Fat fucking cunts with fat fucking girlfriends in their top-down BMWs that think it's acceptable to undertake you in order for them to get A WHOLE CAR LENGTH in front of you to get in the queue going into Tesco's. I was only going in there for juice and lemonade, I'm sure he was in such a hurry so he didn't miss out on buying a FUCKING MONTH'S WORTH OF BURGERS for his FAT FUGLY BITCH, who was wearing shorts far too short for somebody of her considerable girth - and he also insisted on keeping his shades on indoors.
Also, inconsiderate little CUNTS that modify the exhaust on their fucking hair dryer mopeds to fucking FOG HORN PROPORTIONS, and then start that moped up RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR BEDROOM FUCKING WINDOW at half past midnight - whoever you are, you owe me a pint because I stopped you being MURDERED WITH A HAMMER by the half drunken fat man in my bed that you woke up.
Now, if everyone will stop fucking me off, I am settling down on this lovely sunny day, with my lounge full of flies, to watch the Superbikes.