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Guest Goldeneye-69

Political Frailty

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Interesting to note those old British politicians who have been silent during the referendum campaign.Cant find anything recently on:

Douglas Hurd

Lord Carrington

Jim Prior

Bill Rodgers

Roy Hattersley

David Waddington

Patrick Jenkin



All well in their 80s and 90s so could easily be too frail to campaign or appear on tv.Or maybe they are just fed up with politics and want to enjoy their retirement.Very surprised on the lack of comments from Hurd and Carrington though as they have still appeared in public within the last year or so.

Haven't seen Norman Tebbit for a while either. Strange since he's usually one of the most vocal anti European politicians.

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Interesting to note those old British politicians who have been silent during the referendum campaign.Cant find anything recently on:

Douglas Hurd

Lord Carrington

Jim Prior

Bill Rodgers

Roy Hattersley

David Waddington

Patrick Jenkin



All well in their 80s and 90s so could easily be too frail to campaign or appear on tv.Or maybe they are just fed up with politics and want to enjoy their retirement.Very surprised on the lack of comments from Hurd and Carrington though as they have still appeared in public within the last year or so.

Haven't seen Norman Tebbit for a while either. Strange since he's usually one of the most vocal anti European politicians.


One of my friends saw him at an EU debate in parliament a few weeks ago. Apparently he's doing fine.

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Shot 3 times and repeatedly stabbed. She's not gonna make it.


Now reporting that the attacker shouted "Britain First". So now "liberals" will be tremendously outraged and sad elated cos it means they finally have something they can hold against "right wing white people" after 1000000000000s of Halibut attacks in a row that they barely acknowledged with only the most reluctant half-arsed grunt and shrug of the shoulders. If you hear lots of shouting and hear your neighbour jumping for joy that's what it is.


They'll probably have to delay the funeral for a couple of weeks cos otherwise the "compassionate left-wingers" won't be able to stop celebratorily whooping (and perhaps even uncontrollably masturbating from the sheer power of the smug "validation"-on-steroids) long enough to put on some fake tears for the cameras.

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lol @ BBC news


Just had an interview with some 19-year-old lookin local yorkshire witness and at the end of the report after he recounted the scene the reporter said "and did you recognise her and know who she was?"



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Goodness, we didn't even do that to Jim Murphy!

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Shot 3 times and repeatedly stabbed. She's not gonna make it.


Now reporting that the attacker shouted "Britain First". So now "liberals" will be tremendously outraged and sad elated cos it means they finally have something they can hold against "right wing white people" after 1000000000000s of Halibut attacks in a row that they barely acknowledged with only the most reluctant half-arsed grunt and shrug of the shoulders. If you hear lots of shouting and hear your neighbour jumping for joy that's what it is.


They'll probably have to delay the funeral for a couple of weeks cos otherwise the "compassionate left-wingers" won't be able to stop celebratorily whooping (and perhaps even uncontrollably masturbating from the sheer power of the smug "validation"-on-steroids) long enough to put on some fake tears for the cameras.

Pretty sure whenever there's an attack like this in Britain it's front page news, regardless of the victim or the perpetrator's motive. We have very little information just now about anything so jumping to conclusions is pointless and divisive.


If what you say is true, then I imagine instead of being a right wing ideologue, he's probably mentally disturbed, as one might hope we could all agree anyone who goes out in the street and attacks someone they don't know must surely be, whether they're white or Asian, Christian, Halibut, atheist.


There's no need for anyone to make hay out of this, whether she survives this or not.

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The witness name is Hithem ben Abdallah. Typical British name, nowadays. Well, she's pretty die hard to say the truth, but I find it difficult for her to survive.

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Pretty sure whenever there's an attack like this in Britain it's front page news, regardless of the victim or the perpetrator's motive. We have very little information just now about anything so jumping to conclusions is pointless and divisive.


If what you say is true, then I imagine instead of being a right wing ideologue, he's probably mentally disturbed, as one might hope we could all agree anyone who goes out in the street and attacks someone they don't know must surely be, whether they're white or Asian, Christian, Halibut, atheist.


There's no need for anyone to make hay out of this, whether she survives this or not.


LOL. Oh okay, so you'll be condemning Obama and Shrillary when they falsely blame Trump for this?


No I don't think so.


The people who were calling for "restraint" after 50 gay clubbers died, 130 rock fans died, etc. etc. etc. will be exercising ABSOLUTELY NONE when some no-name Labourdork gets killed.


Their usual "restraint" is about cowardice in the face of Islam. No need to be cowards about anti-Islam campaigners, just round em all up and put them in the gulag!


I expect Trump and possibly, I dunno, Pamela Geller, to be in federal custody by midnight and possibly extradited to England for IslamoStalinist show trials by next week.

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Shot 3 times and repeatedly stabbed. She's not gonna make it.


Now reporting that the attacker shouted "Britain First". So now "liberals" will be tremendously outraged and sad elated cos it means they finally have something they can hold against "right wing white people" after 1000000000000s of Halibut attacks in a row that they barely acknowledged with only the most reluctant half-arsed grunt and shrug of the shoulders. If you hear lots of shouting and hear your neighbour jumping for joy that's what it is.


They'll probably have to delay the funeral for a couple of weeks cos otherwise the "compassionate left-wingers" won't be able to stop celebratorily whooping (and perhaps even uncontrollably masturbating from the sheer power of the smug "validation"-on-steroids) long enough to put on some fake tears for the cameras.


When a Halibut kills someone its not all Halibuts and islam is not to blame we mustn't control islam


when someone goes nuts with a gun its all gun owners and the gun is to blame we must control all guns



You're 100% right about validation maria eagle already using this as political ammo on twitter.


I have a feeling we will be seeing alot of this in the future , there is no justification in attacking innocent people like in Florida or anywhere else but people really hate MP's and they effect people's lives big time. If a disabled person attacked and killed IDS because his benefits were stopped would any of us really condemn him ? I can see either Halibuts attacking MP's for supporting certain wars or right wingers attacking MP's who they feel have turned their back on the UK like with today's attack. Wasn't another MP not long ago stabbed with a knife by a person in a burka? Don't remember that getting the same coverage as this.

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Pretty sure whenever there's an attack like this in Britain it's front page news, regardless of the victim or the perpetrator's motive. We have very little information just now about anything so jumping to conclusions is pointless and divisive.


If what you say is true, then I imagine instead of being a right wing ideologue, he's probably mentally disturbed, as one might hope we could all agree anyone who goes out in the street and attacks someone they don't know must surely be, whether they're white or Asian, Christian, Halibut, atheist.


There's no need for anyone to make hay out of this, whether she survives this or not.

LOL. Oh okay, so you'll be condemning Obama and Shrillary when they falsely blame Trump for this?


No I don't think so.


The people who were calling for "restraint" after 50 gay clubbers died, 130 rock fans died, etc. etc. etc. will be exercising ABSOLUTELY NONE when some no-name Labourdork gets killed.


Their usual "restraint" is about cowardice in the face of Islam. No need to be cowards about anti-Islam campaigners, just round em all up and put them in the gulag!


I expect Trump and possibly, I dunno, Pamela Geller, to be in federal custody by midnight and possibly extradited to England for IslamoStalinist show trials by next week.

If any of that happens feel free to say I told you so. But frankly I don't think Brits could give two shits what the American presidential candidates have to say on this, and I'd suggest they have more important issues with each other than to argue over the shooting of a British MP.


Who exactly are we going to put in this gulag? All the white people? All the neo nazis? Anyone who's ever flirted with UKIP? Talk some sense. Keep Calm and Carry On, that's the British way.


I started writing this before I got to the bottom of your response. Silly me. Yawn. Clearly you're not for real.

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Shot 3 times and repeatedly stabbed. She's not gonna make it.


Now reporting that the attacker shouted "Britain First". So now "liberals" will be tremendously outraged and sad elated cos it means they finally have something they can hold against "right wing white people" after 1000000000000s of Halibut attacks in a row that they barely acknowledged with only the most reluctant half-arsed grunt and shrug of the shoulders. If you hear lots of shouting and hear your neighbour jumping for joy that's what it is.


They'll probably have to delay the funeral for a couple of weeks cos otherwise the "compassionate left-wingers" won't be able to stop celebratorily whooping (and perhaps even uncontrollably masturbating from the sheer power of the smug "validation"-on-steroids) long enough to put on some fake tears for the cameras.


When a Halibut kills someone its not all Halibuts and islam is not to blame we mustn't control islam


when someone goes nuts with a gun its all gun owners and the gun is to blame we must control all guns



You're 100% right about validation maria eagle already using this as political ammo on twitter.


I have a feeling we will be seeing alot of this in the future , there is no justification in attacking innocent people like in Florida or anywhere else but people really hate MP's and they effect people's lives big time. If a disabled person attacked and killed IDS because his benefits were stopped would any of us really condemn him ? I can see either Halibuts attacking MP's for supporting certain wars or right wingers attacking MP's who they feel have turned their back on the UK like with today's attack. Wasn't another MP not long ago stabbed with a knife by a person in a burka? Don't remember that getting the same coverage as this.


This is gonna be used to influence the referendum. Now it's clear Britain will remain in EU, whether she survives or not.


P.S. Noooo, the Wicker man is one of my favourite horror movies. Why the hell?.... hey, Hilary's name is way scarier.

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If she dies she will be the first MP to be killed while an MP since 1991 and the first labour MP killed since 1977 .


Plus only the second ever labour MP killed and the first woman MP killed while an MP.

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Shot 3 times and repeatedly stabbed. She's not gonna make it.


Now reporting that the attacker shouted "Britain First". So now "liberals" will be tremendously outraged and sad elated cos it means they finally have something they can hold against "right wing white people" after 1000000000000s of Halibut attacks in a row that they barely acknowledged with only the most reluctant half-arsed grunt and shrug of the shoulders. If you hear lots of shouting and hear your neighbour jumping for joy that's what it is.


They'll probably have to delay the funeral for a couple of weeks cos otherwise the "compassionate left-wingers" won't be able to stop celebratorily whooping (and perhaps even uncontrollably masturbating from the sheer power of the smug "validation"-on-steroids) long enough to put on some fake tears for the cameras.


When a Halibut kills someone its not all Halibuts and islam is not to blame we mustn't control islam


when someone goes nuts with a gun its all gun owners and the gun is to blame we must control all guns



You're 100% right about validation maria eagle already using this as political ammo on twitter.


I have a feeling we will be seeing alot of this in the future , there is no justification in attacking innocent people like in Florida or anywhere else but people really hate MP's and they effect people's lives big time. If a disabled person attacked and killed IDS because his benefits were stopped would any of us really condemn him ? I can see either Halibuts attacking MP's for supporting certain wars or right wingers attacking MP's who they feel have turned their back on the UK like with today's attack. Wasn't another MP not long ago stabbed with a knife by a person in a burka? Don't remember that getting the same coverage as this.


This is gonna be used to influence the referendum. Now it's clear Britain will remain in EU, whether she survives or not.



I really doubt it. The two campaigns have suspended to reflect it. People in Britain are mature enough to accept that a lone nutter does not represent an entire organisation. Hopefully she pulls through, but if the In camp attempt to use it to get people to vote In I can only see more people voting out.

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The guy might not have even shouted Britain First anyway could be someone just decided to say they "heard that". However I think it's unlikely to be a non-political nut who just wanted to kill someone famous though, I mean, no-one's crazy and sad enough to actually think a northern female Labour MP is like John Lennon or whoever...


Anyway, sounds like this is the left-wing's fault cause they said not to take Britain First seriously...!


"Liberals" are gonna make the biggest stinkiest pile of hay you've ever seen out of this. Anything to continue to pursuing their incredibly pointless non-existent "utopia" where left-wing urban gays and medieval Halibuts can live side by side in peace just like they famously do in Orlando, without any "nasty right wing people" to upset their blissful union!


To you mr. 52-year-old (alleged) "Britain First" man I say on behalf of all decent people, how dare you kill someone in cold blood? Only Halibuts are allowed to do that!

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Pretty sure whenever there's an attack like this in Britain it's front page news, regardless of the victim or the perpetrator's motive. We have very little information just now about anything so jumping to conclusions is pointless and divisive.

If what you say is true, then I imagine instead of being a right wing ideologue, he's probably mentally disturbed, as one might hope we could all agree anyone who goes out in the street and attacks someone they don't know must surely be, whether they're white or Asian, Christian, Halibut, atheist.There's no need for anyone to make hay out of this, whether she survives this or not.

LOL. Oh okay, so you'll be condemning Obama and Shrillary when they falsely blame Trump for this?


No I don't think so.


The people who were calling for "restraint" after 50 gay clubbers died, 130 rock fans died, etc. etc. etc. will be exercising ABSOLUTELY NONE when some no-name Labourdork gets killed.


Their usual "restraint" is about cowardice in the face of Islam. No need to be cowards about anti-Islam campaigners, just round em all up and put them in the gulag!


I expect Trump and possibly, I dunno, Pamela Geller, to be in federal custody by midnight and possibly extradited to England for IslamoStalinist show trials by next week.

How are they going to blame trump for this? Like seriously take your fucking tinfoil hat off.


Also you are the ones asking for a whole group of people regardless of whether or not they are innocent or guilty to be penalized. No one has even came close to suggesting white people or Christians Should be penalized for this guy's actions.


OK you just threw our logic on the last sentence. Again how is trump going to get blamed for this? No one would support him getting indicated for this.

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If she dies she will be the first MP to be killed while an MP since 1991 and the first labour MP killed since 1977 .


Plus only the second ever labour MP killed and the first woman MP killed while an MP.

Thanks Richard, now for our two remaining couples it's the head to head...

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The guy might not have even shouted Britain First anyway could be someone was paid to say they "heard that".


Anyway, sounds like this is the left-wing's fault cause they said not to take Britain First seriously...!


"Liberals" are gonna make the biggest stinkiest pile of hay you've ever seen out of this. Anything to continue to pursuing their incredibly pointless non-existent "utopia" where left-wing urban gays and medieval Halibuts can live side by side in peace just like they do in Orlando, without any "nasty right wing people" to upset their blissful union!


To you mr. 52-year-old (alleged) "Britain First" man I say on behalf of all decent people, how dare you kill someone in cold blood? Only Halibuts are allowed to do that!

oh, hear we go with the conspiracy theories even though I wonder why the news would scheme about this.


Zorders people should be allowed to live how they want as long as they are law ading citizens. Your group is trying to prevent that. Also I do expect to see this on the news only because she is famous just look at Christina grummies shooting that got tons of coverage and yet that wasn't political in anyway.

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The guy might not have even shouted Britain First anyway could be someone was paid to say they "heard that".


Anyway, sounds like this is the left-wing's fault cause they said not to take Britain First seriously...!


"Liberals" are gonna make the biggest stinkiest pile of hay you've ever seen out of this. Anything to continue to pursuing their incredibly pointless non-existent "utopia" where left-wing urban gays and medieval Halibuts can live side by side in peace just like they do in Orlando, without any "nasty right wing people" to upset their blissful union!


To you mr. 52-year-old (alleged) "Britain First" man I say on behalf of all decent people, how dare you kill someone in cold blood? Only Halibuts are allowed to do that!

oh, hear we go with the conspiracy theories even though I wonder why the news would scheme about this.


Zorders people should be allowed to live how they want as long as they are law ading citizens. Your group is trying to prevent that. Also I do expect to see this on the news only because she is famous just look at Christina grummies shooting that got tons of coverage and yet that wasn't political in anyway.


When did I say the news were involved? I said someone on the scene could have just decided to blame it on Britain First. That doesn't implicate the newspeople. Although all people running "our" news networks are congenitally biased towards ISISlam so it doesn't require them to plan or "conspire" or "plot" what to say on an everyday basis anyway, it just comes to those critters (un)naturally.


You're just a troll anyway you don't give a shit so shut up wasting my time.

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Man's name is Thomas "Tommy" Mair.

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What an absolute tragedy. Thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends. We need to get the hate out of politics.

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Just literally days ago, braindead freakshows like this guy were saying "WE CAN'T BLAME THIS ON ISLAM!"/"don't try to use this attack for political purposes!"


Islam is the most "far-right" and fascist thing there is you braindead cunts. Surely you must all know that, you just can't bear to admit you were wrong about it.

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