make the witch's English castration fantasies even more obvious than they already are.


The massive irony is that Mel Gibson bitterly hates the fact that Hollywood is run by left-wing gays, but now because of that stupid film England is about to be turned into a Haggis Republic by pigshit-thick Holyrood gays who think nuclear weapons are "so 80s darling" but gay-killing Halibuts (who will shortly be more nuclearly armed than we are) are just fine... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I used to argue with the SNP candidate for Glasgow South on Bebo many years ago. He seems likely to win.


A claim to fame? :P

Not really.


There is gonna be 50 odd SNP winning candidates. Chances are we've all argued with one of them at somepoint :)




but, probably not on bebo...


Just had a look at his Twitter, "argued with him on Bebo" is quite poss. just a euphemism for something...... well it probs is for others anyway.


I realised the reason they don't call it the Scottish National Independence Party is cause it would make the witch's English castration fantasies even more obvious than they already are.


The massive irony is that Mel Gibson bitterly hates the fact that Hollywood is run by left-wing gays, but now because of that stupid film England is about to be turned into a Haggis Republic by pigshit-thick Holyrood gays who think nuclear weapons are "so 80s darling" but gay-killing Halibuts (who will shortly be more nuclearly armed than we are) are just fine... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


As opposed to the Tories doing a deal with the ever so tolerant Democratic Unionists.

PS don't think nuclearly is a word by the way

PPS Pakistan is an Islamic state and has had nuclear weapons for over 30 years

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