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Jenny Diski

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Either she's having us all on, or she wont see Christmas.



And I stand corrected on her being Lessing's daughter. I knew they had a close relationship, just not that close!

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Pneumonia gone and seems upbeat...



"4h4 hours ago

Jenny Diski ‏@diski

not exactly cancer or fibrosis free but up to finishing and starting a new novel. Might stay in bed for a day or so, though."

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Ailing writers who start new novels but never finish them due to a terminal case of permanent writer's block (in a manner of speaking) happen so often it could classify as a real life trope.

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I can't get tweet embed to work, but anyhow:




Jenny Diski

@corrinacellist some benign tumour spelling bee part of brain. Just try to keep up .Remember it was 'cucumber' wot got me out of hospotsl
5:18 PM - 15 Jan 2016




As suspected given some of her more out there writings in recent times.

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Come on, someone will have to say, on that fateful day, 'Diski is Deadski..' ........or summat

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I can't get tweet embed to work, but anyhow:




Jenny Diski



@corrinacellist some benign tumour spelling bee part of brain. Just try to keep up .Remember it was 'cucumber' wot got me out of hospotsl

5:18 PM - 15 Jan 2016




As suspected given some of her more out there writings in recent times.

This situation is difficult. I know she has a husband so I can`t help but wonder how I would react in his situation i.e your wife who you love dearly wants to tweet but only possesses the capacity to write almost unintelligible sentences and although a few years earlier would most likely as a writer who is presumably erudite, never want such drivel to be ascribed to her in hindsight, do you let her tweet nonsense or try to shield her from social media for the sake of her own legacy and privacy? I mean there is no simple answer to this. Clearly Diski would probably never have tweeted such nonsensical ramblings were she of sound mind but does that give a significant other the right to behave in a controlling manner so as to not cause them potential ridicule? I really don`t have an answer for this so won`t argue back as I can see it from both perspectives. On a personal level I would probably opt for censorship of my wife`s social media accounts if she lost her mental faculties as an illness should be private. If one can`t make the decision to share information in sound mind I question whether they should do so at all. I tell you what though this problem is a time bomb.More and more people due to illness and /or senility will lose their ability to communicate cogently online and will start writing demented bollocks online and surely there comes a time where the next of kin wants to protect their privacy?

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Depends on the case. I suspect, though have no proof, that Jenny Diski was determined to keep going in this way to publicly demonstrate what this type of illness does to someone, even someone considered as intellectual as herself.

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More and more people due to illness and /or senility will lose their ability to communicate cogently online and will start writing demented bollocks online



Auto-correct and predictive texting can also have this effect, especially if combined with alcohol. :rolleyes:

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I've never needed a brain tumour, alcohol or auto-correct to help posting demented bollocks online, myself.

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The whole farrago is kind of reminiscent of the movie "Iris", except without Kate Winslet's tits.

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Not sure if this will work but would have been so much better for everyone if I wasn't at work and having to operate within the confines of what is allowed.


Anyhow if link works we should all happily be at least heading towards Iris territory.

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I'm thinking already that Jenny is this year's Lynne Stewart.


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It looks as if she had a really tough time, a phase of really strong treatment, but she's come out of it alive and it worked, so for the next couple of months, she's going to survive. I'm feeling pretty good about not picking her at the moment (But I hedged my bets and picked her in another pool).

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She's on R4's 'one to one' at 9.30am. Be on iPlayer later I'd imagine .



Form checking time :)

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Strike that, it's from last year.


Still, she's on about her oncologist so may glean something.

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Just listened to her on Radio 4.She is completely there mentally and was pretty blunt and humorous about her ordeal. She said she doesn't`t know how long she has left which is the hardest part for her. She sounded much older than 68 though.

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Aye, but that was before all her recent treatments.


She has gotten more batshit as the weeks go by.

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Back on Twitter after a fortnight off to drop these two classics on us:


  1. @paftersnu apologies. But needed laptop and phone and couldn't face descent. Apologies. Xxx

    0 retweets0 likes
  2. @paftersnu gone to bed but sorry I left in the kitchen. Maybe oven on. Suddenly panic stricken . Had to b Go upstairs and too flakey...



Paftersnu is her husband, Ian Patterson. Why she couldn't have just whatsapped him that I dunno.

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  1. akka84aG_bigger.jpeg

    Will you miss milking your cancer? Yep Hank's it was a gas.

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  2. Will miss mjh Harriso

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No more me (technically no more you.) Count quotes in Lear. Sad scared life's shit Well you know thAt nothing is worse than shit More shit?

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Here’Athens news for the day. Kindly readers(much meant). Body up the spout. Life cancered (aka cancelled). About 3 month’s to go says doc..

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The bottom one....you were one of the 3 'likes' spade, weren't you??

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Sweep stake time I think. I will go for August 23rd

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Not gonna lie, I don't have her down as being much of a fighter when it comes to the crunch end. Gimme April 21st.

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The Euro election would be a good time, what's that??


23/6 ?

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