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The masterlist has Gary Haggarty, though

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The masterlist has Gary Haggarty, though


Spade hasn't entered a team, he's playing against the race.

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I'm not in the masterlist though, hence why I have a rebel team. Gary Haggarty is a proddy terrorist, Dan Haggerty was a bear (in the gay scene sense) who hassled bears (in the natural kingdom sense).


EDIT: Or what Willzy said.

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My rebel team climbs up to 1785 with the death of Dan Haggerty.


Did you miss the deadline?

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He was clearer more ill than I gave him credit for.


So does Spade get a prize if his shadow team beat everyone? Other than full gloating rights, of course.

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Nah, I submitted the team five minutes past deadline and took the L accordingly. As I stated though, if I do win, I will donate an additional £10 to whichever charity the winner chooses to honour. I was thinking Kate Granger's campaign, but she might consider that taking the piss a bit much.

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And yeah, although DanHag's original statement was full of "looking to beat this, back to work as soon as possible" sentiment, there were some hunting lodge newsletters over Xmas that were full of "prayers for our good friend Dan" messages.

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And yeah, although DanHag's original statement was full of "looking to beat this, back to work as soon as possible" sentiment, there were some hunting lodge newsletters over Xmas that were full of "prayers for our good friend Dan" messages.


Hunting lodge newsletters?


Taking dedication to a whole new level there!

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Wow, I'd have bet all my points he wasn't going anywhere. Great pick.

Goes to show, you don't get a well-funded GoFundMe you're in a world of hurt.

Kudos to Spade *bows in reverence*


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I embarrassingly didn't even put him on my longlist when his cancer was mentioned here because of the original tone, though I guess the fact he needed crowdfunding should always qualify people for at least that. Respect to Spade's research game for sure.

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I embarrassingly didn't even put him on my longlist when his cancer was mentioned here because of the original tone, though I guess the fact he needed crowdfunding should always qualify people for at least that. Respect to Spade's research game for sure.


I didn't consider either of the Haggartys - the other guy will be dead by Valentines Day now.


The question which now rises is of course: can anyone stop Spade in the DDP this year? That's nearly a quarter of his team gone in the first fortnight. Even The Living End's 2011 waited until February to do that. I feel a bit like an average top 100 ranked tennis player in 2005 when Roger Federer suddenly became unplayable! :lol:

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Our pool will go on, but it's getting a little livlier:





And let's have a look at the old scoreboard:


Devon Death Trip - 1434

Sir Creep - 1434

Switch - 1415

Death Impends - 1084

Deadsox - 1064

MSC - 706

Tick Tock - 704

GC Reptile - 365 pts

Youwantrice... - 362

Jiroemonkimura - 360

Book - 352

Captain Chorizo - 352

C.U.N.T. - 352

Deathisall... - 352

Dead Cow - 352

JiroemonKimura - 352

MaryportFC - 352

Rotten Ali - 352

Rad Guy - 352

Sean of the Dead - 352

Toast - 352

Unknown Man - 352

Uschi - 352

You listed me twice...

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Our pool will go on, but it's getting a little livlier:





And let's have a look at the old scoreboard:


Devon Death Trip - 1434

Sir Creep - 1434

Switch - 1415

Death Impends - 1084

Deadsox - 1064

MSC - 706

Tick Tock - 704

GC Reptile - 365 pts

Youwantrice... - 362

Jiroemonkimura - 360

Book - 352

Captain Chorizo - 352

C.U.N.T. - 352

Deathisall... - 352

Dead Cow - 352

JiroemonKimura - 352

MaryportFC - 352

Rotten Ali - 352

Rad Guy - 352

Sean of the Dead - 352

Toast - 352

Unknown Man - 352

Uschi - 352

You listed me twice...




Oh shit, on it now


We'll call that 812 pts and sixth place, then

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So nowt doing today, then?

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And the demise of the world's oldest man ruffles the running order of the top performers, JK sneaks in there:


And let's have a look at the old scoreboard:


Devon Death Trip - 1434

Sir Creep - 1434

Switch - 1415

Jiroemonkimura - 1160

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Well with Kiode being ko'd I'm off the mark...woo hoo!

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Well with Kiode being ko'd I'm off the mark...woo hoo!



Indeed fella, you'll find yourself on the leaderboard now

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The death of Yasoturo Koide gives me 348 points and brings my team total to 1052.


Rebel Death Race 2016 Scoreboard


Spade Cooley 1785

Dr. T 1052


I guess token resistance is better than no resistance.

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Wait, I just realized that my score is wrong. I've only had 3 hits, and 3*366=1098.

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Wait, I just realized that my score is wrong. I've only had 3 hits, and 3*366=1098.



Yeah, I've just rejigged it but I get 1060, can you double check on the actual masterlist and scoreboard?

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