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Paul Bearer

Donald J Trump

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"I'm just a normal man. I'm just an innocent man."



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Ah, Donald, listen to yourself you dumb fuck.



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If Donald Trump wins reelection after all of this it will go down as the greatest political comeback of all time.


What is so funny to me is that up to his first arrest, Joe Biden was comfortably leading him in the polls. So if all of this was supposed to be political persecution (and a majority of Americans seem to think just that) it has astonishingly backfired on the Democrats lol.


Today, after the Hollywood Access tape, two impeachments, election denial, January 6th, 90+ indictments, a mugshot and a conviction Donald Trump is in a much better position to win the presidency than he was in 2016 or 2020. The first few polls that have came out post-verdict show that nothing has particularly changed and that Americans pretty much made up their mind about the two candidates. In fact, I just checked a HarrisX poll that has him +2 over Biden. 


I know you guys hate him here (or at least pretend to) but even you gotta admit this is pretty spectacular stuff from a political point of view. Howard Dean's career ended because of one goofy scream, yet a convicted felon is 1.2 points ahead of the incumbent president of the United States, five months before Election Day.




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Riiiight. Here's the 'comeback king' waving to a crowd that isn't there.

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43 minutes ago, TQR said:

Riiiight. Here's the 'comeback king' waving to a crowd that isn't there.


Thank you for validating my point even more.


The twice impeached, convicted felon-in-chief who's waving to a crowd that isn't there is still beating Biden in every possible poll and is currently the favorite to win back the presidency in November.

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5 hours ago, Life Is Beautiful said:


Thank you for validating my point even more.


The twice impeached, convicted felon-in-chief who's waving to a crowd that isn't there is still beating Biden in every possible poll and is currently the favorite to win back the presidency in November.

Don’t know what point you are trying to prove.


The rest of the world have known 50% of America is composed of thick bastards. To date he still hasn’t reached that peak as he has never been the choice of most American…even when he won. 

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3 hours ago, Windsor said:

Don’t know what point you are trying to prove.

The rest of the world have known 50% of America is composed of thick bastards. To date he still hasn’t reached that peak as he has never been the choice of most American…even when he won. 


Alright, I can try one more time. My point is very simple: every single factor in this election should prove, theoritically, that the Republicans lose in a landslide to any cardbord cutout with a D next to it: Their chosen candidate is incredibly flawed, incredibly controversial and is hated to the point of sickness by a sizeable chunk of the electorate and even by some abroad (as brilliantly proven here by some of the posts in this thread). Not only that, he already lost to Biden, fair and square, less than four years ago.


Poster below my previous post tried to make a funny by quoting some satirical British website, thinking he had a gotcha, only to further prove my point: Joe Biden is losing to a dumpster fire of a person, who now may spend a big chunk of his presidency emprisoned.


Again I defy anyone to find anything nonfactual in these points that I will restate:

- Donald Trump is incredibly controversial and polarizing, even within his own party (polls have shown Biden losing by an even bigger landslide to any other random Republican).

- Donald Trump has suffered, up to this point, at least seven major setbacks that would have ended anyone else's political career. These setbacks not only did not slow him down, they actually have helped his public approval.

- Trump is in a better position now, electorally speaking, than where he was in 2016 or in 2020, which indicates a bigger margin of victory this time. He is now +10 with independents, +15 with blacks and hispanics (which is just ridiculous) and is doing generally better with other groups.

- Joe Biden is losing BADLY to Trump, like super badly. He is losing in six out of seven swing states. He is down SEVENTEEN points (!) to Trump in immigration (30 to 47), SIXTEEN in economy, FOURTEEN in inflation and another fourteen in foreign affairs and wars. And don't think that the whole "protecting democracy" thing, which is one of Biden's main talking points, is going to save him, he's' tied with Trump (38 to 38) in it. That's right, Biden and Trump are tied in protecting democracy. On top of all of this, his approval rating is in the gutter (Late 30s, which is just sad).

These are, barring a miracle, insurmountable leads. No incumbent has ever been in this position and won reelection. 


These are facts that even the Biden administration is acknowledging at this point. You might hate them, but there is no denying them. Proof of that is that the forum member in question had no other rebuttal but to facepalm my reply and move on.


Your second point is, I am sorry to say, incredibly idiotic, to basically say that 70 to 80 million Americans are stupid because they do not vote the way you want them to vote is just insulting. There are plenty of smart Republicans, and the opposite is also true for Democrats. It's always been like that. And how about the independents or those simply sitting this one out? how would you rate their IQ?


This may sound incredible to you, but not every Trump voter is a MAGA-hat wearing bigot. This election is unique: the electorate has, for the first and probably only time in their lives, the opportunity to bring back the previous guy and and a big size of them thinks that their lives were better under him and thus will vote again for his POLICIES. It's their right to think like that and their right to vote the way they want to vote.


I know you're not American but this "vote for us or you're stupid/not black/racist/fascist...whatever" approach is clearly not working and just about the last thing that needs to be said outloud by Democrats at this particular time.


Way to win over the independents you so desperately need now guys.

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10 hours ago, Life Is Beautiful said:

So if all of this was supposed to be political persecution (and a majority of Americans seem to think just that) it has astonishingly backfired on the Democrats lol.


I agree with the general sentiment of these posts, but I think it's fair to say a majority of Americans don't think Trump is being politically persecuted. Even prior to this/with Trump leading, most opinion polling has shown that the majority of voters believe he has committed crimes. ABC, CBS/Ipsos, Morning Consult, and YouGov's polls all suggest the conviction's approval rating is 50+%, compared to ~30% who strongly disapprove and ~20% who don't particularly care. Reuters' poll suggested that over half of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents each weren't likely to be swayed by the verdict.


Harvard's January poll indicated that Trump would only take a very slight hit if he were convicted in this case, whereas the Jan. 6 cases had more potential to actually damage him. Those are moving at a snail's pace, so who knows if they actually wind up playing a part.

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This Stormy Daniels thing is such a big nothing, compared to all the other Trump trials that are currently ongoing, and yet, it's easy for the low information voter to understand, and it's mostly unpolitical. Shades of Al Capone finally getting caught on tax evasion.

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Another Trump case gets an indefinite pause, this time in Georgia.

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1 minute ago, The Old Crem said:


confident that this is unconstitutional 

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1 minute ago, jimbean1121 said:

confident that this is unconstitutional 

Your probably right but the court doesn’t give a shit at this point 

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Not the first to say this, but this theoretically means Biden as President could order for Trump to be shot and claim immunity.

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1 minute ago, Brad252 said:

Not the first to say this, but this theoretically means Biden as President could order for Trump to be shot and claim immunity.

Or if Trump is re-elected, his retribution could be to order the shooting of the three Supreme Court Justices who dissented, along with any judge who convicted him and any citizen he doesn't like.


This seems extraordinary. Get your guns out of storage, his administration is coming for you.

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Just now, Insane said:

Your probably right but the court doesn’t give a shit at this point 

honestly the 6 republican justices are all prone to bribery (*cough cough* clarence *ahem ahem*) and theyve all supported unconstitutional things at some point. but now that means every president should become immune, or none at all. it opens up a can of worms that should be met with appeals and the 3 democratic justices to talk some fucking sense into these assholes. (also biden can do the funniest thing and sign an executive order making it illegal for felons tp run since they cant vote)

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I stand to be corrected, but aside from the constitutional issues, I'm not sure how much this ruling helps him on face value. Surely pressuring Georgia to "find the votes" and all that comes with that is as candidate Trump not President Trump? Likewise inciting a mob to attack the capitol and stop the certification of results. The holding of classified documents after office means he is no longer in an official position. So he's still on the line for the 3 current court cases. Seems to be a massive extension on potential executive power, though.

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3 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

I stand to be corrected, but aside from the constitutional issues, I'm not sure how much this ruling helps him on face value. Surely pressuring Georgia to "find the votes" and all that comes with that is as candidate Trump not President Trump? Likewise inciting a mob to attack the capitol and stop the certification of results. The holding of classified documents after office means he is no longer in an official position. So he's still on the line for the 3 current court cases. Seems to be a massive extension on potential executive power, though.

this also means they just gave biden immunity which i imagine the 6 did not think about

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1 minute ago, jimbean1121 said:

this also means they just gave biden immunity which i imagine the 6 did not think about


On the contrary, in their opinion, they say they cannot consider the current situation in isolation, their opinion will have implications in the future.

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All historical Republics have fallen due to fetid corruption, infighting, the execution of political opponents and the desperate clinging to power of the wealthy and famous over the hoi polloi.


All it needs is confirmation of that fact from its lawmakers and the guardians of those laws.


Essentially the USA has signed its death warrant as a functioning democracy, and has become a monarchy in all but name in one ruling.



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These seem like some strong reactions no?


I'm not seeing what everyone else is in this ruling. It's actually rather limited compared to my expectations. 

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Yeah, I kind of think it's what I had expected, it is a Bush Jr. era kind of ruling. It all depends on what one considers executive authority. You can interpret it in a lot of ways, and naturally both sides will expect the other side to abuse it.

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