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Brooke Astor

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If either of the Jehova's witnesses testified that they thought you might use your 'weapon' on them.......case closed!

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The best way to deal with Jehovah's Witnesses is to ask them for their address.


Explain that you are passionate about your lack of / alternative Faith and would welcome the opportunity to call round to their house early on a Sunday morning to share your beliefs with them, and that you have a zero-tolerance policy regarding the whole family hiding behind the living room furniture.

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The best way to deal with Jehovah's Witnesses is to ask them for their address.


Explain that you are passionate about your lack of / alternative Faith and would welcome the opportunity to call round to their house early on a Sunday morning to share your beliefs with them, and that you have a zero-tolerance policy regarding the whole family hiding behind the living room furniture.


I always find that by telling Jehovah's Witnesses they're welcome to come in for a chat as long as I can challenge them to a drinking competition before we move on to talking about religion - no one has taken me up on the offer yet.


Talking of religion and drifting far far away from Brooke Astor, I've been reading about The Shakers, officially the world's smallest religion with only 4 members, can't find any info on their ages, but there might be some press interest when the last one goes.



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Talking of religion and drifting far far away from Brooke Astor, I've been reading about The Shakers, officially the world's smallest religion with only 4 members, can't find any info on their ages, but there might be some press interest when the last one goes.

ie+s Shaker fact #1: Shaker furniture is not uncommon in NA, and some of it is very beautiful.


ie+'s Shaker fact #2: They penned the hymn "The Lord of the Dance". (And I don't mean the Irish dance troupe!) It's one of the very few hymns I actually like.


Basically, this is all I know about the Shakers. But because I like their furniture, and because I like their hymn, I've always had quite a positive opinion about them. Sorry to hear there are only four left - they're probably all a zillion years old, too. :banghead:

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Talking of religion and drifting far far away from Brooke Astor, I've been reading about The Shakers, officially the world's smallest religion with only 4 members, can't find any info on their ages, but there might be some press interest when the last one goes.

ie+s Shaker fact #1: Shaker furniture is not uncommon in NA, and some of it is very beautiful.


ie+'s Shaker fact #2: They penned the hymn "The Lord of the Dance". (And I don't mean the Irish dance troupe!) It's one of the very few hymns I actually like.


Basically, this is all I know about the Shakers. But because I like their furniture, and because I like their hymn, I've always had quite a positive opinion about them. Sorry to hear there are only four left - they're probably all a zillion years old, too. :banghead:


I knew about the furniture, I think they also inspired a classic in aga design, but didn't know about Lord of The Dance, which as hymns go is pretty good.

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Sorry to hear there are only four left - they're probably all a zillion years old, too. :blink:

That's what happens when you don't go out and convert the infidels. :banghead:




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Sorry to hear there are only four left - they're probably all a zillion years old, too. :(

That's what happens when you don't go out and convert the infidels. :(





Or at the very least aggressively pamphlet them.

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The Shakers were a Protestant sect which was developed by Ann Lee in the late 18th century. Lee came to be known as "Mother Ann" and she taught a doctrine which resulted in a community where celibacy and simplicity were regarded as the highest ideals



I mean......W**nkers!

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The Shakers were a Protestant sect which was developed by Ann Lee in the late 18th century. Lee came to be known as "Mother Ann" and she taught a doctrine which resulted in a community where celibacy and simplicity were regarded as the highest ideals

Well ffs! No wonder there are only four of them left.

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The Shakers were a Protestant sect which was developed by Ann Lee in the late 18th century. Lee came to be known as "Mother Ann" and she taught a doctrine which resulted in a community where celibacy and simplicity were regarded as the highest ideals

Well ffs! No wonder there are only four of them left.



I believe Shakers used to solve the breeding problem by adopting orphans, they eventually dropped this practise as they came to believe this contradicted the ban on promogulating their faith (another star on their chart, along with the Bahá'ís)


Are there any Deathlisters in Maine? Know anything about them?

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If the Shakers were flourishing in the 1800s and if they had a vow of celibacy, how come there any left at all? Do I assume there have been a few virgin births or are the four all converts who were turned by other Shakers on their doorstep? I mean no one can be born a Shaker can they?


They sound as if they are a bit like the Amish who don't believe in buttons. Make no wonder the Amish are more successful. Given the choice between losing buttons or sex I know which I would choose. Besides it would mean your trousers would be round your ankles in pretty short order, so all ready for the off so to speak. I bet the Amish are Shakers with sense.

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The Shakers were a Protestant sect which was developed by Ann Lee in the late 18th century. Lee came to be known as "Mother Ann" and she taught a doctrine which resulted in a community where celibacy and simplicity were regarded as the highest ideals

Well ffs! No wonder there are only four of them left.



I believe Shakers used to solve the breeding problem by adopting orphans, they eventually dropped this practise as they came to believe this contradicted the ban on promogulating their faith (another star on their chart, along with the Bahá'ís)


Are there any Deathlisters in Maine? Know anything about them?

Sorry DDT I spent so long buggering around with my post you nipped that explanation in before my question.

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invited them in, while I was dressed as I was born. They declined and never returned.


They might have been witnesses for the prosecution if they'd stepped inside.




It would never stand up in court.






Christ, I've turned into Ronnie Barker.

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Brooke Astor news


So what if the finer things are being cut out of her life...the rest of us live without our own personal French chef (amongst other things). It's sad that her supposed caretaker is denying her medication, doctor's visits and immediate medical attention while he pays himself a boatload of money.

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Among other things, the papers charge that the son cut off Astor's access to expensive medication, reduced her doctors' visits and ordered her staff not to take her to an emergency room or call 911 without contacting him first.


How very interesting.

So alls it will take is for Brooke to have a fall, her son to be unreachable and she'll die.


This sounds familiar:

Her bedroom is so cold in the winter that my grandmother is forced to sleep in the TV room in torn nightgowns on a filthy couch that smells, probably from dog urine."


Told you so:

The elder Marshall "pays himself" $2.3 million for taking care of his mother, but his son wants JP Morgan Chase and Annette de la Renta, who bought Astor air purifiers because Marshall refused, to take over as guardian.


Jesus Christ, shes Mr. Burns:

Astor - who still receives about $2 million a year in income from her late husband Vincent Astor's trust - suffers from significant memory loss, skin cancer, chronic anemia, heart problems, spinal stenosis, among other ailments, and has broken her hip twice, according to court papers.


PS. These quotes are from many differnt sources.

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I noticed one report said that she had a fortune of only $40 million left.

I can remember this conversation cropping up a few months ago in the search of deathlists richest graduate. It was agreed that Brooke Astor's passing would most probably make her the richest graduate to date.


As far as I'm aware, $40 million is quite a bit less than the Queen Mothers 53 million pounds?

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She has no-skid socks. What else could she possibly need?

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She has no-skid socks. What else could she possibly need?

No-skid knickers?

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As far as I'm aware, $40 million is quite a bit less than the Queen Mothers 53 million pounds?

But surely it's different, isn't it? I mean, maybe that £53m was technically the queen mother's money, but there's no way she could have spent it on whatever she liked without massive recriminations. Whereas Brooke Astor could pick herself up a boatorhome or any one of these items anytime she chose, and there's pretty much f*ck all anyone could do or say about it.


Although let's face it, Brooke Astor might find herself on the receiving end of some churlish remarks if she purchased herself the Red Hot Fantasy underwear. Unless she's got a stunner of a figure... but really, what 104-year-old does?

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As far as I'm aware, $40 million is quite a bit less than the Queen Mothers 53 million pounds?

But surely it's different, isn't it? I mean, maybe that £53m was technically the queen mother's money, but there's no way she could have spent it on whatever she liked without massive recriminations. Whereas Brooke Astor could pick herself up a boatorhome or any one of these items anytime she chose, and there's pretty much f*ck all anyone could do or say about it.


Although let's face it, Brooke Astor might find herself on the receiving end of some churlish remarks if she purchased herself the Red Hot Fantasy underwear. Unless she's got a stunner of a figure... but really, what 104-year-old does?

With her dosh, it would be stunning enough for me.

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As far as I'm aware, $40 million is quite a bit less than the Queen Mothers 53 million pounds?

But surely it's different, isn't it? I mean, maybe that £53m was technically the queen mother's money, but there's no way she could have spent it on whatever she liked without massive recriminations. Whereas Brooke Astor could pick herself up a boatorhome or any one of these items anytime she chose, and there's pretty much f*ck all anyone could do or say about it.


Although let's face it, Brooke Astor might find herself on the receiving end of some churlish remarks if she purchased herself the Red Hot Fantasy underwear. Unless she's got a stunner of a figure... but really, what 104-year-old does?

With her dosh, it would be stunning enough for me.


Well she sleeps on a dusty old couch. Only if she was allergic.

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Probably will forget how to breathe... dog urine?

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Article about Ms Astor in today's Torygraph, 'Living in squalor off peas and porridge'.

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Article about Ms Astor in today's Torygraph, 'Living in squalor off peas and porridge'.


Most interesting that it wasn't just in the Telegraph, but Brooke Astor's plight was on the front page. There's no doubt now, that she will get a UK obit, which had been a worry of mine.

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Article about Ms Astor in today's Torygraph, 'Living in squalor off peas and porridge'.


Most interesting that it wasn't just in the Telegraph, but Brooke Astor's plight was on the front page. There's no doubt now, that she will get a UK obit, which had been a worry of mine.


I'm surprised that she's suddenly getting so much press coverage. There hadn't been a word about her for such a long time. Maybe she's nearing her final days and the grandson is getting more and more concerned that his father will just take complete control over her estate and not leave a penny to anyone else

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