Menem menem, dead dead dead dead dead. The former President of Argentina had a lot wrong with him and as such he was a very popular pick in the cup. So popular in fact that all except one tie gets some points. First, CalebH cashes his joker, and as such he’s now one point from overtaking Baby Blue. Well, until you realize they also had him. So far it seems like one Milford Graves is the decider of the match. Just like the DDP potentially. Djemba Djemba was the other joker that round, and he now holds a 9 point lead against Joemoneypenny. Charles De Gaulle scores his first points against markb4, which now has every single tie having at least some points in round. Both Old Crem and Yorkshire had Menem which leaves that match effectively the same score difference. Great Uncle Bulgaria gets a bigger lead against Gooseberry, who predicted the enema would ravage in 2021. Well, it seems like it has, just not necessarily with the members he picked. Oh, and ThereWillBeDeaths7 continues his massive lead over GuyFromFuture. Er, some advice for the latter, you might want to check your time machine to make sure you’re not accidentally sending yourself to February 2021 BC...
Baby Blue vs CalebH 13 - 9
Djemba Djemba vs JoeMoneyPenny 12 - 3
BuffaloPhil vs nantonian2013 3 - 6
The Old Crem vs YorkshireBanker 3 - 9
Markb4 vs Charles De Gaulle 0 - 3
GreatUncleBulgaria vs Gooseberry Crumble 6 - 0
ThereWillBeDeaths7 vs GuyFromFuture 10 - 0