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Oldest Living State Leaders DP

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Violeta Chamorro

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Lubomir Strougal

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Meh, retiring from this game. I suck so badly at it! :lol:

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Sharq svp

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Honestly surprised no one has picked Mathiar Muhammad so I’ll pick him 

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Gombojavyn Ochirbat (1929), General Secretary of Mongolia Communist Party


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Forty-seventh round masterlist:


theoldlady: Jimmy Carter

MortalCaso: Josip Manolic

WEP: Tomiichi Murayama

arghton: Raif Dizdarevic

chilean way: Giorgio Napolitano

Hell: Violeta Chamorro

Summer in Transylvania: Khamtai Siphandone

Newjack: Cesar Yanes Urias

roaming_comrade: Lubomir Strougal

Perhaps: Zhu Rongji

Thatcher: Sam Nujoma

TQR: Mohammad Hasan Sharq

Insane: Mahathir Mohammad

Chel: Gombojavyn Ochirbat

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@diego wins the round, having been the last to pick Abdelsalam Majali and nver changing his pick. New round to be started.

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Forty-eighth round:


1)Josip Manolic (1920), Prime Minister of Croatia

2)César Yanes Urías (1920), Salvadoran junta member

3)Khamtai Siphandon (1924) Prime Minister and President of Laos

4)Tomiichi Murayama (1924) Prime Minister of Japan

5)Jimmy Carter (1924), President of United States of America

6)Lubomir Strougal (1924), Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia

7)Guillermo Rodriguez Lara (1924), President of Ecuador

8)Ali Hassan Mwinyi (1925), President of Tanzania

9)Giorgio Napolitano (1925), President of Italy

10)Mahathir Mohamad (1925), Prime Minister of Malaysia

11)Mohammad Hasan Sharq (1925), Chairman of Council of Ministers of Afghanistan

12)Arnaldo Forlani (1925), Prime Minister of Italy

13)Abdoulaye Wade (1926), President of Senegal

14)Valdas Adamkus (1926), President of Lithuania

15)Raif Dizdarevic (1926), President of Yugoslavia

16)Thanin Kraivichien (1927), Prime Minister of Thailand

17)Hans Modrow (1928), Chairman of the Council of Ministers of East Germany

18)Kim Yong-nam (1928), Chairman of the Presidium of North Korea

19)Arnold Rüütel (1928), President of Estonia

20)Arthur Foulkes (1928), Governor General of Bahamas

21)Peter Boross (1928), Prime Minister of Hungary

22)Zhu Rongji (1928), Premier of China

23)Edouard Balladur (1929), Prime Minister of France

24)Sam Nujoma (1929), President of Namibia

25)Orville Turnquest (1929), Governor General of Bahamas

26)Jamshid bin Abdullah (1929), Sultan of Zanzibar

27)Nikolai Rhyzkov (1929), Chairman of the Council of Ministers

28)Violeta Chamorro (1929), President of Nicaragua

29)Gombojavyn Ochirbat (1929), General Secretary of Mongolia Communist Party

30)Alfred Moisiu (1929), President of Albania


New entry is Alfred Moisiu, former Albanian president still going strong.


Choose your picks!

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Manolic please.

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Jimmy Carter

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Violeta Chamorro

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Forty-eighth round masterlist:


WEP: Josip Manolic

Newjack: Khamtai Siphandone

Joey Russ: Jimmy Carter

diego: Violeta Chamorro

Perhaps: Zhu Rongji

theoldlady: Cesar Yanes Urias

MortalCaso: Tomiichi Murayama

chilean way: Guillermo Rodriguez Lara

Summer in Transylvania: Abdoulaye Wade

arghton: Raif Dizdarevic

Funeralopolis: Giorgio Napolitano

chel: Gombojavyn Ochirbat

TQR: Lubomir Strougal

Bibliogryphon: Peter Boross

Hell: Jamshid bin Abdullah

Thatcher: Sam Nujoma

Philip: Nikolai Rhyzkov

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2)César Yanes Urías (1920), Salvadoran junta member For me please.

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