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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/06/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I can help here. The Heismann Trophy is awarded to the 'best college football player' each year. Bear Bryant and the Alabama football program being one of the best, it is therefore a bit of an oddity that he only coached 1 winner of the Heismann, basically, considering all the talent he coached, including Joe Nameth et al. That's why they made a point of saying that.SC
  2. 2 points
    I'm thinking 'that's an unfortunate time to screen-grab'.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    Mr new Morbidkid You'll note in general it's increments of 5. At least that's the way it was. Otherwise you'd post the same obits every year.when someone other than you gives a fuck I'll stop besides these are pretty significant deaths like when I a family member dies do I stop mourning there death if its not a increment of 5 SC, I'll say this again. 1. it's never been increments of 5, that's a personal choice. 2. I only started doing posting in increments of 5 recently purely because I didn't want to post the same death anniversaries year after year. Again, that's a personal choice. 3. It's not your concern if people decide to post other anniversaries. If it's the anniversary of the death of a person that they admired, respected etc then what has it got to do with you?
  5. 2 points
    Nice thread revival, I approve. I remember Diana's death as my youngest child was only three months old, my dickhead ex-husband had got up in the night to feed her and then came back into the bedroom and said she had died, I didn't believe him. Then he put the telly on to prove it. I also distinctly remember Michael Jackson's death, as I was shagging, and my friend text me, I read her text during the 'act' and that put Boyf right off.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    I have just read a description of Jones health and I do not think she will be featuring in anyone 2016 DDP lists.
  8. 1 point
    You beat me to it! Here is an Aussie report: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-06-17/former-athlete-gold-coast-mayor-ron-clarke-dies/6552010 I like your report better, I put the UK one because it literally came up as I hit the page, and there might have been a DDP hit (he isn't). Cheers. This is a huge death for Australia as he was very popular back in his day. We are having quite an epic death year down under so far with Malcolm Fraser, Joan Kirner, Betty Churcher, Alan Bond, Ritchie Benaud, Stuart Wagstaff and Alan Seymour all gone before we are even half way through the year! Time for you Poms to start pulling your weight by having some major deaths of your own. Like Christopher Lee, Terry Pratchett, Ron Moody, Leon Brittan & Charles Kennedy That's half as many deaths and there are 53 million peopl ein England as opposed to only 23 million in Australia... Seriously, how many of the Aussies listed above are household names in the UK? They are all extremely famous in Australia (far above B-level celeb status.) Household - One (RB)
  9. 1 point
    tbh if nobody in the US has managed to get a clean shot on Barry or his predecessor considering the rage both of them inspire in 50% of the US populace, I think we're probably never going to see an American assassination ever again.
  10. 1 point
    This thread makes me feel really old, because I think the first celeb death I remember was Marilyn Monroe. Not that I had a clue who she was.
  11. 1 point
    He produced basically all Allen's films. *shudder* P.s. edit to add: Rockefeller David Rockefeller is now a member of the club since a week ago.
  12. 1 point
    Now someone can archive Mr Weinstein SC
  13. 1 point
    A Kohl day in hell, you mean?
  14. 1 point
    So, will any Victorian see 2016? I reckon at least one will. Definitely Jerelean Talley. She's really healthy and strong for her age. On the other hand, I thought the same about Gertrude Weaver... and she lasted 5 days with the title. And by 'Definitely' RadGuy means maybe. SC
  15. 1 point
    This one breaks my heart. I too thought her strong at her age and pushing 120. Last time the oldest person in the world will one from my home area of Detroit, Inkster being a neighbouring city.Shit. RIP SC
  16. 1 point
    It does happen in other developed countries, just not on the frequency that it happens in the U.S. a few years will pass between these things. I can only think of 3 that happened in the U.K in the past 30 years. They happen in proportion to the number of armed homicidal maniacs in each county. If you can't spot the homicidal maniac the next best thing is make sure they aren't armed = gun control (simps).
  17. 1 point
    yanks will not tighten their gun laws becuase of too many narcissistic southerns who put their power fantasys over other human beings.
  18. 1 point
    They are dropping like flies this year, what with Misao Okawa, Gertude Weaver and now Jeralean Talley, Talley seemed so strong for her age that i thought she would make it to 117 like Okawa did but at that age anything can happen within the blink of an eye, miracle they all lasted as long as they did to be honest.
  19. 1 point
    To be fair it hasn't been that exciting. When I joined the forum I was married, then during my divorce year I went a bit mental, embarked on a couple of rather inappropriate (but sometimes jolly good fun!) dalliances, and then met the current sucker lucky bastard and have settled into domestic mediocrity. By the way, I only looked at the text because it was late at night, and usually when someone texts you late at night it's because someone has died. Oh, wait.....
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Radio Four are broadcasting an entire programme about the giant squid next Tuesday mornin. Obviously, all activity hereabouts will cease as we check it you, right?
  22. 1 point
    Lardy, you truly are an amazing person. I think it would wound me beyond belief if I was shagging and my g/f/ wife/ whatever started reading a text during the act.
  23. 1 point
    I feel your pain Lardy, Glasto have a sporting chance (and form in this dept) with regard to a late replacement, but I'm guessing your O2 shows go back about a year now. Dave Grohl will come back and honour the deal, he's that kind of guy, right?
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    ACTUALLY he was rather indifferent to the Foo Fighters until I insisted he accompany me to a Milton Keynes gig a coupla years back. Now he thinks they're fucking awesome (he won't admit that, mind, but I know.....) I think the fact that he's in London is a positive (Grohl I mean, not my boyf - if he was in London that would be a massive positive, seeing as I'm 100 miles away) - so I'm clinging on to my Tena Lady and praying my fucking kidney infection fucks off by Saturday so I can jump up and down without too many urinary mishaps.
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