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Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

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But for me, a good actor/actress is defined by diversity and versatility, an ability to play a range of roles and make them believable, and I think some people, especially long standing soap stars like Dreary Barlow , William Roache and Adam Woodyatt, have done themselves no favours by remaining in the same character for hundreds of years

While I agree that playing the same character forever doesn't show a wide acting range, being purely pragmatic it makes sense to stay in a regular well-paid job that you enjoy doing for as long as possible for security reasons.Anyway, Deirdre was involved in most of the best Corrie storylines I can remember - Rovers lorry crash where Tracey was missing, Ken/Mike affair, the whole Samir thing, and going to prison.

She'll be missed.


Possibly not the finest example to be fair.

That was a cringing plot and the fella that played Samir was so wooden it looked like somebody had left a fence on the Street.

Hey, her specs live on, right?



I still watched it in those days. Was it ever explained why she pronounced his name "Shamir" for ages and then suddenly started calling him "Samir"?


Ha! Yes, quite right Toastie, mind you what did he call her?


All Bollocks, I mean, he didn't even fleece her did he!!!!

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That was a cringing plot and the fella that played Samir was so wooden it looked like somebody had left a fence on the Street.

Samir was dreadful, I quite agreed, but the initial storyline and his death were great

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I know it's in bad taste but of the big four foverer presents who'll go first? June Brown, William Roache, Eileen Derbyshire or Adam Woodyatt?

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I know it's in bad taste but of the big four foverer presents who'll go first? June Brown, William Roache, Eileen Derbyshire or Adam Woodyatt?


I'd opt for June Brown out of that lot.

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I know it's in bad taste but of the big four foverer presents who'll go first? June Brown, William Roache, Eileen Derbyshire or Adam Woodyatt?


I'd opt for June Brown out of that lot.


Isn't smoking a preservative and that's why she's lasted so long? :smoking-smiley:

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I know it's in bad taste but of the big four foverer presents who'll go first? June Brown, William Roache, Eileen Derbyshire or Adam Woodyatt?

I'd opt for June Brown out of that lot.

We weren't enquiring about your sexual preferences!!

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I know it's in bad taste but of the big four foverer presents who'll go first? June Brown, William Roache, Eileen Derbyshire or Adam Woodyatt?


I'd opt for June Brown out of that lot.


Isn't smoking a preservative and that's why she's lasted so long? :smoking-smiley:


It didn`t work for Anne Kirkbride though!

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I know it's in bad taste but of the big four foverer presents who'll go first? June Brown, William Roache, Eileen Derbyshire or Adam Woodyatt?

I'd opt for June Brown out of that lot.

We weren't enquiring about your sexual preferences!!


There are people you do make sexual innuendo references with and there are people that, well, you just don't..........................

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I know it's in bad taste but of the big four foverer presents who'll go first? June Brown, William Roache, Eileen Derbyshire or Adam Woodyatt?


Is Eileen Derbyshire still on the Street? I thought she had left and then remembered that I was thinking of Thelma Barlow.

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I wonder if we'll find out if it's true that Anne Kirkbride and Helen Worth hated each so much they'd only do scenes together if they could throw insults or worse at each other.

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I wonder if we'll find out if it's true that Anne Kirkbride and Helen Worth hated each so much they'd only do scenes together if they could throw insults or worse at each other.

This is another Handy special.

Just a titbit of info tossed into the mix................. :)

Where did you hear that from??

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Actually, please don't tell me that Deirdre was prone to leaving Ken "little presents" on his pillow between scenes.........

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I can't remember where I first heard it but it's been doing the rounds for a long time. I only ever see Corrie when I'm at my mum's so I'm not an avid watcher but I'm struggling to remember them having many scenes together.


She's very forthcoming with tributes so I can only conclude it's true.



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Actually, please don't tell me that Deirdre was prone to leaving Ken "little presents" on his pillow between scenes.........


Never heard anything of that nature but I wouldn't be hughely surprised.

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Actually, please don't tell me that Deirdre was prone to leaving Ken "little presents" on his pillow between scenes.........


Never heard anything of that nature but I wouldn't be hughely surprised.


Couldn't she have used the toilet like a civilized person?

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Actually, please don't tell me that Deirdre was prone to leaving Ken "little presents" on his pillow between scenes.........


Never heard anything of that nature but I wouldn't be hughely surprised.


Couldn't she have used the toilet like a civilized person?


Well, if it was good enough for Una.....................

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Getting back on-topic. What's a pub doing employing an 86 year old? That job could go to a young unemployed person.

I have noticed that Betty's hotpot dosen't seem to be served in the Rovers anymore, it seems to have been phased out by sandwiches, maybe thats so when she actually does retire, no one will miss her, as there wont be anyone to make the hotpot, or will it be a case of a stranger wandering into the rovers and asking for a Betty's and getting a Fred's instead and then commenting on how things ain't what they used to be, will her hotpots live on after her, or will she just be forgotten? :D


You'd be amazed.


There's a pub near where I am at the moment (let's just say east Kent) that has had the same landlord since 1948. He's in his late 80s now.


His bed is around the corner of the bar, he doesn't believe in pumps so the beer comes from a tap in the barrell, the till is his pocket and the prices always change.


If you drink there late he leaves the keys and asks you to lock up and pop them through the door when you leave.


It's kitted out in genuine 1960s furniture, with 1970s glasses.


Oh, nobody ever goes there because the only sign that there is a pub is a handpainted bit of cardboard saying "ReAl aLE --- thIS wAy"


It's known as the pub you take somebody else's wife to...




Is this place still open, sounds perfect for a DL meet.


Liz Dawn does not expect to live another year. http://uk.tv.yahoo.c...-123306736.html Bit of a miss not having her on this years list esp after Bill Tarmeys death!


Yet she's still kicking a few years later.



I know it's in bad taste but of the big four foverer presents who'll go first? June Brown, William Roache, Eileen Derbyshire or Adam Woodyatt?


Is Eileen Derbyshire still on the Street? I thought she had left and then remembered that I was thinking of Thelma Barlow.



Yes, she's appearing less often these days but she's still around.

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Actually, please don't tell me that Deirdre was prone to leaving Ken "little presents" on his pillow between scenes.........


Never heard anything of that nature but I wouldn't be hughely surprised.


Couldn't she have used the toilet like a civilized person?


Well, if it was good enough for Una.....................


Thanks for the mental image.

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Guest Guest

4 major Corrie actors have died in the last 3 y ears !

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4 major Corrie actors have died in the last 3 y ears !

Which for a show that's been running so long isn't that surprising

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Who were they we had Anne Kirkbride this year Bill Tarmey in 2012 and Betty Driver in 2011 but I can`t think of any others.I definitely think that Jean Alexander should have a place on next years list and Liz Dawn.

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Hardly surprising that a lot of Coronation Street characters have died, yes Anne Kirkbride was a shock but they have quite an old cast and i wouldn't be surprised if a few more Corrie stars died in the next few years Bill Roache is 83, Eileen Derbyshire is 84, Liz Dawn won't go on forever, Jean Alexander is 89 and had a stroke last year.

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Who were they we had Anne Kirkbride this year Bill Tarmey in 2012 and Betty Driver in 2011 but I can`t think of any others.I definitely think that Jean Alexander should have a place on next years list and Liz Dawn.

Maggie Jones. I was trying to think of the 4th myself but I'd forgotten about Bill Tarmey!

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Who were they we had Anne Kirkbride this year Bill Tarmey in 2012 and Betty Driver in 2011 but I can`t think of any others.I definitely think that Jean Alexander should have a place on next years list and Liz Dawn.

Maggie Jones. I was trying to think of the 4th myself but I'd forgotten about Bill Tarmey!

she died back in 2009.

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Who were they we had Anne Kirkbride this year Bill Tarmey in 2012 and Betty Driver in 2011 but I can`t think of any others.I definitely think that Jean Alexander should have a place on next years list and Liz Dawn.

Maggie Jones. I was trying to think of the 4th myself but I'd forgotten about Bill Tarmey!

she died back in 2009.

Wow!! Feels more recent than that. In that case I've got no idea who Guest Guest is talking about!!

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