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So, How's Your 2017 Shortlist Looking?

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If y'all keep posting definite deaths for 2017 in the forums I'll have to keep putting names in and out. Remember--the only people who can't possibly obit are the living. Am I disappointed I overestimate Tony Adamowicz's obitability? Yes. Would I take my chances again? Indubitably. Had I received credit I'd be top 25 in my first go, and was top 10 through August so no complaints. It's a tough row to hoe for us Yanks though. All in good sport I suppose.


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You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket, as they say.

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Lee Evans Gambits have now evolved, devolved and revolved into double-, triple- and quadruple-bluffs on this board. Surely not too long before the first Keegan-esque breakdown by a DDP manager who can't handle the mindgames.

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Lee Evans Gambits have now evolved, devolved and revolved into double-, triple- and quadruple-bluffs on this board. Surely not too long before the first Keegan-esque breakdown by a DDP manager who can't handle the mindgames.


Ever read The ABC Murders? Love that book. Anyhow, the murderer's plot in it often reminds me of deadpoolers at this time of year.

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It's a fine line between famous and famous for dying, but I do find trolling through go fund me sites for cancer sufferers a tad depressing.

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I think I'm at one of those stages that I fear my team may not do well in the DDP. Do the veterans ever have this feeling that their teams might not do so well? I still have hope in my current team though.

I'm not really a veteran, this will be my third year, the second "serious" one. But I think I'm at the stage where the overthinking begins. I've started to contemplate whether to take Errol Christie off my list, maybe he pulls through after all??


Edit: And the update for my own shortlist: Predictably, my main team isn't quite that conventional anymore as it was two weeks ago. I think my main team will have (at least) two uniques now. I believe now that the score record will get broken again next year (not only by me, but by others as well).

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Stupid Guiliana Rancic and all those articles on her being 5 years cancer free is making research harder.

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Stupid Guiliana Rancic and all those articles on her being 5 years cancer free is making research harder.

Yeah, how unthinking.

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That five-year-old Sunderland fan really is making actual research impossible at the moment.

So is the ten year old Bradley kid and the Jeopardy contestant who died before the show aired.


Be careful you don't violate the "Malicious Communications Act":



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That five-year-old Sunderland fan really is making actual research impossible at the moment.

So is the ten year old Bradley kid and the Jeopardy contestant who died before the show aired.


Be careful you don't violate the "Malicious Communications Act":






The woman is also suspected of abstracting electricity and is currently being questioned by police.




Good to have a range of hobbies.

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Well, I've already completed my Shadow List and submitted it to the Crowdsourced List this past weekend.

I've also finished working on my Shaun's Death By Numbers theme, and submitted it just yesterday.


So that leaves the Derby Dead Pool and Deathrace, both of which I will submit around December 28th-ish.

As I previously stated, I do consider myself a contender for at least the top 15 in the DDP, and I have hopes of winning the Deathrace. Unlikely, but possible with all the hard work I've put in this year.


Some problems I've had lately are:

- Found a lady from my home state who will almost certainly be dead by mid-January, according to the article, but her last name wasn't provided. :banghead: Her best friend who is adopting her kids had her full name in the article, but I couldn't find any social media accounts or pages that could provide me with the last name.

- A popular pick whom I've had on there without bothering to check up on him, is in remission. In fact, I found a few other people that are too. Y'all be careful - I'm warnin' y'all!

- Many picks don't discuss the severity of their cancer. I've had to eliminate a few people based on the sole fact that there isn't much information on whether or not they are a dead cert.

- I'm impatient. I'm trying to save my Deathrace team for the last minute, so I can include some people who were recently "rushed to the hospital" and will hopefully make it for a couple of days and into the New Year, but not too far into the New Year. But I'm already pretty much done with looking for cancer mums and such, so now I'm anxiously awaiting the announcement of these theoretical peoples' imminent demises.

- Speaking of cancer mums and such, I'm really scared about some of these "local newspaper" types I have found for the Deathrace. Some haven't had updates since September/October, and it looked pretty grim back then. I'm concerned they have died without it being announced; or if they make it to 2017, it wouldn't be announced anyway.


Ah, well. Hopefully I don't completely embarrass myself.


Anyways, on the topic of cancer mums and local newspaper types and whether or not they should be allowed, here's my two cents:

While some think it's pointless to include these types of people, due to their lack of fame, and the ethical issues surrounding them, I disagree.

I think it's better to have a competition in which you have to work hard to win: research for long hours, finding the best names.

If you limit it to Deathlist-y picks, it's a game of complete luck. For example, for 2016, I did no research for the DDP whatsoever. But I'm currently sitting at a pretty good joint 41st, with 9/20 dead, and 77 points, just because I happened to pick the right popular names. I don't deserve top 100, let alone top 50.

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Even if cancer is in remission, it could very easily come back, so don't write off that pick yet. I do know who your talking about as well, but Caslavka looked like she was winning only for it to come back and kill her.

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Hmm, I don't see the Hare's DP mentioned, RadGuy.


Don't make me put you on the naughty list...

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- Found a lady from my home state who will almost certainly be dead by mid-January, according to the article, but her last name wasn't provided. :banghead: Her best friend who is adopting her kids had her full name in the article, but I couldn't find any social media accounts or pages that could provide me with the last name.


Nevermind, I snooped some more and found her last name. :evil2:


Hmm, I don't see the Hare's DP mentioned, RadGuy.


Don't make me put you on the naughty list...

If I have some time late in the year, I will make teams for Hare's and HPDP.


But for now, I'm prioritizing the DDP and Deathrace.

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Good lad Rad!


All my lists are done (I still count myself amongst the weaker predictors) and submitted except HPDP which is ready to go.


Obviously I have to wait until next year to enter the Inverse DP, which is where I've been most successful.

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- Found a lady from my home state who will almost certainly be dead by mid-January, according to the article, but her last name wasn't provided. :banghead: Her best friend who is adopting her kids had her full name in the article, but I couldn't find any social media accounts or pages that could provide me with the last name.


Nevermind, I snooped some more and found her last name. :evil2:



Just to say I had a look and found her full name within 40 seconds. Wont be on my list though.


Even if cancer is in remission, it could very easily come back, so don't write off that pick yet. I do know who your talking about as well, but Caslavka looked like she was winning only for it to come back and kill her.



Yeah, I dropped a number of folk who were in remission only to for them to drop dead. Bit of a poor show after my vote of confidence in their health, really. Though if I'd paid more attention to Thomas Fekete pursuing homeopathic treatment, I'd have kept him, and then this "will he make 2017 or wont he" game one of my picks is playing would have had somewhat more effect on the DDP!


I'd make Mr Remission (well, there are a few of them) 50/50 to go in 2017, worth a bunch of points if you get the gamble right.

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Good lad Rad!


All my lists are done (I still count myself amongst the weaker predictors) and submitted except HPDP which is ready to go.


Obviously I have to wait until next year to enter the Inverse DP, which is where I've been most successful.


It's no wonder, you don't even have to think of new names; just submit your DDP team. :P

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- Found a lady from my home state who will almost certainly be dead by mid-January, according to the article, but her last name wasn't provided. :banghead: Her best friend who is adopting her kids had her full name in the article, but I couldn't find any social media accounts or pages that could provide me with the last name.


Nevermind, I snooped some more and found her last name. :evil2:


Found her as well. Thanks for giving me a free deathrace name. I wouldn't have found her otherwise :evil2:

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- Found a lady from my home state who will almost certainly be dead by mid-January, according to the article, but her last name wasn't provided. :banghead: Her best friend who is adopting her kids had her full name in the article, but I couldn't find any social media accounts or pages that could provide me with the last name.


Nevermind, I snooped some more and found her last name. :evil2:


Found her as well. Thanks for giving me a free deathrace name. I wouldn't have found her otherwise :evil2:



Really? I assumed you were talking about her here:

The first one is because I could never find their last name, even though they would score a lot of points. Obit risks as well.


Well, I done fucked up.


Ah, well, I still might have a few uniques for Deathrace.

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I doubt I'm going to find that person's last name, which is really annoying especially when they would be worth a lot of points. :banghead:

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Goddamnit, I found a name pretty likely to obit (but you never know with one-hit wonders, especially because s/he was just a member of the band), pretty likely to die, but just a little old. I have no space anymore, but might make some if s/he is a unique hit. But I'm only 75% sure s/he's unique, gaaaahhhh.... And why didn't I find that name when the news was fresh, a couple of months ago?

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Goddamnit, I found a name pretty likely to obit (but you never know with one-hit wonders, especially because s/he was just a member of the band), pretty likely to die, but just a little old. I have no space anymore, but might make some if s/he is a unique hit. But I'm only 75% sure s/he's unique, gaaaahhhh.... And why didn't I find that name when the news was fresh, a couple of months ago?


There's one like that I was going to mention on the forum, but just plain forgot. They've been mentioned on here before though, and are unlikely to make my final team as it's 50/50 they see 2018 in my eyes.

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Deathrace, Hare's and Shaun's Death By Numbers drafts are ready. I am a little sad that Shaun's Deadpool is not that giant anymore. Now it basically becomes my "best of" of my 3 DDP teams.


The HPDP is still unfinished. Anything else I'm forgetting? I've kind of lost track.

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As is evidenced by my performances in the pools I enter, my entries are cobbled together in the period between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve.This inevitably means I omit names I've noticed earlier and thought would be a good pick, who obligingly die forthwith.


On a positive note, it means my list is not filled with dying mums.

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I've totally got the best HPDP team ready (and no, there is absolutely no sarcasm there)...

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