Not necessarily.
Superfast is a bit of a con trick, unless you need a high speed for data/music downloading or your broadband speed is mega shite but a provider will offer you superfast to compensate it, don't bother.
My landline STILL don't work.
You are fucking joking!!!!!
I'm fucking not. They refuse to fix it. Insist it's my fault. Costs me a fortune to keep ringing them from my mobile, and it's causing me so much grief I've stopped bothering, it boils my fucking piss so much each time I try and speak to them that I'll have a fucking coronary soon. I've taken to gobbing on every Openreach van I see
Its not down to Openreach, its down to your provider. They only refuse to send us out to fix it because you refuse to pay. Your best bet is to contact Ofcom and tell them what a bunch of fucktards your provider is. Its Talk Talk, isnt it? They are the worlds worst, I cannot even begin to understand how they are still a functioning business, every customer Ive ever been to that's had them has exclaimed 'Never Again!