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2 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

Didn't she live in a village, and early 20th century it would've had a small population? By the time she was old, most (if not all) of the people around at the time of her identity switch would've died. I don't find that hard to believe at all.

The problem is the switch moment.


I mean. Just take a person who knows both of them. They switch identity. This person meets Yvonne, who is now claiming to be her mother.


Come on, he would be able to tell she is Yvonne.

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21 minutes ago, drol said:

The problem is the switch moment.


I mean. Just take a person who knows both of them. They switch identity. This person meets Yvonne, who is now claiming to be her mother.


Come on, he would be able to tell she is Yvonne.

It doesn't necessarily work like that. There isn't always a "moment". Sometimes ppl start to assume another person's identity and slowly begin using the name and attributes more often as time goes on. That seems more likely to me.

I mean, why this is so hard to believe? This shit still goes on in the west even today. 

Huge case in the UK right now. Nicholas Rossi, who was unmasked just recently: https://news.sky.com/story/nicholas-rossi-man-arrested-on-covid-ward-in-scotland-is-american-rape-suspect-who-faked-his-own-death-court-rules-12744327 And he was just seriously unlucky to get caught... (one of the nurses recognised his tattoos from an Interpol wanted picture... which is odd in itself!).

I would argue that so many people don't get caught when assuming a new identity providing that they don't get sloppy or fall foul to bad luck.

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I remember reading in this book that in the insurance world, Calment's age was known to be fake. Apparently (but it's just gossip coming from who knows who) the insurance that was supposed to pay her rent until her death discovered the truth about the switch identity and noticed it to the French government which asked them to not tell anyone and to continue paying her the rent. Apparently it was a common example of insurance fraud but don't know what that's worth tbh. 

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19 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

It doesn't necessarily work like that. There isn't always a "moment". Sometimes ppl start to assume another person's identity and slowly begin using the name and attributes more often as time goes on. That seems more likely to me.

I mean, why is this so hard to believe, I'm not too sure. This shit still goes on in the west even today. 

Huge case in the UK right now. Nicholas Rossi, who was unmasked just recently: https://news.sky.com/story/nicholas-rossi-man-arrested-on-covid-ward-in-scotland-is-american-rape-suspect-who-faked-his-own-death-court-rules-12744327 And he was just seriously unlucky to get caught... (one of the nurses recognised his tattoos from an Interpol wanted picture... which is odd in itself!).

I would argue that so many people don't get caught when assuming a new identity providing that they don't get sloppy or fall foul to bad luck.

you're right but the details that Calment gave about her life in the last interviews of her would be hardly known by anyone even by her own daughter (her meeting with Van Gogh, the name of the person who made her communion dress, the name of her piano teacher who wasn't even in the region when Yvonne was in age of playing piano herself etc…). It can happen true but an old people (sometimes quite frail as Calment in her last years and loosing his/her mind) would have been tired of this lie or would have made a mistake. She never did so I don't think your theory is working

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2 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

you're right but the details that Calment gave about her life in the last interviews of her would be hardly known by anyone even by her own daughter (her meeting with Van Gogh, the name of the person who made her communion dress, the name of her piano teacher who wasn't in the region when Yvonne was in age of playing piano herself etc…). It can happens true but an old people (sometimes quite frail and loosing his/her mind) would have been tired of this lie or would have made a mistake. She never did so I don't think your theory is working

The van Gogh story is most probably imaginary, even if she indeed was Jeanne.

Actually it seems that in these interviews she had made many "mistakes" speaking for things from Yvonne's point of view and not Jeanne's.

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4 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

you're right but the details that Calment gave about her life in the last interviews of her would be hardly known by anyone even by her own daughter (her meeting with Van Gogh, the name of the person who made her communion dress, the name of her piano teacher who wasn't even in the region when Yvonne was in age of playing piano herself etc…). It can happen true but an old people (sometimes quite frail as Calment in her last years and loosing his/her mind) would have been tired of this lie or would have made a mistake. She never did so I don't think your theory is working

"I once met Vincent Van Gogh in my father's shop and he was a very scruffy man" is hardly compelling evidence. Anyone can make up tall tales and/or stories can be passed down generations.

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26 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

Didn't she live in a village, and early 20th century it would've had a small population? By the time she was old, most (if not all) of the people around at the time of her identity switch would've died. I don't find that hard to believe at all.

The Cathedral city of Arles, where she was part of the upper class. The number of people who have known both her and her husband and daughter well, and chose to keep the switch secret, is so many that it stretches my own credulity, I'm afraid. I mean, several hundred French people KEEPING a secret for 90 years? No way! :lol:


And if there was a switch, for personal financial reasons, what the vested interest for all these people keeping secret? 


But in general I stick to three things:

1. Occams Razor, the simplest explanation is usually the most reasonable.

2. If new research is exciting, it's usually wrong.

3. The obsession with the exact age of super-centenarians is fucking weird. "Oh what month was Kane Tanaka born in, this changes EVERYTHING!" I blame Fauja Singh. :D

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3 hours ago, Hanzem said:

Two researchers wrote a book containing new evidence that Jeanne Calment actually died in 1934 and her daughter Yvonne pretended to be Jeanne. They claim that after 15 hours of Calment video recordings were made public there is now enough evidence to debunk her.

If Jeanne Calment is debunked Kane Tanaka could hold the title of oldest person ever. However, the same researchers say that she could potentially be a case of exaggerated age due to identity switch too.



So is Robert Young actually a fraud? Wikipedians certainly seem to think so, he's permanently banned there.

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17 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

"I once met Vincent Van Gogh in my father's shop and he was a very scruffy man" is hardly compelling evidence. Anyone can make up tall tales and/or stories can be passed down generations.

Not just that but the story about her communion dress for exemple is so precise that I don’t think her own daughter could have invented it. People investigated and found the exact same couturier who did it

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5 minutes ago, DaDeathGuy said:

So is Robert Young actually a fraud? Wikipedians certainly seem to think so, he's permanently banned there.

He's not banned. He was making edits as recent as 5 days ago.

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20 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

He's not banned. He was making edits as recent as 5 days ago.

Right, but he's topic banned from human longevity. An admin there also debated if he was a quack once.

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I certainly don’t think the man does anything to help his case. Very arrogant and bullish. It’s frustrating that in this day and age the GRG is the best we’ve got for this type of stuff.

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2 hours ago, Lafaucheuse said:

you're right but the details that Calment gave about her life in the last interviews of her would be hardly known by anyone even by her own daughter (her meeting with Van Gogh, the name of the person who made her communion dress, the name of her piano teacher who wasn't even in the region when Yvonne was in age of playing piano herself etc…). It can happen true but an old people (sometimes quite frail as Calment in her last years and loosing his/her mind) would have been tired of this lie or would have made a mistake. She never did so I don't think your theory is working


I don't find that difficult to believe when I think of my late aunt, who was dedicated to recording family history.  She interviewed all her older relatives and wrote down all their recollections, and none more so than her mother.  My grandmother was 40 years older than her children, and lived to 100 so her memories covered a lot of ground.  My aunt, who lived into her 90s, remembered every detail that she had ever been told to her dying day. 

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No dia 15/11/2022 às 11:05, arghton disse:

Há 6-8 homens mais velhos do que o que Fauja Singh afirma ser, já que Carlos Julio Rincon Garzon e Francis Zouein são agora considerados possíveis fraudadores, o que significa que ele já está no "top 10". Também uma na seção de "prováveis requerentes" Pauline Boulangger Mogollon morreu em dezembro.

Aqui está o fraudador Fauja este mês:




Existem requerentes mais velhos, mas, curiosamente, quase todos os requerentes amplamente conhecidos parecem estar com a saúde debilitada ou parecem muito piores do que há algum tempo. Padmashri Swami Sivananda afirma ter 126 anos ou algo assim e está finalmente começando a parecer frágil.

Dharampal Singh Gudha, essa versão ainda mais exagerada de Fauja Singh (tinha cerca de 79 anos, afirmava ter 119) parece ter desaparecido da face da terra nos últimos anos e eu não tenho ideia se ele ainda está vivo. Ele estaria "apenas" por volta dos 85 anos agora, mas acho que é possível que ele tenha morrido fora do radar, não consiga encontrar nada recente sobre ele.

wanted to know about Rufino Roadel from the Philippines

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4 hours ago, drol said:

The problem is the switch moment.


I mean. Just take a person who knows both of them. They switch identity. This person meets Yvonne, who is now claiming to be her mother.


Come on, he would be able to tell she is Yvonne.

Especially since Yvonne died and was buried in 1934. Surely someone that was looking at the body like a doctor would realise that this 36 year old woman looks way older than 36. Also there's the question of why would Yvonne switch places with her mom when the inheritance was going to her anyways the moment she died. Not to mention that for the first 8 years Jeanette's husband would of still been alive so very difficult for him not to notice.


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Some videos of Fusa Tatsumi from two months ago here:

Around 1:10, 2:02, 2:46. I don't remember if any other supercentenarian has made the same kind of "rattling"/snoring-like sound Tatsumi has made in multiple of these videos and I'm very suprised she's made it this far.

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53 minutes ago, arghton said:

Some videos of Fusa Tatsumi from two months ago here:

Around 1:10, 2:02, 2:46. I don't remember if any other supercentenarian has made the same kind of "rattling"/snoring-like sound Tatsumi has made in multiple of these videos and I'm very suprised she's made it this far.

Are we sure she’s not dead ?

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On 11/10/2022 at 12:46, arghton said:

Mitsuno Sato, Japanese supercentenarian and possibly the world's 17th-oldest dead at 113.


The #11-20 now probably:

Dominga Coca Garcia (Not born 1908) Oldest Chilean, survived a fractured hip at 110.

L. P. (15 Oct 1908) Oldest Austrian.

Hide Hamabe (3 Dec 1908)

Nina Willis (14 Jan 1909) Oldest in the US state of Georgia. Bedbound for the last two years.

Shinobu Hayashi (15 Mar 1909) Oldest Sumo fan.

Annabelle Holblinger (16 Mar 1909) US, oldest in Colorado

Shige Mineshiba (18 May 1909) Oldest in Canada. Suffering from advanced dementia and heart issues.

Juan Vicente Perez Mora (27 May 1909) Oldest living man and oldest person in Venezuela

Rachel Kohl (28 June 1909)

Elizabeth Francis (25 July 1909) Oldest in Texas, bed/wheelchairbound

Rachel Kohl, oldest person in Missouri dead at 113 according to 110club. Around the 19th-oldest person living and one of the around 30 people living born in the 1900s.

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On 18/11/2022 at 08:08, arghton said:

Some videos of Fusa Tatsumi from two months ago here:

Around 1:10, 2:02, 2:46. I don't remember if any other supercentenarian has made the same kind of "rattling"/snoring-like sound Tatsumi has made in multiple of these videos and I'm very suprised she's made it this far.

That might just be her breathing I’ve heard the death rattle before and this is way different 

Edited by Insane
Misspelled word
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4 minutes ago, Insane said:

That might just be her breathing I’ve heard the death rattle before and this is way different 

I've heard it a few times myself sadly.


If it was a death rattle, she would be dead...

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Austria's oldest ever Luise Pompe (previously known as "L. P.") and the 11th-oldest living person at the time of her death, dead at 114 according to 110club. Died a bit under two weeks ago.

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How many people there are left born before 1910?


Top 10:

1. Lucile Randon (1904-2023)

2. Maria Branyas Morera (1907) 

3. Fusa Tatsumi (1907-2023) Very frail.

4. Bessie Hendricks (1907-2022)

5. Edie Ceccarelli (1908-2024) Dementia sufferer seemingly in fast health decline.

6. Kahoru Furuya (1908-2022) Oldest person ever with a pacemaker, as far as I know the first person with a pacemaker to live to 114.

7. Tomiko Itooka (1908) Survived a stroke and a brain surgery at around 110, medical miracle.

8. Inah Canabarro Lucas (1908) Picture of health a year ago, but as far as I know has been in and out of hospital recently. Still doesn't look frail however.

9. Hazel Plummer (1908-2023) Extremely frail.

10. Kimiko Ono (1908-2022) 




11. Yasue Okai (1908-2023) 114 in a few days. Seems very frail.

12. Hide Hamabe (1908-2023) 

13. Nina Willis (1909-2023) Was already in very frail condition in January 2021.

14. Shinobu Hayashi (1909-2023) Sumo wrestling fan, often wears a large hat. 

15. Annabelle Holblinger (1909-2023)

16. Shige Mineshiba (1909-2023) Canada's oldest suffering from dementia for over a decade. Heart attack survivor.

17. Juan Vicente Perez Mora (1909-2024) Oldest man

18. Elizabeth Francis (1909)

19. Ethel Caterham (1909) Last subject of Edward VII.

20. Okagi Hayashi (1909) Looks amazing for 113.

21. Josephina Maria da Conceicao (1909-2023) Frail and possibly a dementia sufferer. Could be one of those cases that turn out to be fake.

22. Juliette Bilde (1909-2022) Second-oldest French person. Frail with swollen legs.

23. Shina Seki (1909-2023) 

24. Pearl Berg (1909-2024) On oxygen in 2019 or 2020, looked great this year. Claims to be born 1910 instead of 1909.

25. Tane Matsubara (1909-2024) Very frail.

26. Maki Hirabayashi (1909-2023) Not seen in 8 years. 

27. Maria Aulenbacher (1909-2023)

28. Masa Matsumoto (1909-) 

29. Charlotte Kretschmann (1909) 

30. Concepcion Alarcon Vega (1909-limbo, 2021) Frail at 109, is she still alive?


Matsu Gaja (1908-2022, would possibly be the fifth or sixth-oldest person) and Kimi Kawasaki (1909-2022, would be the 16th-oldest) are probably still alive but didn't include them as apparently nearly nothing is known about them by gerontology groups. There are a few fraudsters who I've dropped due to the fact that they're now considered fraudsters by Gerontology Wikia and half of them have probably already died in limbo and fraudster Wang Zhanwen, who seems old but isn't 115.

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Is Marita Camacho Quiross the most famous supercentenarian (known for other reason than her age) ? I think as a first lady she has to be  

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