You literally said Quim isnt your thing. Come out of the closet already...
As for your serious question that I ended up making fun of, when its pride month every single corporation backs it (excluding the rare exception of Chik-filla). Plus the ads are everywhere, where the LGBT is being embraced by huge labels like Calvin Klein - like where they took down the good looking women from their ads and replaced them with that fat tranny. Anyone who opposes LGBT (and this includes tolerating it but disliking the idea of it) are publicly shamed. What exactly are the gays fighting against now? What opponent do they have that's blocking their freedom? Nobody, absolutely nobody. Even the Tories support LGBT. Most christians are accepting if not tolerant of them, or at least have the 'hate the sin love the sinner' approach.
There are places where LGBT rights are needed, and that is the middle east and the 3rd world. How come people dont care if gays get thrown off of rooftops but they go ape shit when someone says something offensive online or if a comedian tells an offensive joke? The reason being is that VIRTUE SIGNALLING IS MUCH MUCH EASIER THAN ACTUALLY DOING STUFF. I really couldnt give a shit what 2+ consenting adults do, I just wish I dont have to see it everywhere I look in the media. Plus I'm just gonna say it, LGBT is cringe. I dont wanna know about the dude who had his dick turned inside out and how we all need to call him she. At the end of the day, I'd probably be cool with calling he a she - unlike he/she was a dick, then I have every right to call him/her a he. Bruce/Kaitlyn Jenner fined someone 250 grand for heckling 'Show us your dick Bruce!'.
As I said, got no issues with people being comfortable in their own skin/sexuality, I just really wish it werent constantly being made my business and stuffed down my throat - like how im supposed to now think that sticking 100 dildos onto your body and walking around is now normal - like I cant question why someone would want to do that or else I face charges...