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Diane Abbott

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8 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Ah, she's now posted about it: https://x.com/HackneyAbbott/status/1796163157116780894


Ok, which one of you is Diane Abbott? :P


Don't look at me, you've already claimed your five pounds here

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(fucking link won't embed).

... anyyyyways bringing this thread swiftly back on topic, here's the full speech given by Diane the other day. Speech is maybe a bit slower but what's really noticeable is the shaking. As I've said before, Labour types have never been able to confirm to me what it is she's got but I consistently hear Parkinson's.

If she actually does stand for re-election she'll comfortably win. As @Sean once said, Gary Glitter could stand as the Labour candidate in Hackney and he'd win. Just don't expect to see her appear in the chamber, or doing anything for that matter. But she'll still be collecting her £91,346 smackers plus expenses, obviously.

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8 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:


(fucking link won't embed).

... anyyyyways bringing this thread swiftly back on topic, here's the full speech given by Diane the other day. Speech is maybe a bit slower but what's really noticeable is the shaking. As I've said before, Labour types have never been able to confirm to me what it is she's got but I consistently hear Parkinson's.

If she actually does stand for re-election she'll comfortably win. As @Sean once said, Gary Glitter could stand as the Labour candidate in Hackney and he'd win. Just don't expect to see her appear in the chamber, or doing anything for that matter. But she'll still be collecting her £91,346 smackers plus expenses, obviously.

You have to change the x.com to twitter.com then it embeds.

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2 hours ago, Ulitzer95 said:

anyyyyways bringing this thread swiftly back on topic, here's the full speech given by Diane the other day. Speech is maybe a bit slower but what's really noticeable is the shaking. As I've said before, Labour types have never been able to confirm to me what it is she's got but I consistently hear Parkinson's.

Oh this is proof to me it's Parkinson's or something similar. Too much shaking not to be,

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1 minute ago, Comped said:

Oh this is proof to me it's Parkinson's or something similar. Too much shaking not to be,



Well, either that or she was being fingered out of shot!


Okay, Parkinson's it is :facepalm:


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2 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:

Well, either that or she was being fingered out of shot!

Corbyn is in Islington today.

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4 hours ago, Comped said:

Oh this is proof to me it's Parkinson's or something similar. Too much shaking not to be,

Yeah, her hand was going ten to the dozen.

She could wank somebody off without moving a single muscle.

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The shadow Science, Innovation and Technology secretary Peter Kyle pretty much said this morning she will be bared from standing for Labour. 

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14 hours ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

She could wank somebody off without moving a single muscle.


And now if she insists on standing for labour will apparently be doing it naked.


2 hours ago, The Old Crem said:

she will be bared from standing for Labour. 



This is not a picture I wished in my head tbh.

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Keir Starmed backs Diane Abbott to stand again. 


Guess that is the end of the theory the Sun will back Labour like they did under Blair considering their editorial calling her a racist in today’s paper. 

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This whole thing is such a mess.


Just like Diane.

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23 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Keir Starmed backs Diane Abbott to stand again. 


Guess that is the end of the theory the Sun will back Labour like they did under Blair considering their editorial calling her a racist in today’s paper. 



Aye, and...


There's plenty of double entendre material here with regard to her standing, doubtless we'll have fun aplenty on this thread for a short while. On a serious note, she'll be in the public eye to a greater degree than she has been since Corbyn was ousted, and that's a form studying opportunity right there. 


Let's see which news organisation goes first with whether she's healthy enough to get elected.


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If she does stand and win as a result, she'll be on virtually every by-election bingo list for the next parliament.

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Offered a peerage to stand down, according to The Times.


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1 hour ago, time said:

Offered a peerage to stand down, according to The Times.




Speaks volumes about both sides here, Starmer assuming she gives a shit, Abbot, having apparently not given a shit for years, might actually demonstrate that she does.


Wouldn't want to call this, esp.since someone with early Parinson's could milk the expenses for a year or two in the upper house!

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3 hours ago, time said:

Offered a peerage to stand down, according to The Times.


I do miss the old days when they'd give out actual titles, and not just life peerages, to politicians who had served their constituencies/the nation well. Does Abbott fall under this category? That's for you, not me to decide, but it would certainly be less lame.

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9 hours ago, time said:

Offered a peerage to stand down, according to The Times.


Could be a lot of elderly new peers. It is assumed Harriet Harman, Rosie Winterton, Margaret Beckett and Margaret Hodge will all be offered ones by Keir Starmer. 

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I thought they wanted to abolish the House of Lords?

Hardly a good deal.

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48 minutes ago, Windsor said:

I thought they wanted to abolish the House of Lords?

Hardly a good deal.


Labour peers are outnumbered by Tory peers, so it makes sense for Labour to get a few more in there, or they won't get anything passed.

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40 minutes ago, Toast said:


Labour peers are outnumbered by Tory peers, so it makes sense for Labour to get a few more in there, or they won't get anything passed.

I’m not sure how many they’ll be allowed to create though. Through no fault of the system a shit ton of Labour peers have died or retired in recent years, bringing their number in the House to a much lower number than when Blair stuffed the house with 100s of Tony’s cronies. The body that approves the creation of new peers is much stricter than in those days.

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Baroness Smith of Basildon is quoted in the piece in The Times saying she wants another 100 Labour peers enobled to make the numbers ‘roughly’ equal. 

Once Labour are in the pigeons will really come home to roost with journalists who have gotten used to giving the Tories a very rough ride in comparison to their laxity with Labour. I understand the Tories have been in Government, so heavy scrutiny is required,  but if the majority for Labour is anything like what’s being talked about then even more scrutiny is required of them in Government given the absence of other parties in the Chamber. 

Will any journo bother to quiz them on their plans for the Lords? I doubt it. Pertinent questions to Angie Rayner during the battle bus launch consisted of ‘what’s your road trip snack of choice’ and ‘what’s your road trip music if choice’. (A kitkat and house music if you’re wondering)

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Interesting Times piece today that has spoken to anonymous Labour sources/Labour MPs. Diane wasn't the only one offered a peerage. Another female Labour MP was offered and refused, remarking "They offered me a seat in the House of Lords because some little boy wanted my seat."

The article alleges that they were away to move in on the leftist Poplar MP Apsana Begum before the Diane Abbott stuff blew up in their face. It also suggests that Kate
Osamor MP could be deselected last minute, because although she was reinstated as a Labour MP, a group of staffers have since come forward and made complaints about her.

"Labour left fears there could be a fresh “purge” when the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) meets to finalise candidates on Tuesday." Also of note – Starmer is trying to parachute Tory > Labour turncoat Shaun Woodward, former MP and Northern Ireland Sec, into a safe seat. He stood down in 2015, and at the time was said to be "the only Labour MP with a butler". Oh my... seems Starmer is really in touch with the working classes.

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3 hours ago, Windsor said:

I thought they wanted to abolish the House of Lords?

Hardly a good deal.

They want to but they admitted it's unlikely in a first Labour parliament. Maybe it'll be in the manifesto for the election after this.

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Labour leaked ages ago it wasn’t going to include Lord abolition in its manifesto. 

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