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Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2006

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Feel insignificant.


Very trippy on "auto."


Wow, spaced-out! That's really good viewing actually. Cheers CP! :lol:

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Watch the World Cup on telly!

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I am Millhouse. <_<


These days, everything is coming up Milhouse. Your mom says you're the handsomest guy in school, your dad is a superstar at the cracker factory, and you've even made the FBI's most wanted list. The only troubling thing is that you've been unable to locate your pet fish Goldy. Your friends are telling you that you never had a fish, but then why do you have the bowl? Why do you have the bowl??

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Which Simpsons character are you?



Your Simpsons personality is....

Principal Skinner

... typical. <_<


I am Martin. Who??

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Your Simpsons personality is.... Sideshow Bob


Horoscope: The bad news is that you're going to the. And by "the", we mean "die"--slowly and painfully. Somebody you know is planning to disembowel you. Wait, no... not disembowel... gut you. It will happen when you least expect it; perhaps when you are enjoying the amusing caricatures of Gore Vidal and Susan Sontag in the Review of Books; perhaps when you are smoking a cigarette and watching a well-plotted piece of non-claptrap that will never once make you want to retch; perhaps he will simply place a sharp rake in your path. Before you are killed, however, you'll have some excitement when your murderer chases you in his car, although it will seem a little tacked on.

To find out which Simpsons character matches your personality, go to:

The Official* Simpsons Personality Quiz

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I was Mindy


<B>Your Simpsons personality is.... <font size="6" color="red">Mindy</font> <P>Horoscope: You sure look good naked, riding a clam, but it won't be enough to keep you from being indicted on charges of stealing shower curtains from over a thousand hotel rooms. <P>To find out which Simpsons character matches your personality, go to: <P><A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/iqhometest/simpsons.html">The Official* Simpsons Personality Quiz</A>

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Wow, CP, Sideshow Bob!

He's my favourite character... along with that brainy scientist who never has any luck.

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i was born to be a pediatrician


I'd be a pathologist:


Pathology is the best of all specialties. A pathologist is a doctor who knows everything and does everything, but it's too late. As a pathologist, you will not only be able to avoid patients, but also nearly all living human contact. You'll find yourself bringing your microscope to the beach with you. But you will have the most humorous anecdotes to tell people when you get invited to parties. That is, if you get invited to parties.


Sounds right to me!

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I must be one of the few people in the world that hate 'The Simpsons'.


It thought it was really good in its time, but they should have killed it off ages ago. Now it's just the same boring jokes in the same boring situations with a slightly different scenarios and backdrops. Now if I watch it, I feel that if it's more out of obligation than anything...

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I don't what an internist is but that's what I'll be. Sounds boring I wanted to be a pathologist.


I'm with you CP on The Simpsons. Started off well but it's lost its way now.

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I'd be a pathologist:

As would I. I'm not surprised. When I'm examining the entrails after a programme died unexpectedly it's pretty much the same, if less gory.




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See Jesus. It works too**







(I'm using stars, as my exclamation mark button doesn't work, ok?)

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What medical specialty is for you?


Ophthalmology is the best of all specialties. As an ophthalmologist, you will be unable to spell the name of the field you went into. You will loudly assert the difference between your field and optometry, but eventually, you will be making too much money to care.


Sounds pretty good to me.

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What medical specialty is for you?


I should be a psychiatrist, fairly accurate I would say :


Psychiatry is the best of all specialties. As a psychiatrist, people may claim that you went into the field because you yourself are crazy. But only you know the truth, which is that you are crazy. Enjoy the ride.

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See Jesus. It works too**



(I'm using stars, as my exclamation mark button doesn't work, ok?)



This is quite interesting too...

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See Jesus. It works too**

(I'm using stars, as my exclamation mark button doesn't work, ok?)


This is quite interesting too...


Can anyone explain this one? :D


Please? :)


My guess is that it has something to do with the thickness of the black lines. :D



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Watch Dubya sing, "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"

That's not really him singing that song; someone's just cut together words from a few speeches he's made that are the same as the words from the song, and dubbed them over a soundtrack to make it sound like he's singing it.

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