Biggles will grow up in a World inhabited by Livingstones, Tarquins and Eliza Doolittle Farquhars.
To put it into context, young Biggles will not stand out from the crowd and will live a life that is totally alien to the rest of us mere mortals.
This lad wasnt just born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was born with a whole fuggin African Gold mine in his lil chops.
Fuck, does anybody REALLY think that this chap is going to go to Bash St School, leave at 16 without qualifications and work in McDonalds?
Yes but fast forward 25 years as all our bodies are collapsing around us and when we are in hospital being introduced to the nice new junior doctor - Biggles Jackson-Kew.
Fills you with confidence.
At least Posie can marry out of the name although she could take a leaf out of her mother's book and end up with a triple barrrelled or quadruple barrelled name.
Did Christian and Emily feel that their lives were so incomplete that they didn't want to saddle their offspring with uninspiring names?
I am sitting here shaking my head.
Spare a thought for the sister - Tuppence!!!
Doctor?!? Investment banker, you mean!!
Biggles is a middle to upper class chap, not the sort who will go into Politics and certainly not somebody who will become a Doctor.
His life will revolve around Sloane Square and his retreat in rural Gloucestershire, or summat.
I thought all investment bankers were called Worthless Arrogant w***er-Leech
With no apologies whatsoever to any investment bankers who may visit this site.