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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/06/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    You beat me to it! Here is an Aussie report: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-06-17/former-athlete-gold-coast-mayor-ron-clarke-dies/6552010
  2. 1 point
    If it's any comfort to you he didn't literally die there on the actual toilet... there was a good reconstruction-filled documentary about it on Channel 5 last year innit. When he realised he was having the bad kind of "heart-pounder" he got up and staggered forward in an attempt to get help. So he died face-down, flabby-arse-up in the bathroom with his pants round his ankles, much more dignified I'm sure you'll agree.
  3. 1 point
    If you are black and from New Hampshire, you sing dem blues. Y-dub I really dig u attaching songs from these artists in your posts. Get to hear these folks for the first and last time in most cases. SC
  4. 1 point
    For my 895th post, I came across this little thread, which I think sort of faded away, as I think the DL is 28 years old (29 in November). I see this was a thread for sharing earliest memories of celebrity death and the most shocking. I guess the first I recall with any clarity was Elvis Presley, given that up until then I had only seen him pre-jump/fat suit times and I remember being shocked at the coverage which showed a guy I had never seen and also at the possibility you could actually die on the pan. As though going to the loo gave you some exemption from dying! Was nothing sacred anymore? The most shocking still in my lifetime was John Lennon. After that, assassinations I regarded against the benchmark of that incident, and I guess nothing has come that close. I guess regardless of Lennon's faults, what he generally said to the world was the antithesis of his death. I don't even think Diana was in the same league, although probably in reality it was more akin. Apologies for actually dredging up an old thread, but I guess there are loads of folks here now who might want to contribute their earliest memories, etc.
  5. 1 point
    The 2020 general election? Yes, it would.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Fuck knows why but that 'philatelic' word gave me a mental picture of some old fella looking after the Queens Dildos.
  8. 1 point
    I will admit that you're much better at being a cockwomble than I am. Well we have to admit the painful truth, the old days were, indeed, better. People really knew how to pack a punch then, now its like watching somebody farting a wet one. Tragic!!!
  9. 1 point
    I will admit that you're much better at being a cockwomble than I am.
  10. 1 point
    Just because I initially thought you were talking about Harper Lee... I wonder why there was no "Which Lee dies first?" thread.
  11. 1 point
    I'd fight you and I'd fucking win as well.
  12. 1 point
    Well, Sir Creep already killed Nash, Lee and Kerkorian... so I'm going to wait and see whether he chooses Dole or Reagan to be his next victim. Edit: Actually, I'm going for Reagan, because she's on my personal list, and I'm in desperate need of a new hit.
  13. 1 point
    Vera Lynn. I expect the unexpected.
  14. 1 point
    You can do it, Hosni Mubarak, I believe in you.
  15. 1 point
    Ah, I missed this, sorry. He was on the Deathlist. [And, on a personal level, the most obscure hit I can ever recall them having.]
  16. 1 point
    My opinion is that I am wrong and you are right. Thus I win.
  17. 1 point
    Pancreatic. The reaction to which is basically "Oh fuck!".
  18. 1 point
    Repeat ad infinitum I am not a civil servent. Yes I came from a working class background but for me Christopher Lee was a superb actor who had a remarkable and long career. He was not known for making political statements and I would not have held them against him. I was a big fan of Patrick Moore and he was well known Tory (later UKIP) supporter but he was a great astronomer and science communicator. They say you become more right wing as you get older . Maybe because people accumulate wealth or wise up or just get pissed off about everything ? The left wing parties (certainly in this country) tend to try and cater to all sets of voters and they end up not making any of them happy . Labour accused of being pro immigrants ,pro ethnic minorities and forgetting the white working class but large chunks of the ethnic vote actually voted conservative especially hindu and sikh and a good chunk of the white working class went to UKIP. That was one of the key reasons they lost the election well that and treating the Scottish people like fools. Labour like to jump on bandwagons to get votes the conservative party know who their core supporters are and stick with them. I thought the main reason was because Ed Milliband lacked any charisma and people just couldn't envisage him leading the country. Tell that to Clement Attlee, Ted Heath and John Major. We're not like America yet, you know...
  19. 1 point
    Found a web site that translates into bad spelling... Sorry - I just coludn't hlep myeslf. I cringe every time I raed a post or comemnt where soemone has left eihter poor splileng or txet style abiaobtvierns. Spleling was my worst suejbct in school, and if I can do it ... I don't mnid so mcuh if it's a radnom blog, or if it's some entatmieernnt wesibte. The thing taht botehrs me are comnemts on LIREATRY webitses. Gvie me a break! If you can RAED a book, you shuold be albe to spell prrpoely when you coemmnt about waht you've read. *sigh* http://www.procato.com/misspeller/
  20. 1 point
    Really? It states heart failure on the death certificate, perhaps that was due to a stake through the heart.
  21. 1 point
    Haha gotta be the end where 'Ned' strips on the ice. 'Tis a shame you haven't seen the whole movie, for me it's one of the top 5 comedies made, but clearly that's a hockey thing and I fully understand opinions that I've oversold it. Actually now ---presuming you watched my clip -- you've seen two parts of the movie. SC
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Old McDonald had a plane...
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    That's about as exciting as it gets for Bob Dole Is that the Dole office?
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